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Baloo's Bugle


November Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 4
December Theme

A Cub Scout Gives Goodwill
Webelos Craftsman & Scientist
  Tiger Cub Achivement #4




Technology Group


Hot Plate

Circle Ten Council






You will need:


A cross-section of a tree trunk, at least 6 inches in diameter









1.     Sand the wood piece smooth.

2.     Glue felt to bottom of the wood.

3.     Draw a design on a piece of paper and center it on the top surface.

4.     Make a permanent outline of the design by hammering nails at 1/2 inch intervals.

5.     To finish, spray or paint with a wood sealer.


Elephant Puzzle

This puzzle is made from scrap wood. It makes a great gift for a younger child. Any thickness of wood may be used. Enlarge pattern as needed. Features may be painted on if desired. REMEMBER if giving to a small child the smallest piece MUST be big enough not to become a choking hazard.




















1.     Trace the pattern onto the wood with heavy pencil lines.

2.     Cut out with a jigsaw and sand all edges well. REMEMBER cut dotted line first then tusks.

3.     Paint each piece with a bright color.

4.     Paint in the finishing features with acrylic paint.

5.     Varnish to seal.

Discussion -

While completing requirements for this Activity Badge, your boys will develop some new skills and may develop new interests and hobbies based on craft projects completed for their Craftsman activity badge. They will also learn how to use some basic tools. While working with boys on this activity badge, keep these things in mind:


Patience - Some boys require a high degree of patience. Stick with it; you'll be glad you did. Enlist the help of the assistant den leader, den chief, and fathers, so you won't need to do it alone.

Preparation - Have all tools laid out at separate workstations before the den meeting starts. Build a sample of the item yourself before the meeting and make note of the steps that require the most coordination. Be prepared to help boys individually in these areas. Show them your sample so they can get an idea of what the finished product will be like.

Perseverance - Insist that the boys finish the item, which they begin. This is very important. Don't even consider using a project, which the boys can't complete within a reasonable length of time. Watch for signs of discouragement, and help the boys who seem to be having trouble.

Help the boys understand safety practices and to take safety precautions where needed.  They should realize that sharp tools are a necessity and use them with care and safety. Encourage every boy to put forth his best effort and reserve your praise for projects very worthy of compliments.


Ideas for Den Activities

·         Visit a tannery or local leather factory.

·         Visit a furniture factory, lumberyard or cabinetmaker.

·         Have someone give a demonstration of metal work, including the use of the tin snips and a vise.

·         Have someone give a demonstration of leather craft and explain how to use different leather tools.

·         Invite someone to visit your den meeting and give a demonstration on the proper use and care of tools.

·         Discuss methods for finishing wood projects. This includes the importance of proper sanding and staining, filling holes and or scratches, and applying finishes like stains, varnishes, enamel or shellac.

·         Arrange to visit a home under construction. Talk to the workers at the beginning of the month, and look at blueprints. Visit again at the end of the month to see the progress made in that time.

Tips from an experienced Webelos Leader

The Cub Scout Leader How-To-Book (Chapter 3) is an excellent resource for ideas on wood projects, metal and tin craft, leather crafts and plastic crafts.

In completing the requirements for the Craftsman activity badge, a boy must complete at least seven (if he chooses Requirement #6) and up to ten (if he chooses Requirements 4, 5, 7 or 8) craft projects. It is impossible to do that many projects of a suitable degree of difficulty at your den meetings. You might want to schedule a "workshop" on a Saturday morning or two to provide extra opportunities to complete requirements. (If working on items near the holiday season that could be given as gifts, call this a "Santa's Workshop Saturday." ) So here is a chance to involve the parents. You can also enlist the help of the parents in furnishing tools to be used during the den meeting.

Craftsman Field Trip Ideas

1.     Visit a lumberyard.

2.     Visit a wood or metal shop. Have them tell about tools and how to care for them.

Demonstrations for Pack Meeting

l.      How to use the coping saw, bench fork or V-board and C-clamp.

2.     How to nail, toenail, clinch a nail, and use a block to pull a nail.

3.     How to drill a hole for inside cutting with coping saw.

4.     How to use a pocketknife - care, safety measures, sharpening, whittling.

5.     How to nail a butt joint.

6.     How to apply finish - crayons, tempera, wax paint, enamel, shellac.

7.     How to make a bench hook and how it is used.

8.     Proper use of wood tools, leather tooling, aluminum tooling.

For Materials

·         Ask your lumber yard for scrap lumber they are going to throw away.

·         Ask carpet companies for carpet scraps which are to be discarded.

·         Auto upholstery companies will sometimes give you plastic scraps left over from seat covers.

·         Check with cabinet shops for scrap pieces of lumber, molding, etc.

CD Crafts

Make mantel clocks from old CD's, scrap pieces of wood and clock movements. Another use for old CD's is to put the label side down and then put felt pads on 4 sides or rubber feet on the 4 sides. Then turn the CD over and you have a great coaster to use on tables, etc.

Desk Organizer


Tin cans - Tuna can, juice concentrate can, soup can

4" x 4" block of wood

3 wood screws

Nail punch


Spray paint



1.       Punch a hole in the center of each can bottom.

2.       Arrange on block of wood and mark the center hole on the wood.

3.       Punch a starter hole on the marks

4.       Screw cans to wood.

5.       Outside of cans can be painted and block of wood may be painted or stained.




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