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Scout Oaths, Promises, Mottos, and Slogans
Republic of China
Taiwan (Republic of China) (Cubs) - Promise
I'll obey my elders, help others
Tell no lies and will not be afraid of any difficulty
Taiwan (Republic of China) (Scouts) - Promise
I wish to join Boy Scouts of China, and on my honor,
I promise that I will obey the Scout Law,
and all my life do my best:
To do my duty to God, be friendly to the people and
become a rightness Chinese citizen.
To help others and serve the public at all times.
To strive to make myself rich in knowledge, perfect
in character, and healthy in physical constitution.
Taiwan (Republic of China) (Scouts) - Law
Honesty Royalty and Filial Devotion Helpfulness Loving Kindness Courtesy Justice Responsibility Cheerfulness Industriousness and Thrift Courage Cleanness Public Spirit
Taiwan (Republic of China) - Scouts
1.Be prepared
2.Practice a good turn everyday 3.Serve as goal of life