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Cub Scout Activity Guide - Camps



Many Boy Scout Councils offer a week long camping experience for Webelos Scouts. Generally two adult leaders for every five scouts must accompany each Pack. Programs may offer Webelos Scouts the opportunity to master archery, learn how to shoot safely with a BB-rifle, swim, enjoy boating, learn campcraft skills and gain an appreciation for natural resources. These camps are very popular and it is not uncommon for all available camping sites to be reserved by January each year.


Each summer most Councils and Districts operate Cub Scout Day Camps. These camps provides an opportunity for scouts to participate in games, sports, archery, crafts, storytelling, and a wide variety of organized activities. Early reservations are a must. Watch for details at Cub Scout Roundtable meetings and in your local Council/District newletters.


Most Councils/Districts hold Camporees twice a year. At at least one Camporee, second year Webelos Scouts are usually allowed to camp overnight with their Pack. Packs usually camp with or near the Troop that these Scouts will bridge into in the Spring. The Troop may help with tents and camping gear. First year Webelos Scouts are frequently invited to attend day-time activities designed for their age group following the Webelos Woods program. Watch for details at Cub Scout Roundtable meetings and in your local Council/District newletters.


Each Cub Scout Pack's Webelos Dens may participate in overnight camping trips, provided each scout is accompanied by an adult partner. The Pack must file a Local Tour Permit Application with the Council Office or Senior District Executive at least two weeks in advance. (Overnight camping is available only to Webelos Scouts in accordance with the rules spelled out in the Cub Scout Leader Manual and the Guide to Safe Scouting. )


These rules are from the GUIDE TO SAFE SCOUTING:

The Boy Scouts of America has established the following guidelines for its members' participation in camping activities (bold in the original, indicates a mandatory rule):

  • Overnight camping by second- and third-grade Cub Scout dens or Cub Scout packs (other than at an approved resident camping facility operated by the local council) is not approved, and certificates of liability will not be provided by the Boy Scouts of America.
  • Cub Scouts (second and third graders) and Webelos Scouts (fourth and fifth graders) may participate in a resident overnight camping program covering at least two nights and operating under certified leadership in an established Scout camp operated by the council during the normal camping season.
  • A Webelos Scout may participate in overnight den camping when supervised by his mother or father. If a parent cannot attend, arrangements must be made by the boy's family for another youth's parent (but not the Webelos leader) or another adult relative or friend to be a substitute at the campout.
  • Family camping: an outdoor camping experience, other than resident camping, that involves Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, or Exploring program elements in overnight settings with two or more family members, including at least one BSA member of that family. (Youth Protection guidelines apply.)
  • Recreational family camping: when Scouting families camp as a family unit outside of an organized program. It is a nonstructured camping experience, but is conducted within a Scouting framework on local council-owned or -managed property. Local councils may have family camping grounds available for rental at reasonable rates. Other resources may include equipment, information, and training.
  • Program-managed family camping: The local council or unit provides all the elements of the outdoor experience, which must be conducted on local council-owned or -managed property. It is a one-day or longer vent with major program areas staffed. This could include food service, housing, and a complete program schedule. Family programs for Cub Scout units must have local council approval.
  • Model A: typically a weekend experience for the Scout member and an adult member of his family. Examples: dad-and-lad, mom-and-me, and parent-and-pal.
  • Model B: an outdoor experience of one or more days at a set BSA-owned or -managed camping location where the Scout's entire family is encouraged to participate.

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