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August Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 1
September Theme

Soaring to New Heights
Webelos Citizen and Communicator
  Tiger Cub Achivement #1




Constellation Opening

Circle Ten Council

Narrator and 8 boys holding cards spelling CUB SCOUT.

Narrator - Thousands of years ago, people saw shapes among stars.  They are called constellations.  You can still see them.  Let’s look at the night sky and you’ll also see Cub Scouts. 

(Boys with signs hold them up and read)

     Cassiopeia, the Queen

U      Ursa Major, the Great Bear

B      Bootes, the Herdsman

     Sagittarus, the Archer

     Cepheus, the King

     Orion, The Hunter

     Ursa Minor, the Little Bear

T      Taurus, the Bull

Narrator - Now let’s look at the stars in our flag and repeat the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Space Flight Opening

Circle Ten Council


Cub Scouts and families, the Space Flight of Pack ____ is getting ready to leave the launch pad.  Will you all take your seats and buckle yourselves in so we can blast off?

Tonight we are going for an adventure in space.

Cub Scouts the world over have entered the race.

To the planets we’re going for our special outing.

We’re sure to have fun on our flight with Cub Scouting.

Time to count down:  10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1…Blast Off!! 


Soaring into Space

Santa Clara County Council

Would you like to ride in a starship or a planet hopper, to walk on the moon or float through space, or be part of a space station crew?  We may be doing some of these things one day.   We can’t be sure, but one thing is certain, the world will need good men and women in the future.  And we can be sure we will fill that need if we remember to follow the Cub Scout Promise.  Let’s give this some thought as we stand and say the Promise together.

Welcome Aboard Our Flight

Viking Council

Seat the boys in your Den in two rows, as if on a plane, with a pilot up in front. The Den Leader, Den Chief, or a boy who is a good reader says:

Welcome aboard Flight _______ (pack number). I am your pilot, _______ (give name). We're flying today to adventures in Cub Scouting, with stops in fun, new skills, and advancements. But the good news is you won't have to change planes! We'll be flying at the speed of excitement, so buckle up and prepare for takeoff. (Hold up cardboard sign reading ‘Fasten seat belt’). As we cross this beautiful land, please join us in singing "America the Beautiful."

(All sing the first verse)

We're preparing to land in (whatever your first item on the agenda is), so please remain seated until the aircraft comes to a complete stop and the "Fasten Seat Belt" light goes off. (Turn over seat belt sign to side that says "Thanks") Thank you for choosing Cub Scout Airways!               

Here are two classics from Heart of America Council that are easily adopted for September’s “Soaring to New Heights” theme.  Commissioner Dave


Heart of America Council

Use seven pieces of cut poster board with the letters to spell the word "ACHIEVE".

Put the parts on the back in BIG letters

Have Cubs stand in correct order to spell the word and read the following:

A -       Advancement - along the Cubbing trail

C -       Commitment - to always do your best

H -       Home - where it all begins

I -        Individual works alone as well as with others or stands up for himself

E -       Everyone all Cubs work together

V -       Victory -- is achieved at the end of the trail

E -       Excellence -- for a job well done

Blast Off Into Scouting

Heart of America Council

Personnel:         One den of eight Tiger Cubs.

Equipment:        Individual cards containing of eight letters. (First and last cards shaped such as to form space ship)

Arrangement:    As each Tiger Cub recites his lines, he holds his card high.

CUBMASTER:     We are going to assemble our rocket for a trip into space. We'd like you to join us.

Cub # 1.        C is for courtesy in Cub Scouting and all through life.

Cub # 2.        U stands for usefulness to our families and others.

Cub # 3.        B stands for bravery in thoughts and deeds.

Cub # 4.        S stands for safety in all we do.

Cub # 5.        C stands for church - the one of your choice.

Cub # 6.        O stands for the outdoors and the beauty of nature.

Cub # 7.        U is for unity - in our den, in our pack, in our school, in our church - because in unity we are strong.

Cub # 8.        T stands for the truth in all things.

CUBMASTER: Now we are ready for blast off.  Lead Audience in count down: 5-4-3-2-1

All Yell - "BLAST OFF" Rocket moves off stage.


Opening, Awards, Closing Ceremony and more!

Here’s an idea from Viking Council in Minnesota that takes the use of theme one step farther!!  The whole Pack Meeting becomes an airplane flight!! You will need to use your imagination to adapt this to your meeting’s specifics but it is a great plan. Commissioner Dave

Cub Scout Airlines

Viking Council

Try tying the pre-opening, and opening, awards, and closing ceremonies and other parts of your meeting together. Have the meeting room seating arranged like the seating on a giant airliner?

For pre-opening activity, have everyone coming in issued a ticket.

The opening is a call, announcing that Cub Scout Air Lines flight number (your pack number) is ready for boarding. People board, (Cub Scout flight attendants check tickets) and all are seated and fasten their seat belts. The Captain (Cubmaster) announces the destinations of this flight and wishes all a pleasant trip. Aircraft takes off, flies all around the United Sates, landing at various cities to see a skit by that nationally famous Den 1, or to sing a song led by the Den 4 singers.

For the awards, the airplane lands at various places to see famous people (brand new Wolf Cub Scouts), takes off and lands somewhere else to see a Cub Scout who is receiving arrow points. The Captain might present each boy earning an award with some silver pilot's wings (cardboard cutouts covered with aluminum foil) with his award.

At the end of the round trip flight, the aircraft returns home. Pilot announces that he was pleased to have all on the trip with him and closes with a Cubmaster’s Minute relating to the “flight”. The folks disembark and go home.





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