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Baloo's Bugle


February Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 9, Issue 7
March Theme

Why Does It Do That?
Webelos Athlete & Engineer
  Tiger Cub Program




Genius Kits


I can’t imagine that anyone hasn’t at least seen a description of the Genius Kit activity, but for those that haven’t I am including my description here. And for those that have never done a Genius Kit activity, you are really missing out on one of the most incredible, eye-opening activities you could possibly imagine. We run one of these activities at least every couple years because they are always fun and the results are never the same.


What is a Genius Kit?


Well it’s a group of 20 or more odds and ends thrown together into a container and given to a boy to turn into something. (Variations include letting the boys pick their own items from a large open container, but again, the items are odds and ends.)


What is the purpose of the Genius Kit activity?


The object is to let the kids use their imaginations to come up with some of the most unbelievable

creations from the junk they have. You will be amazed at the results!

How do you run a Genius Kit activity?


I have seen them run two different ways. First, as said above, is to give the kids a chance to pick their own items from a general junk bin and then let them work on making their creations. The other way is to give each boy an identical Genius Kit and have each one come up with his own creation. We also apply rules depending on how we are running the event. For example, when we’ve given the boys all the same items, we’ve said no painting and only the materials supplied and clear glue can be used. This keeps them from adding to their creations beyond the “level playing field.”


Finally, this activity doesn’t lend itself to a large group setting. The hot glue and white glue can end up everywhere and might hurt someone. If you want to incorporate it into the Pack Meeting, have the boys work on them at home and bring them in for display and judging. (This is just my opinion.)


How do you judge the Genius Kits?


For either “method,” we try to have enough categories that virtually all of the creations get

ribbons. It isn’t easy for the judges, let me tell you. Your best bet is to make sure you have ribbons or certificates for all participants and then you can come up with some Top Prizes.


York-Adams Area Council



Gathering Activity- for Den Meetings- How did we know that?

Pack 114, Calhoun, NE


Instructions Test

This test is to see if you can follow directions.
Concentrate, but remember, you have only two minutes to complete this.

  1. Read everything before doing anything.
  2. Put your name in the upper right-hand corner of this paper.
  3. Circle the word "name" in sentence number 2.
  4. Draw five small squares in the upper left-hand corner of this paper.
  5. Put an "x" in each square.
  6. Put a circle around each square.
  7. Put a circle around each word in sentence number 5.
  8. Put an "x" in the lower left-hand corner of this paper.
  9. Draw a triangle around the "x" you just put down.
  10. If you think you have followed directions up to this point, call out "I have."
  11. Now that you have finished reading this carefully, do only number 1 and number 2.
  12. You have finished. How did you do?

Print up the following on paper and hand out as they arrive. Maybe have a “special treat” to correctly completed forms

On the Bobcat Trail

by Barb Stephens

Cub Scout Promise
Fill in the blanks with a word from the list below:

I ______________ to do my ________

To do my ________ to God and my ______________,

To help other ____________, and

To ________ the ______ of the ________.









Cub Scout Law of the Pack
Number these lines in the correct order.

_____ The Cub Scout helps the Pack go

_____ The Cub Scout gives goodwill

_____ The Cub Scout follows Akela

_____ The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow

Cub Scout Motto
The Cub Scout Motto is:

____ ________ ________!


Shavings & Chips Quiz

by Barb Stephens


Part I: Circle the correct answer

True False

1. A knife is NOT a toy.

True False

2. A dull knife is safer than a sharp knife.

True False

3. Dirt on a knife blade helps keep it sharp.

True False

4. A knife is handy for cutting bark off trees.

True False

5. Never carve your initials on anything that does NOT belong to you.

True False

6. A pocket knife should always be closed when it is not in use.


Part II: Fill in the blank

1. Close the blade with the ________________ of your hand.

2. A __________________ should never be used on something that will dull or break it.


Part III: Circle the correct answer

1. Always keep your knife ( dry / wet ) so it will not rust.

2. When using a knife, do not make ( big / little ) shavings or chips.

Cub Scout Quiz

by Barb Stephens


  1. The BSA turned _____ years old February 8, 2003.
  2. _______ __________ ____________ is the founder of Scouting.
  3. The Cub Scout motto is ____ _______ ________.
  4. The _________ _____ program introduces first grade boys to Cub Scouting.
  5. There are ______ tracks to the Bobcat trail.
  6. __________ achievements are required to earn the Wolf Badge.
  7. The first ______ electives go toward the _______ Arrow Point for both Wolf and Bear ranks.
  8. There are _______ Webelos Activity Badges that can be earned.
  9. The highest award in Cub Scouts is the _______ ___ ________.
  10. We belong to Pack ______ in the _______________ District of the ___________________ Council.
  11. There are ______ boys in our Cub Scout den.
  12. Our leaders' names are ______ __________ and ______ __________.
  13. The Cubmaster's name is ________ __________.
  14. Our February pack meeting is the _______ & _____ __________.
  15. Our yearly pack finale is a Family Pack _________________.






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Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website ©1997-2002 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.