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Scout Oaths, Promises, Mottos, and Slogans




Australia (Joeys 6-8) - Promise
I promise to do my best
To love my God
And be helpful

Australia (Joeys) - Law
A Joey Scout cares.
A Joey Scout shares.

Australia (Cubs 8-10) - Promise
On my honour, I promise
That I will do my best
To do my duty to my God, and
To the Queen of Australia
To help other people and
To live by the Cub Scout Law.

Australia (Cubs) - Law
Cub Scouts are loyal and obedient.
Cub Scouts do not give in to themselves.

Australia (Scouts 10-14) - Promise
On my honour, I promise
That I will do my best
To do my duty to my God, and
To the Queen of Australia,
To help other people, and
To live by the Scout Law.

Australia Scouts - Law
(11 and over - includes Venturers, Rovers and Scouters)
A Scout is trustworthy
A Scout is loyal
A Scout is helpful
A Scout is friendly
A Scout is cheerful
A Scout is considerate
A Scout is thrifty
A Scout is courteous
A Scout is respectful
A Scout cares for the environment.

Australia Venturers & Above - old?
A Scout's honour is to be trusted
A Scout is loyal to the Queen, his country, his Scouters, his parents, his employers and to those under him.
A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others
A Scout is friendly to all, and a brother to every other scout no matter to what country, class or creed the other may belong.
A Scout is courteous
A Scout is a friend to animals
A Scout obeys the orders of his parents, Patrol Leader, or ScoutMaster without question
A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties
A Scout is thrifty
A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed

Rover Prayer
By the spirits of the just, Made perfect in their suffering, Teach us in
Our turn Oh Lord, To serve thee as we aught, To give and not to
Count the cost, To fight and not to heed the wounds, To toil and not
To seek for rest, To labor and not to seek for any reward, Save that
Of knowing that we do thy will.


Help Other People

Cub Scouts (8-10)
Do Your Best
Australia Scouts
(11 and over - includes Venturers, Rovers and Scouters)
Be Prepared


Be Prepared


Brownies and Guides.

I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God
To serve the Queen of Australia
To help other people
And to keep the Guide Law

Brownies put the word "Brownie" Before Guide in the final line.

The older sections (Ranger Guides and Rangers) add:

"My further promise as a Ranger is to take this promise into the wider world."


A Brownie Guide thinks of others before herself and does a good turn every day.

A Guide is Trustworty
A Guide is Helpful
A Guide is Polite
A Guide is Obedient
A Guide is Kind to animals and respects all living things
A Guide is Loyal
A Guide is Friendly and a sister to all Guides
A Guide is Cheerful and has courage in all difficulties
A Guide takes care of her own possesions and those of other people
A Guide is self controlled in all she thinks, says and does

Be Prepared is the motto for Guides and all the older sections.

Brownies: Lend a Hand
Gumnut Guides: Gumnut Guides Care and Share

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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