By Anthony Ferraro
During campouts two burner stoves are typically used to
prepare meals. Both burners are usually
required to prepare meals, which means that water is not being heated for
cleaning dishes afterwards. It takes a
long time to heat up enough water to provide wash, rinse and sanitation
containers. By this time the Troop is
planning to move on to the next activity
One of the primary goals was to build something that can be
easily reproduced with “off the shelf parts.”
All the parts are suitable for domestic water use, in case the water is
consumed. The challenge in building this device was how efficient can I make the
heat transfer portion so that not much fuel (charcoal) would be required. Another challenge was to retain the heat
once the water was heated. It was also
meant to be an educational tool for the Scouts. This device makes a good topic of discussion for the Energy merit
badge. Later in this report I will review the calculations.
A 5 gallon water container satisfied several
requirements. It was large enough, it
was insulated and has a spout at the bottom to easily draw water. A charcoal fire starter was the key to relatively
efficient heat transfer. The device
operates by placing some newspaper in the base of the unit and the charcoal is
loaded into the top. When the newspaper
is lit a draft is created similar to the stack effect of a chimney. This constant air flow gets the charcoal
glowing much faster than if it were laying in a flat pan. Heat is radiated out where the copper pipe
is. The fifteen feet of copper pipe is 3/8” thin wall, this made it easy to
bend into a tight radius. Next some
flexible tubing was needed to separate the water container from the heat
source. Standard garden hose would not work here because of the high
temperatures. A high temperature 3/8”
hydraulic hose was purchased for the job.
Finally brass bulkhead fittings and ball valves were used for the supply
and return lines. The ball valves are
closed when you want to fill the container separate from the heat exchanger and
once the water is heated. The hoses slip on and off the copper pipe.
When water is heated in a closed vessel a process called
convection occurs. Simply stated warm water rises to the top since it is less
dense than the cold water. This process is used in this device, the supply hose
(bottom of the container) is connected to the bottom of the heat exchanger and
the return hose (top of the container) is connected to the top of the heat
exchanger. The container needs to be filled to the top for the water flow to
begin. Since there is 21 feet of pipe ion this device, some resistance to flow
was unavoidable. To overcome this
resistance a marine primer pump was added.
The pump has a check valve inside it so flow would go in one direction
when squeezed. In testing it took
approximately 45 minutes to raise 5 gallons of water from 60 degrees to 120
This is why the water heater works. Bear with me as I go through this. A gallon of water weighs 8.34 lbs. A British
Thermal Unit (BTU) is the amount of energy required to raise 1 pound of water 1
degree Fahrenheit. Below is a calculation to determine the amount of heat
needed to heat 5 gallons of water from 60F to 120F.
x 5.0 gallons
41.7 pounds
x 60 degrees F
2,502 BTU’s
x 2.5 assume a 40%
efficient heat exchanger
BTU’s required
I e-mailed the good people at Kingsford to get a vital piece
of information, the BTU content of charcoal. They sent an answer the next day,
it was 9,700 BTU/pound. Using this
information we can see that just 1 pound of charcoal is needed to operate the heat
exchanger. This equals about 10
briquettes, which easily fits into the heat exchanger.
I would like to thank Siemens Building Technologies for the
donation of the copper pipe. I also got some good feedback from the students at
Scoutmastership Fundamentals. They
suggested adding the squeeze bulb and adding some type of baffle on the top of
the heat exchanger to force more heat to in between the coils. I will give this a try on the next
campout. During field testing some
interesting things came to light. Do
not close the valves while the coals are still hot, water turns to steam, steam
builds up pressure to the point where one of the hoses blows off, creating a
safety hazard. Once you are done
heating water, disconnect the hoses from the heat exchanger so they can
drain. On one campout the temperature
overnight dropped to 12F, we were able to clear the ice from the hoses but
could not de-ice the squeeze pump. On
that cold overnight the heat retention of the container was truly impressive. The water was heated to roughly 120F at
dinner time, not all the water was used, with the cover on the remaining water
was still 90F the next morning. Quick
disconnects would have been nice to have in place of the ball valves but they
were a bit too expensive. The total
cost for the materials was around $50.00. I already had the charcoal starter
and the copper pipe was donated. This
device cannot be justified solely on the savings of Colman fuel not used by the
stove to previously heat the water. As
I mentioned earlier its main purpose is to encourage Scouts to practice good
sanitary habits. If they also learn and
understand the engineering side to the device that is a bonus.
If you are interested in building this device, feel free to
call me at 513-755-7627 or e-mail at I am also interested in any improvements or
ideas you may have to the existing design.