Note on Word Searches, Word Games, Mazes and such – In order to make these items fit in the two column format of Baloo’s Bugle they are shrunk to a width of about 3 inches. Your Cubs probably need bigger pictures. You can get these by copying and pasting the picture from the Word version or clipping the picture in the Adobe (.pdf) version and then enlarging to page width. CD
Things from the Future Word Search
Julie Byler
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Find the names of some things that we will find in the future in the word search below. They can be upside down, backwards, forwards or diagonal.

Space Ship Hunt
Baltimore Area Council
- Hide around the room many spaceships cut out of construction paper.
- As each person arrives, they are told to hunt for the spaceships.
- The person finding the most wins.
Make More Words
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Here are some ideas for word games. Use your imagination and you can think of a lot more.
How many words can you make from the letters in
Examples: ant, tattoo
How many words can you make from the letters in
Cubs in the Future?
Examples: sub, tire
How many words can you make from the letters in
space flight?
Examples: pat, flea
Looking closely without a Microscope
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Science is about testing and about looking closely. Some scientists use microscopes to take a close look. We're going to use a simple piece of paper. Here's what you do:
- Take a piece of paper and cut in the middle a “window” 1” square. (It's easiest to fold the page in half before you cut.)
- Choose something interesting: a tree trunk, a leaf, flower, the soil surface or a slice of soil from a shovel.
- Put your window over the thing and look at it closely.
- Take your time- this is not a race.
- To help you see more details, draw a picture of what's inside your square.
- Now let's think about what you've found.
Space Word Scramble
Baltimore Area Council
Words can be found horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Alien |
Galaxy |
Monster |
Asteroids |
Giants |
Moon |
Beasts |
Green Men |
Planets |
Cosmic |
Helmets |
Ray Guns |
Creatures |
Jupiter |
Robot |
Disintegrator |
Mars |
Space |
Fantasy |
Martians |
Stars |
Shuttle Maze
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Help the Space Shuttle Pilot find his way back to the Earth

Sam Houston Area Council
Find words listed below.
They may be across, down or diagonal

Webelos Baloo Scout Wolf
Bear Bobcat Arrow Light
Scouting Future Tiger Cub
Best Rank Cubby Doodle
Star Contest Gathering Activity
Baltimore Area Council
For each of the terms listed write the correct word containing “STAR.”
- Sea Animal
- Bird
- Heavenly body
- Outstanding young actress
- Used when washing clothes
- A song
- Right hand side of a boat
- Meaning to begin
- To go hungry
- To surprise someone
Answers: 1. Starfish, 2. Starling, 3. Star, 4. Starlet, 5. Starch, 6. Stardust, 7. Starboard, 8. Start, 9. Starve, 10. Startle