Fire Safety Advancement Ceremony:
Baltimore Area Council
As Cub Scouts we must be aware of being fire safe. As we develop in Scouting, our knowledge increases, our awareness of safety protects ourselves and those who live, play and work with us. Our responsibility to be fire safe and guide others increases as time goes on.
Entering into this beginning class are our new Bobcats, ___________. Will these boys and their parents come forward? These boys are receiving the Bobcat award. This award is the beginning of their training in Cub Scouting. A part of this training is fire safety. The parents will present this bobcat award to their son. Congratulations and welcome to the Pack.
Advancing in knowledge as a Wolf Cub Scout are __________. One of the requirements for the Wolf Scout is to know the location of the fire station and fire call boxes in their neighborhood. This training directs the boys to safety within their community. This award is presented to the boys by his parents. Congratulations.
Another achievement in Cub Scouting is the earning of the Bear award. Tonight several boys have earned this award. Will the following Cubs and their parents come forward? __________. While attaining skills in several achievements, the Bear Cub has gained advanced knowledge in fire safety. The achievement calls for action when a person’s clothing is on fire. We are proud that the proper response has been learned by these boys. The parents will present the bear award to their sons. Congratulations.
Receiving the Webelos award tonight are __________. Will __________ and his parents come forward? The knowledge initiated in the Webelos activities. Along with this knowledge is the learning of outdoor fire safety. The camping experiences include fire safety in the outdoors. Part of the Forester Activity Badge is the Outdoor Code. A part of this code is as follows: “As American, I will do my best to be careful with fire. I will build my fire in a safe place and be sure it is out before I leave.” Following this code can be both land-saving and life-saving, and lead to a worthy Scout and citizen. The Webelos leader will present the award to the parents and __________ congratulations on your success in Scouting.
To Help Other People At All Times-
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Props: A small taper candle for each Scout
Cubmaster: “To help other people at all times to times,” that‘s part of the Cub Scout Promise. Helping other people is part of what it means to be a good neighbor. We have help and look out for each other. Tonight, would like to recognize several Scouts whom with the help of their mothers, fathers, den leaders, and others have met the requirements for advancement to the next rank.
Assistant CM: Will Cub Scouts_________ and _________ please come forward with their parents? Will one of the parents please light this single candle, which represents the second part of the Cub Scout Promise, which is “To obey the Law of the Pack.
Cubmaster: Part of the Law of the Pack states, the “Cub Scout gives goodwill”. A good neighbor also gives good will. As a Cub Scout, you should do your best to do things for others.
Now, you may promote your son to the rank of __________.
Assistant CM: Lead a Cheer
Badges of Cloth
Greater St. Louis Area Council
This will make a great start to your first advancement ceremony. Although no awards are made during this it does a good job of explaining the advancement program.
You will need six cards in the shape of a badge, with one letter of the word BADGE on each card, the explanation for each letter on the reverse side.
- B: stands for badges given today. What is a badge? A scrap of colored material is not nearly so important as the job that was done to earn it.
- A: stands for Akela. Your family and leaders who have helped you earn your badge.
- D: stands for Deeds. Good deeds to be done now and in the future for family, friends, and the community. Good deeds done with the knowledge and skills acquired through the badges.
- G: stands for Growth. The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
- E: stands for Eagerness and Energy. Both are necessary to earn badges. Badges do not come easily and they should not or their value would be small. Badges present challenges, difficulties, and satisfaction in accomplishment.
- S: stands for Service. Service to others is one of our aims in life. Our badges help up to bring service to others.
Do Your Best in an Emergency
San Gabriel, Long Beach Area, Verdugo Hills Councils
Cubmaster: In Cub Scouting, the boys learn how to take care of themselves and how to issue first aid. They also learn what to do in case of a vehicle accident, family illness, or how to stop, drop and roll if they are on fire.
Asst CM: This month we have been learning about the people who help us in an emergency. Like the Cub Scouts, they do their best. The Cub Scout motto is: "Do Your Best." This is one of the things the Cub Scouts are always trying to do. We cannot ask more of someone.
Cubmaster: Would (name) please come forward with his parents? This Cub Scout has worked hard to do his best in earning the rank of _______.
We present this badge to his parents to pin on him (parents pin badge on). We would also like to honor him by giving him a Grand Howl.
Witches Brew
Baltimore Area Council
This is Halloween not theme related
Props: Black witches cauldron or facsimile. Badges with names attached are placed in the cauldron before the meeting opens. A lid should be used or keep the kettle out of sight until it is to be used.
Set Up: This ceremony should be done in semi-darkness with candles so the cauldron will not be too obviously unreal, but use enough light so that each item going in can be clearly defined. Can be done “theatrically” like a witch putting: in “eye of toad. wing of bat, etc.”
Scene: At awards time, announce that you will brew up something in the cauldron but you will need the help of the new Bobcats in the Pack. Depending on the number to receive that award (five or seven is perfect,) you call one at a time forward.
The new Bobcats tell you the ingredients that go in to make a Bobcat, (motto, salute, handshake, sign, promise, law, meaning of Webelos) and demonstrate each one by doing or saying. Pretend to “put” each thing into the cauldron, then stir and draw out a Bobcat Badge. Call that Cub’s parents forward to pin his badge on.
For Wolf Badge, add each ingredient to kettle telling of the twelve Wolf achievements it is based on. i.e., Band-Aid for keeping healthy, string for tying things, stamp for collection, small screwdriver for tools, etc. If difficult to use object, print achievement on cardboard and put in. Then stir and draw out the Wolf Badge and present to the Cub and his parents with applause.
Do the Bear Badge in the same manner. Since there are now 24 Bear achievements, you will have to find out which twelve each Bear chose. If more than one Bear is receiving the badge, use all they chose, but don’t repeat any. i.e.; piece of rope for knots, baseball for sports, small flag for American heritage, coins for saving and spending well, testament for religious activities, etc.
This ceremony can also be adapted for use with the Webelos Activity Pins, using the same method with the requirements.