October 2006 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue |
Volume 13, Issue 3
November 2006 Theme |
Theme: Cubs in Shining Armor
Craftsman & Scientist
Tiger Cub Activities |
Grand Canyon Council
- 10 oz. Package BELIEF in yourself (marshmallows)
- 1/4 cup of PRIDE (margarine or butter)
- 1 tsp COURAGE to do your best (vanilla)
- 6 cups I CAN (crispy rice cereal)
- Watch your PRIDE (margarine) melt in large saucepan over low heat.
- Add BELIEF in yourself (marshmallows) and stir until completely melted.
- Mix together with COURAGE to do your best (1 teaspoon vanilla)
- Sprinkle the top with a little of your relationship with others.
- Warm with positive thoughts and actions, then cook for many years.
- Add 6 cups of I CAN (crispy rice cereal)
- Press mixture into buttered 9” x 13” pan.
Dragon Chili
Heart of America Council
- 1 pound hamburger
- 1 46-oz. Can V-8 Juice
- 1 30-oz. can chili beans
- 1 onion, diced
- 1 2-oz. Can diced green chilies
- 2 teaspoons chili powder
- Brown hamburger and onion.
- Drain off the fat.
- Combine all ingredients in a larger pot and simmer for 45 minutes.
Grand Canyon Council
- Cardboard box(es)
- Paper towel tubes
- Duct tape
- Icing
- Assorted candies and cookies
- Sugar and wafer ice-cream cones
- To make the castle, arrange boxes and paper towel tubes in a castle shape and taped them together with duct tape.
- (Candy and frosting are heavy, so they made sure their structure is well secured.)
- Next, spread Icing on the castle and attached candies and cookies, as if they were decorating a gingerbread house.
- Make a sugar-wafer or graham cracker drawbridge with shoestring-licorice "ropes,"
- Use ice-cream-cones for spires and fruit-slices for windows.
Grand Canyon Council

- This cake is all edible (except for the knight) but can take more time to make.
- The castle is a combination of frozen pound cakes (towers), rectangle and square sheet cakes.
- Cut the square edges off of the pound cakes to make round towers - stand them upright and attach to your cake tray with frosting and cover with frosting.
- Then stack the square cake on the rectangle cake and place up against the towers.
- Frost the entire cake.
- The tops of the towers were made with frosted sugar cones sprinkled with colored sugar.
- Place the cones on top of the towers and surround with sugar cubes.
- Add Trident gum for windows, and shields cut with fruit leather and decorator frosting.
- The tower flags are also made with fruit leather and attached with toothpicks.
- Add the toy knights last.
Cornbread Castle
Heart of America Council
- Cornbread mix to fill two 8” square pans or one 13 x 9” rectangular pan
- Honey
- Prepare according to directions.
- Cool.
- Use one 8” square or cut out 9” square for base of castle.
- Spread square base with honey.
- Cut pieces from the remaining cornbread to make towers and castle walls.
- Place on castle base.
Banana Shake
- 2 cups cold milk
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 8 ice cubes — crushed
- 1 banana
- Put everything but ice cubes in the blender.
- Blend on slow speed.
- Add crushed ice
- Blend on low again.
- Pour into glass. Serves 1
Mini Pizzas
Heart of America Council
- 1 can biscuits
- 1 can pizza sauce
- 1 package pepperoni slices
- 1 package mozzarella cheese
Get an Adult to help you with this recipe.
- You’ll need to set the oven at 450 degrees.
- Grease a baking sheet, or spray it with Pam.
- Flatten out each biscuit and place on baking sheet.
- Spread pizza sauce evenly over each biscuit.
- Place three pepperoni on each biscuit.
- Sprinkle cheese over the top of each.
- Bake in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes.(until the cheese is melted.)
These also work well in Dutch oven cooking for a camp-out.
Serving Ideas: Serve with carrot and celery sticks.
Purple Punch
- 2 cups cold grape juice
- 2 quarts cold ginger ale
- 1 quart cold orange juice
- 2 oranges — peeled and sliced
- 12 ice cubes
- Put ice cubes in a large bowl.
- Add the grape juice, orange juice, and ginger ale.
- Mix well.
- Float the orange slices in the bowl.
Heart of America Council
- 2 marshmallows
- 2 graham crackers
- 1 chocolate square
- Toast the two marshmallows on a stick over coals.
- Layer sandwich - graham cracker, marshmallow, chocolate, marshmallow, other cracker.
- Eat as a sandwich; you’ll want s’more!
- Make filling out of peanut butter and jam instead of chocolate.
- Use Hershey Hugs in place of Hershey’s chocolate.
Microwave 2 hugs on a cracker for 15 sec. before putting on the marshmallow and cracker.
Microwave another 15 sec. to melt marshmallow.
Hobo Popcorn
Heart of America Council
- In the center of a foil square( *6 ) place one teaspoon of cooking oil and one tablespoon of popcorn.
- Bring foil corners together to make a pouch(bundle wrap).
- Seal the edges, but allow room for the popcorn to expand.
- Tie pouch to a long stick with a string, and hold the pouch over hot coals.
- Shake constantly until all corn has popped.
- Season with butter and salt.
- Serves 1.
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