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January 2006 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue |
Volume 12, Issue 6
February 2006 Theme |
Theme: Cubs in the Future
Scholar & Engineer
Tiger Cub Activities: Requirement #4 |
In the Future
Sam Houston Area Council
Tune: Lion Sleeps Tonight
Zoo-oo-oo-oo-oom up up away.
(Zoom away, I zoom away,…)
In the future, the far-off future,
Rockets in the skies.
In the future, the far-out future,
Rockets in the skies.
Zoo-oo-oo-oo-oom up up away.
(Zoom away, I zoom away, …)
Going to school is really cool,
On rocket-powered bikes.
Going to school is really cool,
On rocket-powered bikes.
Zoo-oo-oo-oo-oom up up away.
(Zoom away, I zoom away, …)
On the streets are flying feet,
Rockets on my shoes.
On the streets are flying feet,
Rockets on my shoes.
Zoo-oo-oo-oo-oom up up away.
(Zoom away, I zoom away, …)
When the Robots Go Rollin’ In
Sam Houston Area Council
Tune: When the Saints go Marchin’ in
When the robots, go rollin’ in
When robots go rollin’ in.
Oh I want to be undercover
When robots go rollin’ in.
It was my room, Mom said to clean
My room Mom said to clean.
It swallowed up, my favorite truck
It swallowed up my favorite truck.
It made a ball, with all my clothes.
It made a ball with all my clothes.
The room was clean, it looked at me,
I didn’t like how it looked at me.
And so I jumped, into the air
And landed on my little chair.
Then as it turned, it made a twitch
I turned him off with its big ol’ switch.
Oh this I will remember
When robots go rollin’ in.
Space Cub Scouts
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
Tune: Do Your Ears Hang Low
Do your ears point high?,
Mr. Spock's your kind of guy.
On the Starship Enterprise,
Out in space we're gonna fly.
Where no man has gone before.
Through the universe and more.
Do you ears point high?
Are your ears quite long?
Then you must be a Klingon,
Will you sneak up on our ship
Till our radar shows a blip?
Then we'll blast you with our phasers
Our ship is the one that stays here.
Are your ears quite long?
We are Space Cub Scouts.
"Beam em Up!" is what we shout.
On the Enterprise we work
We report to Captain Kirk.
Through the struggles and the strife,
Looking for new forms of life.
We are Space Cub Scouts.
Oh Give Me The Sky
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
(Tune: Home on the Range)
Oh, give the sky, where I like to fly
Where the birds and the airplanes go by
Where often is heard just a whirlybird
And the skies are not cloudy all day.
Up, up in the sky
Where the birds and the insects go by
Where often it's heard just a whirlybird
And the skies are not cloudy all day.
How often at night when the skies are bright
With the light from the glittering stars
Have I stood here amazed and asked as I gazed
If I could touch one of those hot stars.
Oh, give me a sky where the bright yellow sun
Glows brightly down long, long sunbeams
Where graceful white kites go gliding along
Like white sheets in my silly day dreams.
Where the sky is so pure, the west winds so free,
The breezes so balmy and light
That I could always fly my plane in the sky
Through all of the big cities bright.
My Dream
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Tune: Home on the Range
Oh give me a suit that an astronaut wears,
And a ship that he flies to the moon.
If I study the stars and the planets out there,
My dreams will surely come true.
Oh, how I dream of the stars
And the sky, and the planets and moon.
I know if I dream, just as an astronaut does,
Then I’ll be an astronaut too.
In The Future Summertime
Baltimore Area Council
Tune: In the Good Old Summertime
In the future summertime, In the future summertime,
Blasting off for summer camp
On Mars will be so fine.
Hot dog pills and instant meals
Before us when we dine.
The food’s all dehydrated
In the future summertime.
In the future summertime, In the future summertime,
Our Cubmaster’s an android,
His brain’s electrified,
His uniform is spiffy,
It’s one big neon sign.
When R2 leads our pack meeting
In the future summertime.
In the future summertime, In the future summertime,
Hiking the canals of Mars
Through the manmade pines
We’ll cover one mile with each step.
It’s hard to keep in line,
When there is no gravity
In the future summertime.
Down by the rockets
Baltimore Area Council
tune: Down by the Station
Down by the rockets
Early in the morning.
See the spacemen waiting For the time to go.
Rockets fueled and ready
Pushing all the buttons
Roar! Roar! Woosh! Woosh! Off they go.
On To Two Stars
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Verdugo Hills Councils
(Tune: On Wisconsin)
On to two stars, on to two stars,
Climbing all the while.
Do your best, just show the rest,
And wear a real Cub Smile.
(keep striving).
Blaze the trail that others follow, Follow to your call,
On Cubs, then on, until- We're on the two stars All.
The Daring Spaceman
Baltimore Area Council
Tune: When Johnny Comes Marching Home
I am a daring astronaut, Hurrah, hurrah,
I’m getting ready to lift off, Hurrah, hurrah,
The rocket takes me high in space,
My ship is a most comfortable place,
To a space adventure, I am on my way.
I’m orbiting now around the moon, Hurrah, hurrah,
I think I’ll land there very soon, Hurrah, hurrah,
I pitch and yaw and roll through space,
I’ve not seen these sights any other place.
I’m a daring spaceman. Won’t you come with me?
Let’s fly to other planets now, Hurrah, hurrah,
Come fly with me, I’ll show you how, Hurrah, hurrah,
We’ll stop at Mercury, Venus, Mars,
At Neptune we’ll take a good look at the stars,
What a lovely sight, The wonderful world of space.
Space Derby Song
Baltimore Area Council
tune: Camp Town Races
Cub Scouts all join in the song, Doo-dah,! Doo-dah,!
Spaceship wire is mighty long, Oh, dee-doo-dah-day
Going to fly so fast, Going to get ahead,
Bet my money on a blue spaceship,
Somebody bet on the red.
The Astronaut’s Plea
Baltimore Area Council
tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
I went for a ride in a spaceship,
The moon and the planets to see.
I went for a ride in a spaceship,
And listen to what happened to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back by spaceship to me, to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my spaceship to me.
I went for a ride on a spaceship
The capsule was crowded and I
Developed a cramp in my muscles.
So I took a walk in the sky.
I went for a walk In my spacesuit
The ship was controlled from the ground
And someone In charge down at NASA
Forgot I was walking around.
Robert Baden-Powell
Sam Houston Area Council
Tune: Father Abraham
Robert Baden-Powell had many Scouts
Many Scouts had Robert Baden-Powell.
I am one of them, and so are you.
Let me tell you what to do...
Right arm.
Robert Baden-Powell had many Scouts
Many Scouts had Robert Baden-Powell.
I am one of them, and so are you.
Let me tell you what to do...
Right arm, left arm.
Continue with:
Right arm: Do Cub salute repeatedly
Left arm: Add left arm handshake motion
Right foot: Add right foot stepping up and down
Left foot: Add left foot stepping up and down
Chin up: Add head nodding up and down
Turn around: Add turning in place
Sit down: Sit down!
Sam Houston Area Council
There was a pack that had a prize
and Cubby was his name, oh
C-U-B-B-Y, C-U-B-B-Y, C-U-B-B-Y
And Cubby was his name, oh.
There was a pack that had a prize
and Cubby was his name, oh
(Clap)-U-B-B-Y, (Clap)-U-B-B-Y, (Clap)-U-B-B-Y
And Cubby was his name, oh.
Continue verses substituting an additional clap
for a letter each time.
Last Verse
There was a pack that had a prize
and Cubby was his name, oh
5 claps, 5 claps, 5 claps
And Cubby was his name, oh.
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