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Jamboree Tales - Day 8

Be a Blessing

Many of you have heard of a woman in India named Mother Teresa who has devoted her life to serving the poor. She is known around the world. She has shown that you do not have to do big things to be a blessing to others. When someone is hungry you can feed them, if they are dirty you can help clean them. If they are sick you can care for them. If they are lonely you can talk to them. If they mourn someone you can give them words of comfort. You do not have to be rich or famous or a person of great importance to do any of this. You simply have to care about others as much as you care about your own needs. Mother Teresa has cared for many who were sick, fed many who were hungry, and cleaned many who were dirty. She gave up all her worldly possessions when she started doing this 60 years ago. She was not always famous but she always cared. In the early years she was a small nun working in the slums of Calcutta, India unknown to the rest of the world.

Each of you can be a blessing to others as you live your lives. You can say a kind word when someone is down; you can buy a meal for someone who is hungry. When you help someone, keep it to yourself, you do not need to beat your chest on a street corner and say what a good person you are. The world will notice your example by how you treat others. When the opportunities arise, always be a blessing to family, friends and strangers! Goodnight gentlemen!

Day 9 =>

by David L. Eby

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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