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Baloo's Bugle


November 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 4
December 2004 Theme

Theme: Holiday Food Fare
Webelos: Craftsman & Scientist
  Tiger Cub:
Achievement 2 & Activities




Many Ways

Connecticut Rivers Council

This would, also, make a great Cubmaster’s Minute for a Closing.  Commissioner Dave

Narrator: It is the season that is full of so many wonders and so many thoughts. Each of us understands, celebrates, and remembers this special season in his own way. If it were only "my way" or only "your way" though, it would be so small, so limited. One of the beauties of the season is that it is so full, so complete.

And just as the season is made special by so many different ideas, cultures, and beliefs coming together, so is our country made special. We are not a single type of people, a single religion, or a single race, but we do have a single focus— to be and become the greatest, most full and complete country we can imagine.

As a melting pot of cultures and nationalities, we come together as one and that also makes us special. Let's join together in the Pledge of Allegiance and renew our single-mindedness


Connecticut Rivers Council

Equipment: Five Cub Scouts with 5 large cards each with a letter forming the word G*I*V*E*S. Each one has the sayings written on back in large print.

Arrangement: Each Cub Scout holds up his card and says the following:

Cub # 1:       G stands for Giving, It's always good to give.

Cub # 2:       I stands for Intentions, May mine always be right.

Cub # 3:       V stands for Valiant, A trait of great might

Cub # 4:       E stands for Earnest, From beginning to end.

Cub # 5:       S stands for Sharing, This makes me a friend.

Be sure to add in one or more parts to call people to attention, lead the Pledge of Allegiance, lead a patriotic (or Holiday song), and offer a prayer.  Please, don’t just dump it all on the Cubmaster. Go to http://home.earthlink.net/~paulp575/scouting/52flgcer.htm and find an appropriate way to say salute the flag from the 52 (one for each week) ways listed here.  CD


Southern NJ Council

Each boy holds a letter. The letters spell PEACE. 

On the back of each piece of posterboard have their lines written in large print.

Sometimes during the holidays

As the days go rushing by.

Take time to see the holiday lights

Mist-halloed against the sky.

Sometime during the holidays

Breathe deep the holiday smell.

The bayberry and the piney scents

What welcome they foretell.

Sometime during the holidays

When carolers are singing.

Retell the age-old story.

For which the bells are ringing.

Sometime during the holidays

Midst the gaiety and noise.

Take time to hear the quietness

Of simple Christmas joys.

Sometime during the holidays

Remember friends are near.

And feel the warmth of knowing

Your friendship's very dear!


Southern NJ Council

Cub # 1:       The holidays are a time for Giving!

Cub # 2:       The holidays are a time for sharing!

Cub # 3:       The holidays are a time to think of other!

Cub # 4:       All year we should remember to do a good turn, give good will.



Southern NJ Council

Cubmaster:       Christmas is a wonderful time to show love to others through giving gifts.  It is also a time we can look at the many gifts we have already been given and enjoy each day.  I have four gifts wrapped up that represent some of the gifts that each of us receives by living in a free country.

Four Cub Scouts unwrap the gifts and read, in turn, the statements found inside.

Cub # 1:       The gift of freedom--Freedom to worship as we choose and to express ourselves and our ideas without fear.

Cub # 2:       The gift of beauty--We live in a country full of beauty and wonders.  From mountains to plains, from valleys to seas, it is ours to enjoy as we freely travel its width.

Cub # 3:       The gift of opportunity--We are free to become whatever our ambitions and desires lead us to.  Our limits lie only within ourselves.

Cub # 4:       The gift of pride--We can be proud of a country where we are blessed with freedom and justice.  We can be proud each time we see “Old Glory,” our country’s flag, unfurled.  We can be proud to be an American.

Cubmaster:       With these gifts in mind, will you please stand and pledge your allegiance to our country and our flag.

OPENING – With Apologies To Charles Dickens

York Adams Area Council

Reader: This is a special time of year for people all around the world. It is a time of Joy and Light, of Hope and Peace, and of the comforts of Home, Family, and Tradition. It is a time of Spirit in all things, and although there are many different types of Spirit and Spirits among us, tonight we are going to be visited by four of them.

Spirit Of Christmas: "I am the Spirit of Christmas" (Lights Advent candles, using appropriate prayer(s) and a brief statement as to what the candles and the holiday represent.)

Spirit Of Chanukah: "I am the Spirit of Chanukah" (Lights the Chanukah candles using the appropriate prayer(s) and a brief statement as to what the candles and the holiday represent.)

Spirit Of Kwanzaa: "I am the Spirit of Kwanzaa" (Lights the Kwanzaa candles and gives a brief statement as to what the candles and the holiday represent.)

Spirit Of Scouting: "I am the Spirit of Scouting, and here I light the twelve candles which the twelve points of the Scout Law, and three candles which represent the three points of the Scout Oath. I will also light one additional candle of the purest white, which represents not only the Spirit of Scouting, but also all the other Spirits of Goodness which exist throughout this old world of ours no matter what they may be called. Now, I call upon my Fellow Spirits, and all of you here in this room, to join with me in reciting the Cub Scout Promise.

All: (Cub Scout Promise)

Cubmaster: Lead the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Reader:  Thank you all. Please be seated.

All Spirits: "Happy Holidays!"

Growing Carrots (or Cub Scouts) Ceremony

Baltimore Area Council

With a little bit of imagination this could be transformed into a great Cubmaster’s Minute Closing thought.  CD

Equipment: A carrot seed and a carrot with top

CUBMASTER: This little carrot seed doesn’t look like much, does it? It’s tiny and fragile. But if we plant it in good soil, and if we make sure that it gets plenty of sunlight, air and water, it will grow up to be a big, healthy, delicious carrot like this one.

Cub Scouts are like carrots. They need certain things, too, like good food, rest and exercise. But Cub Scouts need something more than that. If they are going to be the kind of men we all admire, they have to have healthy minds and spirits, as well as healthy bodies.

In Cub Scouting, and later on in Boy Scouting, boys can develop that extra quality of mind and spirit. They do it by following the Cub Scout Promise and later, the Scout Oath and remaining loyal tour country. Will all of you join me now in the Cub Scout Promise?

After repeating the Promise, ask a Webelos Den to repeat the Scout Oath.

Then say: “The Cub Scout Promise and the Scout Oath are guides for growing minds. Let’s all pledge to use them, just as we use food, water and exercise to help our bodies grow.”

And now let us Pledge our Allegiance to Old Glory (Lead Flag Salute)




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