July Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 12
Summer Songfest
Webelos Naturalist & Forester
Trapper Trails Council
game is based on the TV version. You
will need large sheets of paper or a dry erase board, some markers and a
timer. The boys are divided into
two teams. The game leader has a
coin toss to see which team will go first.
One boy from the team steps up to the drawing board and is shown a
musical term, name of a song, instrument, etc. to draw.
The team has 30 seconds to guess what character is being drawn.
Use of sounds or letters and words is not allowed.
If the team doing the drawing does not guess the correct word in 30
seconds the other team gets one try to guess.
The team with the most correct guesses wins.
Chairs (and variations)
Trapper Trails Council
age likes to play musical chairs. Try
playing it with a variety of things such as musical eggs (Easter).
Musical hearts (Valentines), etc.
The game of Hot Potatoes is also fun played with music.
Where a potato is passed when the music is played and whoever has it
when the music stops is out of the game.
Continue the music is played and whoever has it when the music stops is
out of the game. Continue until
there is a winner. Pass a variety
of things for fun such as candy bars in this game until everyone has a
different candy. When the music
is on the candy is passed, when the music stops, the candy stops.
After several rounds, and the game is over, each keeps the candy, or
trinket, that he has. More ideas
include passing small presents at Christmas time, or pass a Spirit Stick and
the holder is the one to answer a question, etc.
That Tune (Or Instrument)
Trapper Trails Council
all the players into couples. Each
couple decides on a song or a musical instrument sound.
Everyone is blindfolded and mixed up.
Each couple must find his partner by ONLY making the sound of the
instrument or singing the song. The
partners that find each other first are the winners.
Trapper Trails Council
chairs into a circle with a gap in the circle and have one person stand in the
gap. Seat everyone else on the
chairs. Have everyone pick a
different two-count motion that imitates the playing of a musical instrument.
For example, if someone picked the violin, he could pose as though his
left hand were holding a violin tucked under his chin, and for the motion he
could draw his right hand over and back, imitating the bow action.
After everyone has demonstrated his two-count motion, explain that the
person standing in the gap is the maestro.
The maestro starts by waving his hand (or a conductor’s baton) in a
two-count to establish the beat. He
imitates the two-count motion of someone in the circle.
The person whose motion the maestro imitated must respond with his own
motion and then the two-count motion of someone else.
The play continues in this manner from one person to the next.
When someone is in the maestro position, he does not use the motion he
picked since his two-count motion is now that of the maestro on the podium.
Play continues until someone misses his own turn or responds out of
rhythm, or the maestro makes a mistake, this person then goes to the lowest
seat, the one next to the gap. Everyone
between him and the lowest seat moves up one seat.
Materials found in Baloo's
Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that
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