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arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KUse activities to achieve the aims of Scouting - citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KRemember the most important thing to Scouts is FUN!
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KVariety - Scouts enjoy all sorts of activities, but quickly become bored with a single type of activity.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KSafety must be a primary consideration
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KAdult supervision is required
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KCRAFTS

arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KDon't overuse this one!
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KCan be to help on achievements and electives or just for fun.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KCan be related to a monthly theme or in preparation for a special activity like the Blue and Gold Banquet.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KUsually started at a meeting and finished at home.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KMake sure the project is within the abilities and interests of your Scouts.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KShow how it is done.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KOffer encouragement, excite immagination and avoid criticism.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KAllow freedom for creativity and individuality.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KUse variety.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KCrafts should be practical. Learning to braid is fine, but it would be better to braid an item that can be use used as a gift, part of costume. etc.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KUse simple and safe tools. Remember that a dull tool is dangerous. Tools are replaceable - boys are not.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KPower tools are dangerous, shouldn't be used by younger Scouts and never without one-to-one adult supervision.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KRemind scouts that clean-up is part of the job.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KDEN CEREMONIES

arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KKeep 'em short; e.g., 3 - 4 minutes maximum.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KPraise is important.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KSimple, but impressive ceremonies inspire and motivate.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KTypes of Ceremonies include:

Closing Den Doodle Awards Opening
Conduct Candle Denner Installation Progress Towards Ranks
Den Chief Recognition Flag Special Recognition
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KGAMES

arrowpts.gif - 0.9 KDen Chiefs can be very useful in leading games.
arrowpts.gif - 0.9 KChoose games based on space, time, and number of players.
arrowpts.gif - 0.9 KChoose game types that best fit the situation - some are good for letting off steam, while quiet games, requiring concentration, may help with a wild bunch.
arrowpts.gif - 0.9 KGames can involve families, Scouts only, multiple dens, etc.
arrowpt.gif - 0.9 KSKITS

arrowpts.gif - 0.9 KPraise is important.
arrowpts.gif - 0.9 KKeep it short - 3 to 5 minutes or less..
arrowpts.gif - 0.9 KAvoid long dialogue or memorized lines - try pantomimes or adult narration.
arrowpts.gif - 0.9 KUse simple props and costumes, if any are needed.
arrowpts.gif - 0.9 KMake sure the audience can hear. Speak slowly, clearly and loudly.
arrowpts.gif - 0.9 KFit the scout to the part. Some parts may be too difficult for a particular boy.
arrowpts.gif - 0.9 KScreen the skits before they are presented to the Pack for good taste and scouting values.
arrowpts.gif - 0.9 KGive a congratulatory cheer afterwards, but avoid negative cheers; e.g., watermelon cheer.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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