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Practice Problems

Use either the digital distance computer model below, or a paper computer that you have made to work these exercises.  The "SETUP" section tells you how the step or pace was measured.  Use this information to solve each of the problems.  The problem will give you the distance or count; you calculate the count or distance, whichever one is not given.  Move the mouse over the question mark to view the correct answer; it will appear in the "status" box at the bottom of your browser.  Remember that this kind of computer does not give exact answers; if you come within one or two units of the answer given, your answer is correct.

Here is how to do the practice exercises:
SETUP: 100 feet in 50 steps.
(Move the black arrowhead to 50. Move the blue triangle to 100.)
1. Steps = 75. (Drag the black triangle to 75. Notice the blue triangle (the feet) moves, too. That's because as the number of steps increases, so does the distance (feet).)
So, the answer is, Feet = 150. Now you try it.

  1.  SETUP: 100 feet in 45 steps.
    1. Steps = 78.  Feet = ??
    2. Feet = 250.  Steps = ??
    3. Steps = 32.  Feet = ??
    4. Feet = 25.  Steps = ??

  2. SETUP: 100 feet in 18 paces
    1. Paces = 55.  Feet = ??
    2. Feet = 380.  Paces = ??
    3. Paces = 12.  Feet = ??
    4. Feet = 75.  Paces = ??

  3. SETUP: 40 meters in 48 steps.
    1. Steps = 37.  Meters = ??
    2. Meters = 90.  Steps = ??
    3. Steps = 82.  Meters = ??
    4. Meters = 55. Steps = ??

  4. SETUP: 100 meters in 44 paces.
    1. Paces = 30.  Meters = ??
    2. Meters = 85.  Paces = ??
    3. Paces = 72.  Meters = ??
    4. Meters = 115. Paces = ??

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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