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 1. Rope, Knots, Hitches & Splices, published by WELLINGTON Puritan, Inc., Madison, GA 30650,


 2. Gibson, Charles E. , Handbook of KNOTS & SPLICES, published by Barnes & Noble, Inc.,

     ISBN 1-56619-771-6


 3. Owen, Peter, The Book of Outdoor Knots, published by Lyons & Burford, ISBN 1-55821-225-6


 4. Day, Cyrus Lawrence, The Art of Knotting & Splicing, (4th Edition), published by Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD, ISBN 0-87021-062-9


 5. Smith, Hervey Garret, The Marlinspike Sailor, published by International Marine, ISBN 0-87742-412-8


 6. Fry, Eric C., The Complete Book of Knots and Ropework, published by David and Charles, ISBN 0-7153-0574-3


 7. Owen, Peter, The Book of Decorative Knots, published by Lyons & Burford, ISBN 1-55821-304-X


 8. Gibson, Walter B., Knots and How To Tie Them, published by Wings Books, ISBN 0-517-09369-3


 9. Learn All Kinds of Knots and Splices, Troyer’s Rope Company, Route 3, Box 72, Conneautville. PA 16406 (Note: this is a delightful Amish family run operation)


10. Wheelock, Walt, Ropes, Knots and Slings for Climbers, published by La Siesta Press, Box 406, Glendale, CA 91209, in 1967


11. Richards, Dave, The Splicing Book, published by Wellington Puritan Mills, 1980


12. Bigoin, Mario and Regazzoni Guido, The Morrow Guide to Knots, published by William Morrow and Company, Inc., ISBN 0-688-01226-4 (pbk)


13. Budworth, Geoffrey, The Knot Book, published by Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. ISBN 0-8069-7944-5


14, Knot Tying and Rigging, Published by International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Washington, D.C., form 485


15. Raleigh, Duane, Knots & Ropes for Climbers, published by Stackpole Books, ISBN 0-8117-2871-4


16. Noonan, Michael, Climbing Knots for Lefties and Righties, published by ICS Books, Inc., ISBN 1-57034-053-6


17. Jacobson, Cliff, The Basic Essentials of Knots for the Outdoors, published by ICS Books, ISBN 0-934802-57-2


18. Biddlecombe, The Art of Rigging, published by Dover Publications, Inc., ISBN 0-486-26343-6


19. Budworth, Geoffrey, The Complete Book of Decorative Knots, published by The Lyons Press, ISBN 1-55821-791-6


20. Riley, H.W., Robb, B.B., Behrneds, F.G., Hitches, Knots and Splices, published by New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell Extension Bulletin 62, April 1923


21. Hin, Floris, This Is Knotting and Splicing, published by Hearst Marine Books, ISBN 0-688-12329-5


22. Ashley, Clifford W., The Ashley Book of Knots, published by Doubleday, ISBN 0-385-04025-3


23. Splicing Manual, published by Samson Ocean Systems, Inc., 2090 Thornton Street, Ferndale, WA 98248


24. Pawson, Des, The Handbook of Knots, published by DK Publishing, Inc., ISBN 0-7894-2395-2


25. Gerber, Ham, Making Discoveries in Knots, published by Binford & Mort Publishing, ISBN


26. Sisson, James R., Scouter's Guide to knots






 1. Field Book for Canadian Scouting 1997, published by National Council, Scouts Canada, ISBN 0-919062-54-7


 2. The Big Bear Cub Scout Book, published by Boy Scouts of America, Irving, TX., ISBN  8395-3228-8





3. Pioneering, BSA Merit Badge Series, published by Boy Scouts of America, Irving, TX., ISBN 0-8395-3377-2


 4. Cassidy, John, The Scouting Book of Knots, published by Klutz Press, ISBN 1-878257-00-5


 5. Fun With Knots, published by Scouts Canada, ISBN 0-919062-83-0


 6. Day, Cyrus L., Knots and Splices, published by International Marine, ISBN 0-07-156378-4


 7. Knots and How to Tie Them, published by Boy Scouts of America , Irving, TX


 8. The Boy Scout Handbook, (10th edition), published by Boy Scouts of America, Irving, TX, ISBN 0-8395-3229-6


 9. Sweet, John, Scout Pioneering, published by National Council,, Scouts Canada, SBN 85165101 1


10. Sweet, John, Pioneering in Town and Country, published by National Council, Scouts Canada, SBN 85165 141 0


11. Thurman, John, Pioneering Projects, published by C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., London


12. Thurman, John, Fun With Ropes and Spars, published by C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd., London





 1. Forty Knots, A Visual Aid for Knot Tying, produced by Boy Scouts of America (old cat.# 1057)


 2. Try ‘n Tie Nautical Knots I, 1994 Cape Shore, Inc., Yarmouth, MA 04096-2020


 3. Try ‘n Tie Nautical Knots II, 1994 Cape Shore, Inc. Yarmouth, MA 04096-2020


 4. The Boater’s Knot Tying Kit, stock no.1102, produced by MARCO products, copyright 1989, recommended for ages 8 thru adult (Note: Kit may also be used as a game)


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