July Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 12
Summer Songfest
Webelos Naturalist & Forester
Every year Boys’ Life has an FABULOUS
reading program for Scouts. This contest/program, “Say Yes to Reading” was
detailed in the June issue page 13, of Boys’ Life.
Write a one-page report titled "The Best Book I Read
This Year" and enter it in the Boys' Life 2001 "Say Yes to
Reading" contest.
The book can be fiction or non-fiction. But the report
has to be in your own words - 500 word tops. Enter in one of these three age
8 years old and younger
9 and 10 years old
11 years and older
Send your report with your name, address, age and grade
in school along with a business-sized, self-addressed stamped envelop to:
Boys' Life Reading Contest - S304
P.O. Box 152079
Irving, TX 75015-2079
Entries must be postmarked by Dec. 31, 2001.
Okay, Summer is flying by and the flowers are fading, and
summer time activities are drawing to a close.
Time to start planning the Fall and Winter Calendar.
Time for everyone to send me the Pow Wow/University of Scouting
Calendars. Yes, allow me to put
your BIGGEST & BEST training event for Cub Scout Leaders in Baloo’s
Bugle. Also, I am looking for
PowWows within a 2 – 3 hour driving distance of Huntsville, Alabama, so I
can attend them myself. So
hearing from Nashville, TN, or Eastern Mississippi would be GREAT!
Months ago I reported that we would be going to a new
ISP. It has happened.
My new email-personal- address is cmr1954@knology.net
My USSSP account is has been unchanged, at it is: cmr1954@usscouts.org
Cub-L E-mail
Discussion List
Sometime around September 2001 we will be opening a new
e-mail discussion list called Cub-L for use by all Cub Scout Leaders to
discuss topics of interest. We anticipate opening up a dedicated server just
for e-mail discussion lists. Once we arrange hosting for this server and set
it up, we'll announce the availability of CUB-L via the USSSP E-News. You can
subscribe at http://usscouts.org/usscouts/ussspenews.html.
Indian Nations
Songs bring life to Cub Scouting through many avenues.
Songs can bring a pack meeting or campfire to a frenzied pitch, and can
also deeply touch the emotions of parents, leaders, and boys.
They can cause laughter and they can cause learning.
With Cub Scouts, leaders need to keep in mind that boys are looking for
songs that are funny, tell stories, have action involved, and use tunes they
like to sing. If you are going to
have a songfest with Cub Scouts, star t out with these types of songs.
You can then work in songs that have more meaning once they have broken
the ice.
Leading and teaching songs is fun.
It helps if you can carry a tune, but even if you can't, if the boys
know the tune, all you have to do is get it started.
Don't avoid singing because you feel you don't sing well.
The boys won't mind a bit.
Here are some tips you can use to help when you lead and
teach songs:
Relax. If you appear to be uptight, it will carry across to the
boys. Smile! Don't worry, be happy!
Pick the songs you want to sing in advance and make sure you can
sing them and can teach them with confidence.
Set the pitch (you won't want Frankie Valli or Wayne Newton
impersonations) and if the tune is not well known, sing a few bars if
Start the song, keep time, and control volume with hand motions.
Keep your hand open--closed fists are not conducive to song leading.
Move around to inject enthusiasm and to ensure everyone is
singing. Overdo the
enthusiasm--it's contagious and the boys will love it.
Where appropriate, get CRAZY!
Don't try a new song until you have the audience warmed up with
a couple of songs they know. Avoid
opera and medieval chants.
Provide copies of the words to the songs.
Make use of the Cub Scout Songbook, or copied pages from the Pow Wow
book or roundtable helps.
Use accompaniment if possible.
There may be some parent who can play guitar.
This will add a lot to the singing.
However, avoid taking pianos to campfires unless using for firewood.
Make use of actions songs.
It's good aerobic exercise for you and the parents, and it will wear
some of the excess energy off of the boys.
Sources for songs, are numerous through the Cub Scout
Literature. Let yourself go and
you’ll come up with some wild and crazy things the Scouts will love.
This is the
first gathering of the pack after the summer. You will be welcoming new scouts
or gathering the scouts to prepare to welcome the new scouts from School Night
for Scouting. It should be more
relaxed, there may not be many awards but Definitely
give highlights from the summer pack activities.
Have one or more dens give their accounts of the summer pack
activities. This gives the new
scouts an opportunity to hear what Fun
they will be having this year in scouting.
Songs are
dreadfully discounted as “not fun”. Not
true. Who says everyone has to be
on the right note?? It should be Fun!
Modified oldies and regular
oldies are great fun for the scouts to sing.
Me : )
so, never miss the opportunity to make a silly joke.
For instance, this past weekend (June 8) I bought an outside decorative
birdhouse and on the roof, the words painted are “Home, Sweet Home”.
With Cubs, I would start a discussion by pointing out that hopefully
some birds would read : ) that and
bring it’s family to live there. This
statement meant only as a joke could lead to an interesting talk about nesting
and bird habitats and to get your Cubs talking about birds, where they live
and protecting their habitat. We actually have two birdhouses in our backyard.
The other has grapevines and twigs added to it for a more rustic
natural look. So now which of the
two, if any, will my feathered friends choose?
I’ll keep my eyes open to see what happens, over the next year.
scouters have contacted me
based on my talking about my job. Gary
from South Carolina has emailed the Thrifty Nickel in Huntsville stating the
Bugle is great. Thanks Gary.
And Don, a scouter, from Illinois called me at work about potentially
placing an ad for his wife’s at home business.
Sometimes it surprises me that scouters actually read the Bugle.
Last month, I asked you all to
click on the URL below. Dang, the
luck, our work site wasn’t responding.
PLEASE try again and visit our home page at http://www.thriftynickelads.com/dsp_paper_home.cfm?paperid=1099
Just a click, that’s all.
I have an additional offer to
those that direct me to a viable lead, on my other job.
I will pay 10% of my commission to your council’s endowment fund in
your name. No, I am not looking
for a tax deduction, just for some help in my “other” job.
Call me at 1-866-533-4285 and I can help you with National Advertising
(121 papers) in the Thrifty Nickel.
Materials found in Baloo's
Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that
Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the
Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website
©1997-2002 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for
training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA)
or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used
or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express
permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other
copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf
of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.