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February Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 9, Issue 7
March Theme

Why Does It Do That?
Webelos Athlete & Engineer
  Tiger Cub Program


POW WOW’s Across Our Nation

We don’t have any Pow Wow information this month, but we do have some great training information.



Hopefully, coming soon to a Council near you!!!


Welcome to 21st Century Wood Badge, the ultimate leadership training program for ALL adult leaders of the Boy Scouts of America. Established in 1919 by Scouting’s founder Robert Baden-Powell, Wood Badge has been the training ground for hundreds of thousands of Scouters throughout the world. It is the only internationally recognized training award.


Through the years, Wood Badge has evolved to provide leaders with the skills they need to strengthen today’s Scouting in meaningful ways. The latest version of Wood Badge represents the most significant changes in the program since the early 1970s. Building on the past, understanding the present, and looking to the future, 21st Century Wood Badge stands ready to provide leadership for Scouting and leadership for America.


The 21st Century Wood Badge course brings together leaders from all areas of Scouting—Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, and Venturing. Reflecting the best of nearly a century of Scouting experience, 21st Century Wood Badge draws upon the most current leadership models used by corporate America, academic circles, and successful outdoor leadership organizations throughout the country.


Frank Sharpy






Den Chief Training


How many of you have heard of this program?  Oregon Trail Council has had a Den Chief Training Program since it was done as a Ticket item from WE1-697-93. There are people willing to help you put together this valuable training opportunity. The following is a Q & A to a collection of questions asked by Den Leaders and prospective Den Chiefs (Boy Scouts!)


What is a Den Chief?


A Den Chief is the "Big Guy" that comes to a Cub Scout or Webelos den meeting to help the Den Leader lead the boys. You get to help the boys learn songs, games,

skits, and tricks. You help the Den Leader with the teaching of ranks and achievements for the boys, and you show the younger Scouts what a great thing it is to be a Boy Scout.


Who can become a Den Chief?


 Any BSA Registered Scout who has been recommended by his Scoutmaster. It is recommended that you be 12 years old and/or a First Class Scout. It is also helpful to be 2‑4 years older than the boys that you will be leading.


Why should I become a Den Chief?


This is one of the leadership positions that count towards advancement in Boy Scouts. You will be a real leader for younger Scouts. This is also a chance to encourage younger boys to stay in Scouting, share with them the many things that you have learned in scouting, and have fun, too. And where else can you be the "Big Guy" to a bunch of young boys, who look up to you with adoring eyes?


How do I become a Den Chief?


Talk to your Scoutmaster or SPL. Tell him that you want to become a Den Chief. Attend the Den Chief Training and then ask your Scoutmaster to help you find a den in need of a Den Chief.


Can I be a Den Chief without Training?


Yes, but you cannot earn the Den Chief Award. Also, just as in all leadership positions, you are a better leader if you are trained.            


Do I have to have a den ready to accept me?


No. You can get the training and then take the leadership position when you find a den that needs your help and leadership.


So, what do you do at this training?


You will learn what your duties are (and what are not your duties, too). You will learn how to help the Den Leader, how to lead Songs and Games, Safety, and how to encourage younger scouts to continue in Scouting on the Boy Scout level.


Is this going to be boring?


Not at all! We will have to do some classroom‑type training, but there is a lively staff that will be teaching and demonstrating songs, games, tricks, and puzzles that you can share with your Cub Scout or Webelos Den.


So what do I get?


A "Trained" patch to go under the Den Chief Leadership patch that you wear  on the sleeve of your 1st Class uniform shirt. A packet of great activities to teach your den, including Songs, Games, Tricks, etc. A Training card showing attendance and completion of the course. You will be able to use this training towards the Den Chief Award.


 I am a Cub Leader. How can I get a Den Chief?


There are several ways to do this. First, if you are working with a Troop, talk to the leadership about the opportunity you have for a Scout to get some leadership experience (and, maybe help to recruit some Cubs into the boy’s Troop!) If you are not working with a Troop, simply call your friendly local Council Office and ask your District Executive to help you get a Den Chief. You will be glad you did!!


Frank Sharpy, Oregon Trail Council



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Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website ©1997-2002 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.