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January Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 9, Issue 6
February Theme

Uncle Sam Depends On You
Webelos Scholar & Engineer
  Tiger Cub Achievement 6




History of Samuel Wilson
York Adams Area Council

Narrator: In the War of 1812, Samuel Wilson operated a slaughter house in the Village of Troy, N.Y. He was popularly known as Uncle Sam and from time to time, supplied barrels of beef to the soldiers located at Greenbush, stamping the barrels U.S. The soldiers from Troy designated the beef as "Uncle Sam's," implying that it was furnished by Samuel Wilson. The other recruits, thinking that the term was applied to the letters U.S. standing for the United States, began using the appellation "Uncle Sam" figuratively for the United States. This interpretation was picked up promptly by other soldiers who began to call everything belonging to the government, "Uncle Sam's" The term as applied to the United States quickly sprang into popular favor and the weekly periodicals soon began to sketch caricature likeness by adding the long white beard and high hat, a typical representation of our government.

Over time, Uncle Sam came to be as household an item as televisions and computers are today.  Probably the most well known picture-poster of Uncle Sam is that drawn by James Montgomery Flagg.  The famous “I Want You for the US Army” poster was the cover for the July 6, 1916, issue of Leslie's Weekly for a story called "What Are You Doing for Preparedness?"  This poster was used during World War I and then again in World War II to support recruitment of soldiers. 

The message of our theme this months comes from this history, but it does not mean we are all being asked to run off and join the Army.  The real message here is that we are all called to play a part in making the United States the great nation of freedom and justice, as so many citizens—soldiers, sailors, airmen, and civilians alike—have done since the beginning of our nation, when men like Thomas Jefferson and John Hancock put their names on a document declaring our freedom from the oppression it was under—The Declaration of Independence.

Tonight we honor some of out young citizens who have, in their own best way, answered Uncle Sam’s call by doing their best, being the best citizens they can be.

Cubmaster:  At this time we will present our Cub Scouts with awards that recognize them for their achievements over the past month.  As always, we ask the parents to come forward with their sons and to present their awards to them.

[Call up the each level of Cub and award them their badges.  Make sure to have the parents actually present them their awards.]

York Adams Area Council

This ceremony could allow some leaders to portray the characters in costume.

Cubmaster: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have some honored guests here tonight. I would-like to introduce Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty, and Yankee Doodle. Each of these individuals is an important symbol to the people of our country. Tonight, they are here to present some other symbols to some deserving young men. These symbols represent hard work, diligence, and jobs well done.

Yankee Doodle: We have some Cub Scouts who have earned some special awards. Would the following Cub Scouts and parents please come forward. (Call the names of those receiving Wolf badge and arrow points.)

Lady Liberty: I would like to call forward those Cub Scouts who have been working for some time and have achieved much. I would like to present them with their awards. (Call the names of those receiving Bear badge and arrow points and their parents.)

Uncle Sam: I would like to recognize some of the older boys in this group. You have given unselfishly of yourselves. For your loyal support over the years, I would like to present you with your awards. (Call the names of those receiving Webelos badges, activity badges, or compass points and their parents.)

Cubmaster: I would like to thank our three guests for coming to help us tonight. And a special thanks to all the boys who have worked so hard to be examples and role models of good American citizens!

York Adams Area Council

Setting: A bridge is in the center stage. One side of the bridge is represented as the Cub Scout side and the other side as the Boy Scout side. You can use your imagination on how to symbolize each side so it is apparent which side is which. Use of Boy Scouts with candles lighting the path is very impressive. Cubmaster and Scoutmaster standing appropriate sides.

Cubmaster: Tonight we mark a great occasion....the graduation of ______ Webelos Scouts into a boy scout troop. We are sad to see them leave because they have been a great help to our pack...but we are happy for them because they are going on to the great adventure of Boy Scouting. These Webelos have worked hard for this night and have advanced well. As a symbol of their hard work, each Webelos scout will be given an arrow. As I call your name, will each Scout come forward with your parents.

(Call each boys name off.)

Reader: The arrow alone gives meaning to each of these scouts. The wooden shaft gives the strength like the strength the Scout Promise gives each boy. The fletching helps guide the arrow on a straight and true path like the Scout Law guides the Scout on a straight and true path. The arrowhead points the way to the target like Webelos badge and Arrow of Light requirements have pointed the Scout to the ways of Boy Scouting.

Each arrow has these parts...but each arrow is different...it is individual. Each arrow represents their own trail through Cub Scouting.

(Give each boy his arrow.)

It has been a long trail...As you look at the arrow you can look back and see how far you have traveled. Your first trail led you across the Bobcat Ridge, where Akela took you into the Pack as a Bobcat. The yellow mark tells that this boy completed his Bobcat requirements. You may have then climbed the steep Wolf Mountain. The red mark means he has completed the Wolf badge. After that there may be a gold and silver marks for the arrow points that you may have earned. After finding your way through Bear Forest, you may have earned your Bear rank. The green mark shows you have gained your Bear achievements, and again you may have earned a gold and silver arrow points. Your trail next may have led you to Webelos Rank...first earning three Webelos pins shown by three black marks, then your Webelos badge which is marked in blue. The Arrow of Light trail may have been hard and rugged. You first earned another four Webelos pins. Then came the highest Cub Scout Achievement, the Arrow of Light which is signified by the white marking on the arrow. The twelve beads will remind you of the twelve points of the Scout Law. The red and white feathers not only stand for the troops colors, but also for devotion and honor.

Your trail in Scouting does not end in Cub Scouting...it is only the beginning...for all of you have prepared yourself for the crossing over to Boy Scouts. The bridge before you is a symbol of your crossing from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting. The bridge is a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression. It is a means of connection or transition from one side to another...as this bridge represents how our Pack is connected to our Troop . As I call each boys name, please come stand before Your Cubmaster where he will remove your Webelos neckerchief.

(Cubmaster is calling over to the Scoutmaster.)

Cubmaster: Hello, Boy Scouts of Troop .

Scoutmaster: Hello, Cub Scouts of Akela. What do you desire?

Cubmaster: We have several Webelos who have prepared themselves for entrance into your Troop.

Scoutmaster: Bring them and their parents forward to the bridge that joins our Pack and Troop. I will send two of my Scouts over to escort the boys and their parents over the bridge. (Boy Scouts cross over to Pack's side and then escorts the new scout and their parents to the other side.)

Webelos Den Leader (Speaking to the Scoutmaster): These are your new Scouts, ready for the adventures ahead of them. They are going to call themselves the patrol.

Webelos Den Leader (Speaking to the boys): As I call each of your names, please come forward to your Scoutmaster, , where he will place on you the Neckerchief of Troop .

Scoutmaster: I'd like to welcome the new patrol and their families to our Troop .

(Lights on)

Scoutmaster: Will the Troop please form your patrols.

(Have SPL lead all scouts in the Scout Promise)


Bridging Webelos To Scouts
York Adams Area Council

Personnel: Cubmaster, Webelos leader, Den Chief, Scoutmaster, Boy Scout candidates and their parents.

Equipment: American flag, pack flag, troop flag, a bridge, troop neckerchief for each candidate

Setting: The bridge is place in center of room, pack flag is to the left of the bridge, the American flag and troop flag to the right. Cubmaster and Webelos Den Leaders (of boys crossing over) at left of bridge. Candidates and parents to the far left, to be escorted to front. Scoutmaster and Boy Scouts to the right of the bridge.

Narrator/Den Leader: “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” How many of us have used that phrase when we are faced with something we have not prepared for. On their journey as Webelos Scouts these boys have crossed many “bridges.” With the help of their den leaders and parents they are prepared to cross this bridge tonight. They have gone camping, and hiking; they have learned how to cook a meal in tin foil on a campfire; they have learned the importance o physical fitness and they have earned activity pins in a variety of areas. They have spent many hours preparing for this bridge. And now as they begin their journey as Boy Scouts. They will be faced with new “bridges.”

“Scoutmaster, will you and your troop help these new Scouts to prepare for the bridges they will be crossing on their journey through the ranks of being a Boy Scout?”

Scoutmaster and Boy Scouts reply “We will help them.”

“Would the following Webelos Scouts please come forward and stand to the right end of the bridge; (Scouts are called by name.)

Would the Cubmaster and Den Leaders help these boys cross this bridge.”

The Webelos scarf and epaulets are removed and handed to the parents. Shake the Scouts hand and send them across the bridge, accompanied by their parents.

Scoutmaster will welcome the boys with the Boy Scout handshake and give them their new epaulets and ties/scarves.

The new Boy Scouts will form a line and give the Boy Scout salute to the Scoutmaster. The Cubmaster and/or Boy Scouts will lead the new Scouts in the Boy Scout Oath. Scoutmaster: “Congratulations new Boy Scouts and welcome to your journey as a Boy Scout.”


York Adams Area Council

INTRODUCTION.  This paper describes the crossover ceremony our Pack used for the Webelos Crossover at our last Blue and Gold Banquet.  It includes a diagram of the bridge we built a few years ago and that we use for both Webelos and Tiger graduations.  (For the Tiger ceremony, we change the placarding on the girders to "Search," "Discover," and "Share" and we change eight planks to the eight steps to the Bobcat Badge.  One of these days we will make a separate Tiger set of girders and planks so we don't have to change anything!  And another one of these days, we will put down on paper the actual plans for building the bridge.  For now, if you want to build one, you'll have to figure out the plans from our sketch--it's made with 3/4-inch birch plywood and wood screws, but the next one will be solid wood planks and reinforced [I-beam] girders.)  We hope this inspires someone!

SETUP.  We premeasure the locations of the two end stanchions so that they are on stage by themselves but are the right distance apart for when the boys bring out and insert the three girders.  We have the girders and planks (backstage) organized in their order of presentation so that a leader can easily hand them to the boys to carry out and present to the audience.  For each girder, two boys carry it out to the front of the stage, announce what it says, and place it in the slots of the stanchions.  We place the "God and Country" girder in the forward-most slots so it remains visible throughout the ceremony.  The boys bring out the planks (one per boy) and keep rotating themselves through if there are more planks than boys.  We install the planks from "Cub Logo stanchion" to "Scout Logo stanchion." 

EMCEE:  Tonight we stand at a crossroad—the end of one journey that leads to the beginning of another.  Our Webelos Scouts have come to the end of the Cub Scouting trail and they will now start down the trail of Boy Scouting—the trail of the Eagle Scout.  To symbolize this transition, they will cross the bridge from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts.  Before you are the stanchions that represent Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts—there is a gap that separates them.  This gap must be filled in—filled in with the recognition and knowledge of what this Boy Scout program is that they are about to begin. 

We begin with the Scout Promise:  When a Scout raises his hand in the Scout Sign, his three fingers stand for the duties he promises to uphold as a Scout in the Scout Promise.


THE MEANING OF The Boy Scout Oath

Excerpted from page 45-46, Boy Scout Handbook, 11th ed, (#33105), copyright 1998 by BSA, ISBN 0-8395-3105-2
York Adams Area Council

Before you pledge yourself to any oath or promise, you must know what it means. The paragraphs that follow will help you understand the meaning of the Scout Oath.

On my honor
By giving your word, you are promising to be guided by the ideals of the Scout Oath.

I will do my best
Try hard to live up to the points of the Scout Oath.

At this point, the leader backstage has the first girder brought forward and the boys say:

"Duty To God And Country"

To do my duty to God
Your family and religious leaders teach you about God and the ways you can serve. You do your duty to God by following the wisdom of those teachings every day and by respecting and defending the rights of others to practice their own beliefs.

and my country¼
Help keep the United States a strong and fair nation by learning about our system of government and your responsibilities as a citizen and future voter.

and to obey the Scout Law
The twelve points of the Scout Law are guidelines that can lead you toward wise choices.

Leader sends out boys with next girder and the boys say:

"Duty To Others"
To help other people at all times
There are many people who need you. Your cheerful smile and helping hand will ease the burden of many who need assistance. By helping out whenever possible, you are doing your part to make this a better world.

Leader sends boys out with last girder and they say:

"Duty To Self"
To keep myself physically strong,
Take care of your body so that it will serve you well for an entire lifetime.

mentally awake¼
Develop your mind both in the classroom and outside of school.

and morally straight.
To be a person of strong character, your relationships with others should be honest and open.  You should respect and defend the rights of all people.  Be clean in your speech and actions, and remain faithful in your religious beliefs.

Emcee:  So the gap is closed, but it would still be very hard to cross.  We need to add something with substance that will give the boys something on which to stand.  We add the virtues that every Boy Scout agrees to have and keep when he recites the Scout Law:


The Meaning of the Scout Law
York Adams Area Council


[The leader backstage more or less controls the timing of the boys' presentations of the planks.  He sends each boy out separately so that the boy can say his "line."  The emcee then reads off the meaning as the boy installs the plank and returns backstage.]

A Scout is Trustworthy.  
A Scout tells the truth. He is honest, and he keeps his promises. People can depend on him. 

A Scout is Loyal
A Scout is true to his family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and nation. 

A Scout is Helpful
                A Scout cares about other people. He willingly volunteers to help others without expecting payment or reward. 

A Scout is Friendly. 
                A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts. He offers his friendship to people of all races and nations, and respects them even if their beliefs and customs are different from his own. 

A Scout is Courteous
                A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows that using good manners makes it easier for people to get along. 
A Scout is Kind. 
                A Scout knows there is strength in being gentile. He treats others as he wants to be treated. Without good reason, he does not harm or kill any living thing. 

A Scout is Obedient. 
                A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobeying them.

A Scout is Cheerful
                A Scout looks for the bright side of life. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy. 

A Scout is Thrifty. 
                A Scout works to pay his own way and to help others. He saves for the future. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property. 

A Scout is Brave
                A Scout can face danger although he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him. 

A Scout is Clean
                A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He chooses the company of those who live by high standards. He helps keep his home and community clean. 

A Scout is Reverent. 
                A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.

EMCEE:  And with these—the Scout Promise and Scout Law, we have built the bridge that leads us from Cub Scouting onto Boy Scouting.  At this time I would ask the representatives from our Boy Scout Troops to please come forward to welcome our Scouts into the Boy Scout program. 

[The troop leaders and parents have already been briefed on where they will stand on stage.  The parents are behind the bridge and join up with their sons as their names are called.  They cross over with their sons and are greeted on the other side of the bridge by the Boy Scout leaders.  The troops typically have some things they present to the boys (neckerchiefs, handbooks, etc.) and we try to get them to hand these out as quickly as possible.  The important thing is that we only call one boy at a time and let him cross over and be "welcomed" before we call the next boy.]

EMCEE:  To the Troops, the Pack charges you with the responsibility to provide these Scouts with a healthy, fun, and adventure-filled program.  They have worked hard to get to this point; don't be afraid to challenge them all the more.  Take them along the Boy Scout trail so that someday soon we will be able to say, "That Eagle Scout was from our Pack."

Realizing that the Boy Scout program, much like the Cub Scout program, depends on the active participation of the boys and their parents, we ask our parents to cross over with their sons as they are called forward and recognized.

[Call each boy to cross over.  As they cross the bridge, the audience applauds.  Give each family ample time to come forward and cross over.  After all have crossed over, they Emcee moves onto the next activity in the program.


















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Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website ©1997-2002 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.