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Obtaining A Flag Flown Over the Capitol

Find your Senator or Representative:

The easiest way to obtain this type of flag flown over the U.S. Capitol is to contact your Senator or Representative's office the nenbers of the Houseof Representatives has an order form online at a URL like this: You must replace the underline after the equal sign with your State's 2 character Postal Code, followed by your 2 digit House of Representatives District number For example. if you live in New York, District 6, the URL would end with $ssdd=NY06

Contact your Senator or Representative:

Some Senators and Representatives' websites do have links to flag ordering information. For others you will need to use their contact form to request a flag flown over the Capitol.


Some Senators and Representatives may not charge for providing flags to their constituents and in some cases they are given for free to new Eagle Scouts. However, you should anticipate paying for the flag you request.

As of August 1, 2023, prices range from $23.00 to $39.00 depending on material and size.

Note: Costs may vary by Congressional office and may change over time.

Flag and Certificate:

The flag will be sent with a certificate with the name of the presentee (your Eagle) and the date it was flown of the Capitol and is signed (autopen) by the Architect of the Capitol.

Notes: You may want to put it into a triangular case with a glass front, these are marketed by vendors who advertise in Scouting Magazine, or the American Legion or similar service organization publications.

Congressional Staffer and Scouter Nancy Rogers had this to say:

"As a staffer in a Congressional office, we do take flag orders. The flags, from 3x5 to 5x8 are relatively inexpensive if you compare the prices to retail. My office will provide complimentary flags for display at schools or public buildings but do charge all others. Some offices such as mine will also limit the number of flags that a constituent may purchase."

"When ordering flags please give the member's office at least three weeks notice if you want a flag flown on a particular date. Also be aware that it may take as much as six weeks for the flag to be returned to the member's office and mailed to the requester."

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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