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Baloo's Bugle

October Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 8, Issue 3

Hometown Heroes
Webelos Craftsman & Scientist
 Tiger Cub Big Ideas 3 & 4



A Boy
Simon Kenton Council


He is a person who is going to carry on what you have started.

He is to sit right where you are sitting, and attend, when you are gone, to those things you think are so important.

You may adopt all the policies you please, but how they will be carried out depends on him.

Even if you have leagues and treaties, he will have to manage them.

He will assume control of our cities, states and nation.

He is going to move in and take over your churches, schools, universities, and nation.

All your work is going to be judged and praised or condemned by him.

Your reputation and your future are in his hands.

All your work is for him; and the fate of the nation and of humanity lies in his hands.

It is well that we pay him some attention.


Simon Kenton Council

I would give thanks for many things
On this Thanksgiving Day.
Thanks for all the blessings
Life brings each day along the way.
I would give thanks for life and health,
For home, for food, and you,
All that I count my greatest wealth -
Family and friendship true.
I give thanks for my native land,
For freedom on this day;
Where we worship and understand
Our privilege to pray.
I would give thanks for many things
And do the best I can,
To be worthy of all life brings
And serve my fellow man.


Simon Kenton Council

Cubmaster:  "We've heard of many famous men - men with curious minds, strong purposes, courage, determination, stick-to-itiveness and a proud, fierce loyalty for their country.  For you as Cub Scouts, America is still a land of expanding opportunity.  It could well be that someday, one of you will become a famous pioneer in American history.  Good luck with your future. Good night."


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