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Trail Guide

bpm.gif - 1.4 KSTART

dispatch.gif - 1.1 KLeave cabin and pick up trail in front of the cabin by the four trees.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KTake a bearing of 85.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KGo over creek and follow trail up to the top of the hill.
bpm.gif - 1.4 K1. CROSS THE MINE FIELD

dispatch.gif - 1.1 KGo to point 11 and take a bearing of 200.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KYou will pass a pond on your left hand side.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KWhen you come to a T in the trail take a right hand take a bearing of 170.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KThe pine forest and point 10 will be on your left.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KYou will pass point 9 on your right.
bpm.gif - 1.4 K2. TRUST KNOT TIE

dispatch.gif - 1.1 KTake a left hand turn on a bearing 355.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KProceed through the cathedral.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KWhen you come to point 7 take a right turn on a bearing of 60.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KYou will pass a pond on your left.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KContinue onward until you come to a farm fence.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KWait here for advance scout.
bpm.gif - 1.4 K3. ROPE LADDER

dispatch.gif - 1.1 KTake a right turn at steps and proceed on a bearing of 92.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KChoose:

a. Go down steps and over small footbridge. At point 2 take a bearing of 209 and follow it up to enemy encampment.


b. Go down steps and over creek use ladder to scale embankment.

dispatch.gif - 1.1 KTake a bearing of 80 and bushwhack up the hill to enemy encampment.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KReconnoiter enemy camp. Use extreme caution while in the enemy camp.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KRemember what you see here.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KMaintain silence while in camp. Use your eyes to size up the area.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KLeave encampment through the front gate. Turn left and proceed to bridge.
bpm.gif - 1.4 K4. SKETCH MAP

dispatch.gif - 1.1 KLeave the bridge on a bearing of 155.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 Klead patrol out. BE CAREFUL. Noise will set of an alarm.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KWhen you come to a Y in the road, go left.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KProceed to command center on your right.
bpm.gif - 1.4 K5. OBSERVATION POST

dispatch.gif - 1.1 KGo to end of parking lot. you will come upon an abandoned enemy encampment (picnic area).
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KStand at grill and take a bearing of 224.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KBUSHWHACK down hill to creek trail.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KWatch out for MINES. Spread patrol out and proceed slowly and cautiously.
bpm.gif - 1.4 K6. FIRST AID

dispatch.gif - 1.1 KWhen you reach the trail take a right hand turn follow a bearing of 298.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KYou will come to an enemy held road. Stay left.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KThere is an abandoned outpost on your left.
bpm.gif - 1.4 K7. HEIGHT AND WIDTH

dispatch.gif - 1.1 KTake height and width measurement of post and bring back for H.Q.
dispatch.gif - 1.1 KStay on bearing of 298 back to camp. Beware of enemy spies!
bpm.gif - 1.4 K8. SPY LIGHT

dispatch.gif - 1.1 KMaintain present bearing to fire pits. Don't get caught in search light!
bpm.gif - 1.4 K9. SIGNAL FIRE

dispatch.gif - 1.1 KYou are almost home. Don't let your guard down - signal ahead.
bpm.gif - 1.4 K10. ORIENTEERING

dispatch.gif - 1.1 Kcontinue to flag pole
bpm.gif - 1.4 K11. ASTRONOMY

dispatch.gif - 1.1 Kwithout using compass chalk an arrow pointing north on driveway.

This web page was written by Bob Myers, Committee Member, Troop 3, Cincinnati, Ohio
with web authoring assistance by Michael F. Bowman, USSSP Web Team

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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