York Adams Area Council
One boy is the Director (“IT”) and the other boys are
actors. The Director gives them something to act out (like grocery shopping
or building a house). The Director calls out “action” and the actors begin to
act. When the Director calls “CUT!” everyone must stop. If the Director sees
anyone move after that, then the actor who moved becomes the Director.
York Adams Area Council
This game is played in the dark at night in an open
rectangular area (about 20 yards long by 10 yards wide). The person
designated “IT” stands at the “end line” of the area and the others line up at
the “begin line.” IT has a flashlight and listens to everyone approaching.
If he turns the flashlight onto anyone and catches him moving, that person
starts back at the beginning. The first one to get to the end line takes the
place of IT.
York Adams Area Council
This is a game of acting, anyway. Teach the boys some
of the nuances of the game and then have them give it a whirl. At the end of
this section is a set of rules and gestures for the game.