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If you go camping frequently, the chances are good that you'll run into all kinds of weather conditions, whether it is merely a drizzling rain or something much worse. Each year at campouts, camporees, and camps thousands of Scouts will get a first-hand opportunity to experience a thunderstorm. And that means lightning.
While lightning can be fascinating, it can also be deadly. So what can you do? What are some of the facts about lightning that you should know about? How can you be prepared for this danger? This web area has helpful information that may help you answer these questions and some ideas you can use to have a safer outdoors experienced. The material presented here was compiled by a Jack Wright, a volunteer Scouter at Skymont Scout Reservation after the death of a Scout there some ten years ago. We both hope that you'll use the information here to help prevent another lightning tragedy.
Please take a few minutes to click on the buttons at the top of this page and jump through the pages Jack has put together.
Michael F. Bowman
Translations: We are please to announce that the content on these pages has been translated into Portugese and is available at
Additional Information About Storms from Scouts-L Two postings on the subject of Backpacking and Tornados.