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Baloo's Bugle


November 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 4
December 2004 Theme

Theme: Holiday Food Fare
Webelos: Craftsman & Scientist
  Tiger Cub:
Achievement 2 & Activities





Southern NJ Council

PERSONNEL: - 8 Cub Scouts

EQUIPMENT: 8 Signs with the letters G O O D W I L L on the front and the parts on the back in large print.

ARRANGEMENT: The Cub Scouts enter one at a time, holding up sign with a letter on it. Each speaks his line and the next Cub Scout enters. When the final Cub Scout joins the group, the letters will spell GOODWILL.

Cub # 1:       G - Good Cub Scouts are fiends to all.

Cub # 2:       O - On their honor to obey the Pack Law.

Cub # 3:       O - Once they spread good will all around.

Cub # 4:       D - Doubled friendships will surely be found.

Cub # 5:       W - Working together to make the universe a better place.

Cub # 6:       I - Including as friends, boys from each faith and race.

Cub # 7:       L - Leaving behind them a path of good cheer.

Cub # 8:       L - Let's all practice it now and all through our years.

Recipe for a Happy Family

Baltimore Area Council

Three to ten boys can help. One boy reads from a cookbook, one boy stirs pot, the rest add the ingredients. Cover old cans with paper and label. Fill each can with something to make it look real.

Scene: Boys around a table, with a large pot and ingredients on top of table.

Boy 1 stands by pot and
stirs slowly as ingredients are added.

Boy 2:    (Has cookbook and starts to read.) Here is the recipe for a happy family.

Boy 1:    Do we have everything?

Boy 2:     (Looks around and other boys nod their heads yes.) First we need three cups of eagerness.

Boy 3:    Here it is (Pours it in.)

Boy 2:    Next is two cups of laughter.

Boy 4:    I’ve got that (Pours it in.)

Boy 1 :   (Looks into pot.) This is beginning to look enticing!

Boy 2:    Two cups of courtesy.

Boy 5:    (Looks at can.) This is it . (Pours it in.)

Boy 2:    Who’s got two cups of helpfulness?

Boy 6:    I brought that. (Pours it in.)

Boy 2:     Next we need some adults to help.

Boy 7:    I found two really good ones! (Pours it in.)

Boy 1:     (Looks in pot.) Wow! That made this really great!

Boy 2:     Now we need one cup of ability to follow instructions.

Boy 8:    I have that. (Pours it in.)

Boy 2:    Next is a gallon of patience.

Boy 9:     I looked all over, but I found plenty. (Pours it in.)

Boy 2:    The last ingredient is three cups of love for each other.

Boy 10:  (Pours it in.) I got that, but I added a little more than the recipe called for.

Boy 1:     Okay, I’ll mix it well.

Cubmaster: What do we have? A recipe for a happy family! Serve generous portions frequently!

Cubmaster’s Minute

‘Tis the Season Closing Ceremony

Connecticut Rivers Council

Cubmaster: This is the season of lights. It is a time when the days are shorter so the nights are longer, yet somehow things are brighter. Stores and homes are bright with holiday lights. Thousands of homes have a single light to show the way for the Christ child, others have candles burning to commemorate the miracle of Hanukkah, and some light candles to honor the heritage of Kwanzaa. Even the stars in the winter sky seem brighter at this time of year. But the most important glow is from the spirit of goodwill that We live with year-round in the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack. Before we all leave to get on with our holiday celebrations, let's stand and repeat the Promise and Law together. Happy Holidays!

Scout’s Act Of Kindness Closing

Connecticut Rivers Council

Cubmaster: To end this evening, I’d like to tell you a story.

A crowded bus stopped to pick up a bent old woman. With great difficulty she struggled up the steps with a large basket of freshly washed laundry.  “You’ll have to put your basket in the rear of the bus,” the bus driver said impatiently.  “I do not dare. They do not belong to me.” The woman replied.  The driver was firm. “You and that basket are in the way. Either stow it or get off.”

The old lady was almost in tears when a young man arose. “You sit here, Ma’am,” he offered. “I’ll take your basket to the back and watch it until your stop.  ”The woman was doubtful, but the bus driver was about to put her off. A second lady, sitting nearby, said to the old woman, “That boy’s all right. Can’t you see his uniform? I’ll vouch for him.”  The woman soon took a seat, and the basket of clothes carried to the rear.  At her stop, the boy gently set the basket down by her, then returned to the bus and continued on his way.  “Who’s the kid?” asked the driver to the second woman.  “I do not know the kid,” was the reply, “But I do know the uniform, and you can trust it every time.”

In this season of giving and helping, let’s make certain we remember what our uniform means to others and to ourselves.


Southern NJ Council

Most of us are happiest when we are doing something for others. Think for a moment of a time when you were helpful to someone. Chances are, it made you feel pretty good. Of course, we feel best when we do something for others without being found out. When we help others regularly, it soon becomes a habit and to be a natural thing. Once you have establish this habit, you will learn the real meaning of the good turn.

To tell the truth

Baltimore Area Council

These are some of the things that will make working together and playing together easier: To tell the truth, to be honest, to be courteous, to have respect for leaders and to think of others as well as ourselves.


Sam Houston Area Council

Set Up –

Have Cub Scouts and family members cut out snowflakes when they enter the pack meeting and put their names on them. (Folding a square sheet of paper in half, and then into thirds can make six sided snowflakes). Tape or fasten to a wall, curtain, blackboard or window.

Have you ever caught a snowflake on a black piece of paper and studied it? It is so delicate and fragile that it melts almost before you can pick out its unique shape and structure. And it is unique, because each snowflake forms its own pattern of crystals in a six-sided shape. No two are exactly alike. There may be some that are similar, but none are the same.

Each of you created a snowflake tonight. Look at the variety and differences. Each of you started out with the same materials, but you created something that is truly unique. Every person is unique, too. You may have your Mom’s eyes, or your Dad’s sense of humor. You may even be a twin and look so much alike that people have trouble telling you apart. But you are different in the things you like, the things you think, and the way you live your lives. You have your own unique contribution to make to the world. You have your own unique gifts and talents that will benefit you and those around you. You have your own unique style, laugh, dreams, and strengths.

One snowflake will melt in an instant, but think of what happens when all those snowflakes are together in one place at one time. A pile of snow can make a ski jump, block a highway, collapse a roof. A mountain of snow can provide water for a town for the whole summer, or carve the sides of a canyon. A lot of snow can accomplish things one snowflake can’t, but it takes all of them working together to be successful.

Let’s unite ourselves, each unique individual, and work toward the common goals of citizenship, service, brotherhood, physical and spiritual strength, and see what a contribution we can make to the world. Let’s stand and repeat the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack.



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