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Baloo's Bugle

November 2006 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 4
December 2006 Theme

Theme: Cub Scout Stars
Webelos: Craftsman & Scientist
Tiger Cub


Showing The Light
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils

This night-scouting game not only affords recreation but is a good test for hearing and eyesight, and furnishes a splendid practice in judging distances.

  • A Scout makes his way across fields, in the dark,
  • When he hears the leader's whistle, he shows a light from a lantern for five seconds.
  • He remains there, but hides the light,
  • The rest of the Scouts estimate how far away and whereabouts he is.
  • Then they set out to where they think the light was shown and each one tries to get there before the others.
  • The lantern bearer hands over the lantern to the Scout who first reaches him, and then it is that boy's turn to go away and show the light.
  • The Scoutmaster should note the various estimates propounded by the Scouts, and though he may be unable to discover the exact distance he should know which Scout gave the nearest figure. 

Space Age Technology - Scavenger Hunt
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils

Space invaders have demanded that you produce evidence of the earth's current level of technology by no later than....

You must collect samples that demonstrate our society's use of: transistors; incandescence; fluorescence; luminosity; polystyrene; polypropylene; polyester; acrylic; latex; nylon; laser; liquid crystal display (LCD); light emitting diode (LED); magnetic diskettes; magnetic recording tape; electricity (plug in); electricity (battery power); stainless steel; molded plastic; sheet plastic; laminated plastic; metal alloy.

Space Construction
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils

GAME PARTS - 16 cardboard boxes all the same size, 6 large coffee cans, 3 thin strips of plywood, 2 poles with nails through the ends, several smaller dowels, tape measure.

The object is to build as tall a tower as possible with the material supplied.  The tower must be free-standing and self-supporting, and stay up for at least 1 minute.  DO NOT LET THE CREW DAMAGE OR MODIFY THE SUPPLIED MATERIALS!  Measure the tower to the nearest inch.  The crew can try several different configurations.

  Wind and uneven terrain can dramatically affect this game.  Try to locate it in a sheltered area with fairly even ground.  It could also be done inside if the room has a tall ceiling.

Sam Houston Area Council

  • Group sits in a circle.
  • A player is sent out of the room and the others huddle and decide what this player will be when he comes back.
  • They decide, for example, that he shall be a policeman.
  • When he comes in he asks each of the players in turn what he can buy for himself.
  • In this case he can buy a pair of black boots, a whistle, a flashlight, and so on.
  • When he has gone round the circle he is given two chances to guess what he is and if he does not know he loses a point.

Variation: As above, but group decides who the person sent out of room will be. (Famous athlete, politician, musician, movie star, etc.) Person sent out of room tries to determine who he is by elimination: Am I living? Am I Canadian? Am I in sports? etc. Set a time limit of ten minutes.

Filling Santa's Sack:
Sam Houston Area Council


  • 1 balloon per Cub, with a few reserves;
  • 1 sack per assigned group


One Cub in each group stands in his corner holding the sack. 

The leader spaces the rest of the Cubs out as far away from their group’s corner as possible and gives each Cub a balloon.

When their leader calls 'GO', all the Cubs pat their balloon towards their corners and endeavor to get their balloon in the sack.

The balloons may not be held in the hand and must be patted.

The first group to get all their balloons into their sack is the winner.

Note:  It is advisable to have different colored balloons for each group

Christmas Kim’s Game
Sam Houston Area Council

Kim is the name of another novel by Rudyard Kipling, and in it a young boy named Kim learns to quickly identify things after seeing them very briefly.

  • In this game split up into two teams and hand each a pencil and paper. 
  • Under a blanket spread 20 Christmas or astronomical objects. 
  • For exactly one minute, have them look silently (No talking allowed) at the objects then cover them up. 
  • The teams may then go off and talk about what they saw and try to identify all of the objects. 
  • They get 5 minutes to come up with the list of everything,
  • The team with the most correct objects wins. 
  • Since they probably learned better how to plan to do better, have a second blanket of covered objects prepared for them to try again.


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Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website ©1997-2006 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.