Internet Scout Patch - Earn It!
U.S. Scouting Service Project

This is an educational program of the U.S. Scouting Service Project and is not part of the advancement program of any WOSM Scouting Association
Cub Scout (Under 11 years old) Requirements:
Do ANY 8 of Requirements 1 through 11 AND Do Requirement 12
Online help - http://usscouts.org/internetscoutpatch-earnit.asp.
(You can find the Boy Scout (over 11 years old) requirements here)
Computer Access Find out where computing resources are available in your community or school OR visit a store where computer hardware, software and accessories are sold. Share with your leader (or a parent) and with your Den what you learned.
Getting Connected Find out what internet service you use at home, or your parents use at work or learn about a service that is available in your home town. Discuss with your parents and Den Leader what you learned.
Online Safety Learn about Online safety and how to protect yourself on the Internet. With your parents, guardian, or Scout Leader, go to http://www.netsmartz.org/KIDS/index_hasFlash.html and complete each lesson.
Web Browsers Explain what a browser (for example; Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, Amaya, or Lynx) is and how use a browser to find information on the World Wide Web.
Using the World Wide Web Demonstrate how to connect to the Internet and World Wide Web using a computer & modem or other device (Cable Modems, DSL, etc) . Once connected:
Explain the difference between a web page and a website.
Demonstrate what a "link" is and how it works.
Explain how to change from one URL to another.
Searching for Information Use a search engine on the World Wide Web Examples of search engines include; Google (http://www.google.com), Yahoo (http://www.yahoo.com), AltaVista (http://www.altavista.digital.com), Lycos (http://www.lycos.com) and FirstGov (http://firstgov.gov). Find a website which addresses some part of Scouting.
Using the Web for Scouting Visit http://macscouter.com/CubScouts/CubCmptr/index.html and under the category “Let’s Go Surfing”, find and print out games, songs or skits. (If Bears find a game, song or skit they like and get their Den Leader’s approval, they can plan and conduct one of the above during a den meeting and complete Achievement 24c.)
Your Own Web Page With the help of an adult build a simple web page and show it to your Scout Leader (or a parent). This web page should include text, a link, and a graphic. (note: This web page does not have to be put on the internet to qualify and can be done as a den project.) Discuss with your Scout leader (or a parent) how an individual with disabilities can access the web.
Using E-mail Show how to send and receive e-mail.
Internet Communications Explain what Messenger-type services (AOL Instant Messenger, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, etc.) are and how to use them. Explain to an Adult what to do when somebody you don't know tries to chat with you. Explain what to do when somebody tries to find out where you live or go to school. With an adult present, use one of these tools.
Safe Computing Explain what a computer virus and worm are. Explain how to protect your computer from viruses, worms, and other malicious programs.
Downloading Software Explain to your Scout Leader what can go wrong with your computer when you download software and how to safely download software. If you have a home computer, discuss with your parents what software you can download on your home computer.
Silver Beaver Award
Kommissioner Karl

It’s Beaver season in most councils! Each fall most councils seek out their top volunteers. The Silver Beaver is the highest award a local council can bestow upon a volunteer. The Silver Beaver Award is presented upon action of the Council Executive Board through the nomination and recommendation of the District Committee for outstanding service to youth within the Council or for outstanding longtime service to youth by a registered Scouter residing within the Council. The average tenure for Silver Beaver candidates is ten years or longer. Candidates for this award must be nominated, and self-nomination is not allowed. The amount of awards a council may present is determined by the size of the council. A council is allowed one Silver Beaver recipient for every 60 units chartered in its territory. Nominations are due to the Council by a date they set. Generally, nomination forms are available at Council Offices, on the web or at Roundtables. Be sure to nominate someone you know who is an outstanding Scouter. And keep nominating them. (Commissioner Dave told me he nominated one Scouter about five times until he was selected). It is said this award seeks the recipient. The recipient does not seek the award.