
May 2002 Cub Scout
Roundtable Issue
Volume 8, Issue 10 June Theme
Critters, Cubs and Campfires
Webelos Traveler and Artist
Focus: Now here’s a hard one for leaders…
Can you really remember the fascination and wonderment you used to have for
simple pleasures like watching ants working on the sidewalk or flames
flickering in the fire? Well, if you can then you’re ready to give the boys
their money’s worth this month! I can remember spending a whole afternoon
just watching ants on the front porch carrying off some morsel to I don’t
remember where, but it was enough entertainment for me that I even got a
pencil and pad out and wrote down what they were doing and what I thought of
it all. Kids and critters just seem to go together. Add in the wonder of a
campfire and you’ve probably covered just about everything that matters in
life for these guys. Open up the opportunities to the boys.
forget that we have brought back the Internet Patch for Scouts, yes Cubs can
earn this patch, as a temporary one.
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