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Baloo's Bugle

May 2006 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 12, Issue 10
June 2006 Theme

Theme: Invent a Reason to Celebrate
Webelos: Traveler and Artist
Tiger Cub



Class Claps
Baltimore Area Council

These are my favorite cheers.  After years as a RT Commissioner, my RTs do these with my simply calling the name, I do not counting them out each time   CD

CLASS A CLAP:    Clap hands to this rhythm:
1-2-3-4,  1-2,  1-2,  1-2-3-4,  1-2,  1-2,  1-2-3-4,  1-2-3-4,  1
(The last clap is a big, loud one).

CLASS B CLAP:     Clap hands to this rhythm:
1-2-3-4, 1-2,  1-2,  1-2-3-4,  1-2,  1-2,  1-2-3-4,  1-2-3-4, miss
Move hands past each other on the last clap

CLASS C CLAP:    Clap hands to this rhythm:
1-2-3-4,  1-2,  1-2,  1-2-3-4,  1-2,  1-2,  1-2-3-4,  1-2-3-4,miss first , then clap once
First move hands past each other (the miss), then clap (a loud one).

I, also, like the CLASS Z CLAP

Miss-miss-miss-miss,   Miss-miss,   miss-miss,   Miss-miss-miss-miss,   Miss-miss,   miss-miss,   Miss-miss-miss-miss,   Miss-miss-miss-miss,   HIT
Move hands back and forth in rhythm to the beat but never making contact until the last beat.  The leader should count out the beat for this one.

Longhorn Council

Baden Powell Applause: Stand very erectly with your hands clasped together behind your back in parade rest position.  Look left to right, right to left, smile slightly, and then nod head as if saying "Yes".

DYB (Do Your Best) Applause: Leader chants "DYB, DYB, DYB, DYB, Do Your Best." Group responds with "We'll DOB, DOB, DOB, Do Our Best." Repeat two times.

Friendship Applause:  Have your neighbor put his left hand out to his side, and you clap it with your right hand; meanwhile you are also holding out your left hand and your other neighbor is clapping with his right hand, etc.

Grand Salute Applause: Slap your knees five times and count out loud "1-2-3-4-5." Stamp your feet five times as you count, clap your hands five times as you count, and then stand up and salute.

Heart of America Council

The Roller Coaster Cheer: Cubmaster explaining that the roller coaster is going up a hill – everyone pats knees, going slower as you reach the top. Finally you are at the top, everyone throws their hands into the air and screams! (Repeat 3 times for 3 hills.)

The Paper Bag Cheer: Everyone takes their imaginary paper bag, blows into it three times then "POPS!" it.

Jet Plane: Hold palm of right hand straight and move in swooping motion from right to left, back to right and then  to left. Give a good loud “Zoooooommm” with each motion.

Imaginary: Pretend you are clapping but have hands go by each other instead of hitting.

Skateboard:  -- Stand u p and move top part of body from one side to the other like keeping balance and then say, “Zoooooomm.”

Party Cheer: Throw hands in the air and say, "Confetti. Confetti, Confetti." "

Balloon: Put hands to mouth and blow. As you blow put hands out in circle getting bigger then yell "BANG"'.

Baseball: Pretend to throw a ball up and pretend to hit it with the bat. After you hit the ball, shout "HOME RUN"'.

Fishing - Pretend to cast out and reel in 3 times and then say something like (3 feet) as you hold your hands apart to show how big the fish is.

Clown Applause: Hold fingers at both comers of mouth, pull mouth up into smile am say "Smile, everybody, smile."

Paper Bag Cheer
Greater St. Louis Area Council

Pop Goes the Weasel Day is June 14th
 (the same as Flag day)

Make the motions to simulate opening a paper bag, forming a neck, blowing it up, and then pop it, saying, “POP!”

Heart of America Council

Ranger:      Young man, what are you doing climbing that tree?

Scout:        The sign says, "Keep Off the Grass". "

Scout:        Can you swim? .

Instructor:  I'll have you know I've been swimming since I was four years old.

Scout:        Gosh, you must be tired!

Baltimore Area Council

What is the difference between a Cub Scout going to the second floor of the Empire State Building and a Cub Scout looking upstairs the Empire State Building? –
One is stepping upstairs and the other is staring up steps.

Librarian:          Please be quiet, little boy. The people near you can’t even read.

Noisy little boy:    Then what are they doing here in a library?

Heart of America Council

Cub #1    Enters with a large board, and throws it down.

Cub #2   What are you doing?

Cub #1.   I don’t know, I’m bored!

Cub enters with a large board and throws it down.

Then he yells,  “Man overboard”

Finally, he jumps over the board.

Cub #1    Enters with a pine branch and pokes the Emcee.

Cub #2    What are you doing?

Cub #1    I’m needling you.

Cub #1    Comes onstage carrying a big black circle cut out of poster board.  He puts the circle on the floor and goes over to B and moves B onto the circle.

Cub #2    What are you doing?

Cub #1    I’m putting you on the spot.

Heart of America Council

Why is it dangerous to walk in the grass? 
                     (The grass is full of blades.)

Rhyme Time
Heart of America Council

What do you call a rabbit that likes to clown around?
                                                        (a funny bunny)

What do you call a careless driver?         (a fender bender)

What do you call a pair of monsters?  (a gruesome twosome)

What do you call an organization that baby bears belong to? 
                                                              (a cub club)

What do you call a happy father?                  (a glad dad)

What do you call a doghouse?                     (a mutt hut)

What do you call a small meal                    (a light bite)

The Van Gogh Family Tree
Great Salt Lake Council

After much careful research it has been discovered the great artist Van Gogh had many relatives –

An obnoxious brother                                Please Gogh

A dizzy Aunt                                             Verti Gogh

A brother who ran a convenience store           Stopn Gogh

Grandfather from Yugoslavia                             U Gogh

Cousin from Illinois                                   Chica Gogh

A magician Uncle                              Wheredidhe Gogh

A Mexican Cousin                                     Amee Gogh

A stage coach driver                                Wellsfar Gogh

A ballroom dancer                                       Tang Gogh

An ornithologist                                      Flamin Gogh

A psychoanalyst                                              E Gogh

A bouncy nephew                                   Po Gogh


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