July Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 12
Summer Songfest
Webelos Naturalist & Forester
WOW EXTRAVAGANZAS Around The United States.
The Greater St.
Louis Area Council Pow Wow will be held on Nov. 3, 2001.
It will be held at Hazelwood East High School.
If you need any more information contact the Director of Training Fred
Brown at: 314-361-0600
NWSC's (Northwest
Suburban Council, Chicago area) pow wow is on Sat. Nov. 3 at Christian
Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL,
Our theme is 2001: A Cub Scouting Odyssey
Council, Heartland University of Scouting, Theme: 2001, A Scout Odyssey,
Saturday, November 3 8:00am - 4:30pm, Girls & Boys Town, Omaha, Nebraska
Chair: Sally Mann, slmann@unmc.edu
Smoky Mountain as tentatively scheduled our Univesity of Scouting for
Saturday, March 23rd, 2002. We
will have a website set up that will show what classes are being offer.
That website can be accessed from our Cub
Scout Training website.
(Cub class information is, posted on the Cub Training site, once the
classes have been determined.
Great Smoky Mountain,
University of Scouting, March 23,
2002 (tentative), Knoxville,
Tennessee (Eastern Tennessee), Great Smoky Council Cub Scout Training website:
I'll let you know when we have a confirmed date.
Any questions, please contact me at doublelope@yahoo.com
Tennessee Council, Nashville, TN, Saturday, January 26, 2002, 8:00 a.m. -
4:00 p.m., Raymond Gregory, Chairman RGregory6@aol.com,
Dee Dee Cobb, Cub Scout Training Coordinator deedee.cobb@excite.com,
The location has not been set yet. I will try to send you an update
when we have the location.
Council Pow Wow , Saturday, March 30, 2002 ,Raleigh, NC ,Dusty Fletcher,
Pow Wow Chief, Council web site: http://www.occoneechee.org
Indian Nations
Council will again host its nationally renown POW WOW on November 3, 2001
at Jenks High School.(down the road from Tulsa, Oklahoma.)
(This is the POW WOW books that have been on the web for over 10
years.) New, improved and up to date. To
register contact Indian Nations Council (918) 743-6125.
Louisiana Council November 10, 2001 - University of Scouting (504
889-0388), P.O. Box 1146 4200 S.
I-10 Service Road, Metairie, LA 70001 Zip 70004
Western Region
Inland Empire Council's "MegaVersity" is PowWow for all programs
including Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity, Venture and district/council
Scouting. It will take place Saturday, October 20th. The location is TBD, but
will likely be in Moreno Valley, near the 91, 60, 10 and 215 freeways.
The web page is available at: http://www.geocities.com/megversity/
County Council puts on their Leadership Training Conference on November
3rd this year. This is also a multi-program event with lots of classes,
exhibits, displays and activities. I
believe that the LTC will again be at Century High School in the Orange/Santa
Ana area, near the 5, 22, 91 and 55 freeways.
For details, contact Chuck Hand, their event coordinator, at: cl-dm-hand@thegrid.net
Great Southwest
Council will host their annual Pow
Wow on November 3, 2001. Last years Pow Wow had
outstanding classes .
Grand Canyon
Council Pow Wow, Phoenix, AZ, Jan 12, 2002.
Registration information will be available at District Roundtables in
November and December as
well as from the Council Service Center.
Northeast Region
Hudson Valley
Councils Pow Wow, conducted by the Hudson Valley and Rip Van Winkle
Councils. November 17, 2001 at Heritage Junior High School in New
Windsor, NY. Contact Keith Tilley, redcoat@netstep.net
for more information.
Hudson Valley
Councils University of Scouting, conducted by the Hudson Valley and Rip
Van Winkle Councils. March 2, 2002 at Our Lady of Lourdes High School in
Poughkeepsie, NY. Contact Keith Tilley, redcoat@netstep.net
for more information.
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copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf
of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.