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Baloo's Bugle

May 2002 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 8, Issue 10
June Theme

Critters, Cubs and Campfires
Webelos Traveler and Artist



Crossroads of America


Almost everybody loves to travel.  Webelos Scouts are no exception.  But not everyone has the opportunity for extensive travel.  Obviously you can't give your boys that opportunity while working on the Traveler badge.  But you can introduce them to some of the joys of travel and perhaps to a means of travel new to them.  Through the badge requirements, the boys will learn to read maps and timetables of railroads, buses, or airlines serving this area.  They will use this information in planning trips.  They will learn the comparative costs of rail, bus or air transportation.  They may take some trips with their parents.  They will learn to pack suitcases and check to see if family cars have adequate first aid kits.

Earning the Traveler badge will not only help the boys prepare for travel experiences, but it will also enable them to get the most out of any trip they take and to learn more about our country.

Remember that to earn this badge, the boys must be involved in trip planning.  The fun is really in the traveling, but with advance planning, you can make the planning periods fun too.


·   Visit city, county, state or national park.

·   Take a bus or train trip.

·   Visit the airport, tour one of the passenger planes.

·   Visit a travel agency or automobile club office, and find out what they do.

·   Make a map of your neighborhood area with a key and have a den member follow it.

·   Calculate cost and speed of a plane trip.

·   Visit a train depot, bus terminal or airport, to see inside operations.

·   Discuss timetables and how to read them.

·   Have a speed contest of locating specific destination and how to get there.

·   Teach proper packing of suitcase.

·   Locate points of interest on city and state highway maps.

·   Prepare a list of travel agencies and transportation media available in your area.

·   Have the boys develop a set of rules for family travel (subject to parents approval) including

·   such things as using seat belts, behavior, responsibilities, etc.

·   Be sure to let boys report on family trips.


Safe Driving Tips For Families

  • Allow enough time so you don't feel rushed.  On long trips allow time for frequent stops.
  • Have you car checked - tires, brakes, Lights, turn signals and wipers.
  • Use seat belts - they save lives.
  • Be alert to hazards - adjust driving speed accordingly.
  • Use courtesy abundantly - everywhere - at intersections, while being passed or passing, and at night with headlights.
  • Follow the rules of the road - signs, signals, and road markings for a safe trip.




·         Plan a trip using timetables.

·         State Match Up


Match each of the states listed below with its state capitol.  This is a good game. 

Any number of states could be used.


a. Helena

2. Washington

b. Carson City

3. California

c. Topeka

4. Delaware

d. Santa Fe

5. Montana

e. Atlanta

6. Nevada

f. Olympia

7. Kansas

g. Frankfort

8. Georgia

h. Sacramento

9. New Mexico

i. Dover.

10. Kentucky

j. Salt Lake City


            Auto License Bingo.    Each player writes down 15 numbers on a sheet of paper.  They may be any numbers from one to 99 and a player may list the same number several times.  When everyone has written down his numbers, the umpire starts the game by calling out the last two digits on the license plate of each car that passes by.  If the number called is on his sheet, the player draws a line through the lucky number and shows his sheet to the umpire.  The one who crosses off five of the numbers first is the winner and calls "auto bingo" to claim victory.


  • Different Animals    Set a limit of 100 miles and see how many different ani­mals you can observe in that distance.  Make it a group project or keep score individually.


  • Loco Locations.   A guessing game everyone in the car can play.  "It" dreams up an unusual place to hide in the car (behind the rearview mirror, in the glove compartment, etc.) Then "it" asks, "Where am I in the guess becomes "it".  Game can also be played at den meetings.

Automobile Relay
Crossroads of America

This is usually a pack event, but variations can make it usable for dens.   For teams of eight players this is played like a relay race with the following variations:#1 has a flat tire, so he hops on his right foot. #2 has a flat tire, so he hops on his left foot. #3 can only go in reverse so he goes backwards. #4 has water in gas and goes two steps forward and one step backward. #5 must be cranked every fourth step, so he stops and cranks himself. #6 won't go, so #7 pushes him. #8 runs fine. Team to finish first wins.




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