Effective: April 1, 1999

Major changes to the Scout Advancement program took effect on
April 1,1999. Listed on this page are the changes to Rank Advancements.
If the old requirements for Eagle were completed by March 31,
1999, the Board of Review MAY still take place. However, a letter should be
sent to the Eagle Scout Service explaining the reason for the delay and requesting
approval to use the old requirements, and the Board of Review should be held only after
the approval has been received.
One specific item to note: Safety
and Sports MB's became OPTIONAL MB's (Green
Borders), while Hiking and Cycling were added to the
Required list for Eagle Scout (Silver Borders).
Male Members of Venturing Crews and Sea Scouting Ships will continue to be
eligible to advance to Star, Life, and Eagle Scout, using the same basic rules as for Boy
Scouts. Specific modifications to the requirements for Venturers and Sea Scouts are
listed near the bottom of the applicable requirements pages.
Male Participants in the Exploring program of Learning for
Life (Explorers) who have achieved the First Class rank as a Boy Scout in a troop or as a
Varsity Scout in a team could continue advancement toward Star, Life and Eagle Scout ranks
until December 31, 1999, using the 1998 requirements, rather than the revised requirements
shown below. Since that date has now passed, they are now ineligible for Boy Scout
advancement unless they are also registered as members of a Boy Scout Troop, a Varsity
Scout Team, a Venturing Crew, or a Sea Scout Ship.
Revisions to the requirements,
which became effective on April 1, 1999,
are shown in Bold Underlined print, similar to this paragraph.
Deletions from the existing requirements
are shown struck through in red italics, like this text.
Unchanged text is shown like this.
Requirement 1 now reads:
Meet age requirements: Be a boy who has completed Complete the fifth grade, or be is 11 years
old, or has have
earned the Arrow of Light Award, but be younger than
is under 18 years old.
A New Requirement 3 has been added, which reads:
Find a Scout Troop near your home
Old items 3-9 have been renumbered 4-10
Requirement 5 now reads:
Demonstrate the Scout sign, salute, and handclasp
Requirement 6 now reads:
Demonstrate tying the square knot (a joining knot).
Requirement 9 now reads:
Complete the Pamphlet Exercises: With your parent or guardian,
complete the exercises in the pamphlet "How to Protect Your Children from Child
Abuse and Drug Abuse : A Parent's
Requirement 10 now reads:
Participate in a Scoutmaster conference. Turn in your Boy Scout application
and health history form signed by your parent or guardian, then participate in a
Scoutmaster conference.
Requirement 2 now reads:
Spend at least one night on a patrol or troop campout. Sleep in a tent
you have helped pitch. on a ground
bed you have prepared.
A New Requirement 3 has been added, which reads:
On the campout, assist in preparing and cooking one of your
patrol's meals. Tell why it is important for each patrol member to share in meal
preparation and cleanup, and explain the importance of eating together.
Old items 3-13 have been renumbered 4-14
Requirement 10a now reads:
Record your best in the following tests:
- Push-ups
- Pull-ups
- Sit-ups
- Standing long jump
- 1/4 mile Run/walk
one quarter mile.
Requirement 10b now reads:
Show improvement in the activities listed in requirement 10a above after
practicing for 30 days.
Requirement 1b (and the footnote for this requirement) now read:
b. Using a compass and a map together, you've drawn, take a 5-mile hike (or 10
miles by bike) approved by your adult leader and your parent or guardian.*
*(If you use a wheelchair or crutches, or if it is difficult for you to get around, you
may substitute "trip" for "hike".)
Requirement 2e was renumbered as 2b.
Requirement 2b was renumbered as 2c, and now reads:
On one campout, demonstrate proper care, sharpening, and use of the
knife, saw, and ax, and describe when they should be used.
Requirement 2c was renumbered as 2d, and now reads:
Use the tools listed above in
requirement 2c to prepare tinder, kindling, and fuel for a cooking fire.
Requirement 2d was renumbered as 2f, and now reads:
Demonstrate how to light a fire and a lightweight stove. Light the cooking fire. Assist with the meal preparation and
Requirements 2e & 2g were added, and read:
- Discuss when it is appropriate to use a cooking fire and a lightweight
stove. Discuss the safety procedures for using both.
- On one campout, plan and cook over an open fire one hot breakfast
or lunch for yourself, selecting foods from the four basic food groups. Explain the
importance of good nutrition. Tell how to transport, store, and prepare the foods
you selected.
The first sentence of Requirements 7 was designated as requirement
7a. The rest of Requirement 7 was changed to match the BEGINNER SWIMMER TEST and was
designated as 7b and now reads:
Demonstrate your ability to jump feetfirst into water over your head in
depth, level off and swim 25 feet on the surface, stop, turn sharply, resume swimming,
then return to your starting place. swim 50
yards using two different strokes.**
New Requirement 7c was added, and reads:
Demonstrate water rescue methods by reaching with your arm or leg, by
reaching with a suitable object, and by throwing lines and objects.** Explain why
swimming rescues should not be attempted when a reaching or throwing rescue is possible,
and explain why and how a rescue swimmer should avoid contact with the victim.
Requirements 7a & 7b refer to the following footnote:
**(This requirement may be waived by the troop committee for medical or safety
Requirement 4 was completely rewritten, and now reads:
On one campout, serve as your patrol's cook. Prepare a
breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu that requires cooking; secure ingredients; supervise
your assistants in fire building; and prepare the meals. Lead your patrol in saying grace
at the meals, and supervise cleanup.
- a. Help plan a patrol menu for one campout -- including one
breakfast, lunch, and dinner - that requires cooking. Tell how the menu includes the
four basic food groups and meets nutritional needs.
- b. Using the menu planned in requirement 4a, make a list showing
the cost and food amounts needed to feed three or more boys and secure the ingredients.
- c. Tell which pans, utensils, and other gear will be needed to cook
and serve these meals.
- d. Explain the procedures to follow in the safe handling and
storage of fresh meats, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, and other perishable food
products. Tell how to properly dispose of camp garbage, cans, plastic containers,
and other rubbish.
- e. On one campout, serve as your patrol's cook. Supervise
your assistant(s) in using a stove or building a cooking fire. Prepare the breakfast,
lunch, and dinner planned in requirement 4a. Lead your patrol in saying grace at the
meals and supervise cleanup.
New Requirement 7a has been added and reads:
Discuss when you should and should not use lashings.
Requirements 7a & 7b were renumbered as 7b & 7c, and 7b was
changed to read:
Demonstrate tying the timber hitch and the
clove hitch and their use in square, shear, and diagonal lashings by joining two or more
poles or staves together.
Requirements 8a & 8b were changed to read:
- a. Demonstrate tying the bowline
knot and describe several ways it can be used. how it's used in rescues.
- b. Demonstrate bandages for a sprained ankle. and for
injuries on the head, the upper arm, and the collarbone
, and for a sprained ankle.
Requirement 9 was completely rewritten, and now reads:
Demonstrate your ability to swim 100 yards
using one resting stroke and two other strokes, and to float (rest) as motionless as
possible for 1 minute. (This requirement may be waived by the troop committee for medical
or safety reasons.)
- a. Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe trip afloat.
- b. Successfully complete the BSA swimmer test.*
- c. Demonstrate survival skills by leaping into deep water wearing
clothes (shoes, socks, swim trunks, long pants, belt, and long-sleeved shirt).
Remove shoes and socks, inflate the shirt, and show that you can float using the shirt for
support. Remove and inflate the pants for support. Swim 50 feet using the
inflated pants for support, then show how to reinflate the pants while using them for
- d. With a helper and a practice victim, show a line rescue both as
tender and rescuer. (The practice victim should be approximately 30 feet from shore
in deep water.)
Requirements 9b & 9c refer to the following footnote:
*(This requirement may be waived by the troop committee for medical or safety reasons.)
The list of Required merit badges for Eagle Scout, referenced in
Requirement 3 has changed. Sports and Safety
have been removed, and Hiking and Cycling
have been added.
The note regarding the use of required merit badges has been changed
to read:
(The required list for Eagle has 15 merit badges in
12 categories. Any of the 15 may be used for this requirement.) *
A Scout may choose any of the 15 required merit badges in the 12 categories to
fulfill requirement 3. See page __ of this book for a complete list of required badges for
Requirement 5 has been changed to read:
While a First Class Scout, serve actively 4 months in one or more of the following troop positions of responsibility (or
carry out a Scoutmaster-assigned leadership project to help the
Boy Scout troop.
- Patrol leader,
- assistant senior patrol leader,
- senior patrol leader,
- troop guide,
- den chief,
- scribe,
- librarian,
- historian,
- quartermaster,
- bugler,
- junior assistant Scoutmaster,
- chaplain aide, or
- instructor.
Venture crew chief, or
Varsity team captain.
Varsity Scout team.
- Captain,
- cocaptain,
- program manager,
- squad leader,
- team secretary,
- librarian,
- historian,
- quartermaster,
- chaplain aide,
- instructor, or
- den chief.
The list of Required merit badges for Eagle Scout, referenced in
Requirement 3 has changed. Sports and Safety
have been removed, and Hiking and Cycling
have been added.
The list of positions, referenced in Requirement 5 has changed as
described for Star Scout above.
The note regarding the use of required merit badges has changed as
described for Star Scout above.
The list of Required merit badges in Requirement 3 has
In item (f): Safety has been removed, and has been
replaced with Personal Fitness.
In item (j): Personal Fitness and
Sports have been removed, and have been replaced
with Hiking and Cycling.
Requirement 4 has been changed to read:
- While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of
6 months in one or more of the following
positions of responsibility:
Boy Scout troop.
- Patrol leader,
- assistant senior patrol leader,
- senior patrol leader,
- troop guide,
- den chief,
- scribe,
- librarian,
- historian,
- quartermaster,
- junior assistant Scoutmaster,
- chaplain aide, or
- instructor.
Venture crew chief, or
Varsity team captain.
Varsity Scout team.
- Captain,
- cocaptain,
- program manager,
- squad leader,
- team secretary,
- librarian,
- quartermaster,
- chaplain aide,
- instructor, or
- den chief.
Requirement 5 has been changed to read:
While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in
a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community. (The
project should benefit an organization other than Boy Scouting.) The project
idea must be approved by your Scoutmaster and troop committee and approved by the council
or district before you start. You must use the Life to Eagle Packet, BSA
Publication YOU MUST USE THE "Eagle
Scout Service Project Workbook", No. 18-927, in
meeting this requirement IN MEETING
Requirement 7 has been changed to read:
Successfully complete an Eagle Scout Complete your board of review.
Requirement 6 has been added:
Complete your board of review.
This analysis was prepared
as a service to Scouts and Scouters nationwide by:
Paul S. Wolf
Advancement Committee
Winding Rivers District
Greater Cleveland Council
Boy Scouts of America
Copies may be freely distributed, so long
as the author is acknowledged. |