Sept 2003 |
| Soaring To New Heights Webelos - Communicator, Citizen
Oct 2003 |
| Once Upon A Time Webelos - Showman, Citizen
Nov 2003 |
| Pilgrams of Plymouth Rock Webelos - Craftsman, Scientist
Dec 2003 |
| A Cub Scout Gives Good Will Webelos - Craftsman, Scientist
Jan 2004 |
| Home Alone Webelos - Fitness, Readyman
February 2004 |
| Fiesta! (Blue and Gold Theme) Webelos - Scholar, Engineer
March 2004 |
| Walk in My Shoes Webelos - Athlete, Engineer
April 2004 |
| Cubservation Webelos - Sportsman, Family Member
May 2004 |
| My Home State Webelos - Outdoorsman, Handyman
June 2004 |
| Cub Rock Webelos - Traveler, Artist
July 2004 |
| Fin Fun Webelos - Aquanaut, Geologist
August 2004 |
| Scouting the Midway Webelos - Naturalist, Forester