Information for Scoutland (Scout-owned)

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3672 Looper Lake Road
Gainesville, GA 30506

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    Comments for Scoutland

    Experience 4 weely sessions of summer camp at the lake. Experience a week of swimming, canoeing, boating, sailing, water skiing, about 20 merit badges and more.

    (posted on Nov 23,2000)

    I've had the privlage of working there and growing up camping there. Its one of, if not, the best camp I've been to. I love this camp. ~Milkman (

    (posted on Dec 5,2000)

    The staff at scoutland really made a difference during my week at
    scout camp. Thank you staff and admin. I plan to come back with my
    troop again next year.

    (posted on Jul 10,2001)

    Well I'm ASM of Troop 204 in Flowery Branch Ga. Our Troop just got back from summer camp. And I wanted to share our experiences with the group.

    We had 7 boys to attend camp at Scoutland on Lake Lanier in Gainesville Ga. There was about 160 boys at the camp they keep it small to give the boys a better experience so they say. They offer a lot of aquatic courses along with a wide range of others. Everything went great Sun-Thur. All week two Troops SM & ASM's done a lot of service work like: One group from Fl. help teach the water skiing classes all week. And another from Norcross Ga. adopted a camp site about a month ago and were working 8-10 hrs a day on the site during camp the boys in both of the Troops didn't help with any service projects but they got credit for what there
    SM & ASM had done. Which the other Troops never had a chance even though other Troops boys had spent there free time doing service projects, making gadgets,and getting perfect scores on the campsite inspections. Also they had a Archery and Air Rifle competition and the winners were to
    be announced at the campfire on Friday but the camp Director never said anything about the winners one just happened to be my son. This was his first summer camp. He just crossed over this year after earning the AOL.
    The other boy I don't know what happened to him but with the director not saying anything about the competition it broke his heart because he was so proud that he scored 44 out of a possible 50 to win. It is very hard to comfort a young man when the wind was taken out of his sail. Because
    the campfire on Friday was based around the Troop from Fl. and Norcross Ga. service work that was done by the Leaders not the boys. The campfire was over at about 8:45pm. The SM of our Troop went to talk to the director after the campfire and he said he had it written down but forgot
    to say anything about the two boys accomplishments. The course ranger had been called away just before the campfire to unload some equipment so the director was to make the announcement but he only mentioned the adult services. At about 11:15pm he and the ranger came to our camp after he
    was asleep. We woke him and presented him with a couple of items to make it up to my son. I asked the director about the other boy and he said he didn't know what would be done.

    I'm sorry for getting on a soap box but I'm hoping that someone from National will read this and put a stop to any adult service work counting towards the accomplishments of the boys. It's not fare nor does it teach the boys that working hard will recognized and rewarded.

    Mark Thomas
    NEGA Council
    Chattahoochee District

    (posted on Jun 28,2002)

    For the younger scouts, there are 5 sessions of "Boy Scout camp" style Webelos Adventure Camps during the month of August at "Cubland at Lanier". Each session is four days and three nights, perfect for Webelos Scouts. The campground has been improved with a huge fort style playground, bathroom facilities, air-conditioned dinning hall, a fantastic Council fire ring, and this year an "island adventure" for Webelos 2 Scouts. Scouts will canoe out to a small island just off the campground's coast and learn canoe safety, safe swim defense, safety afloat, Leave No Trace camping, and cooking. These camps are very popular with metro-Atlanta packs. My son attended Webelos Adventure Camp a few years ago and had a blast!

    (posted on Mar 12,2003)

    I and three other parents took our Webelos I Den to the first session of Webelos Adventure Camp at Scoutland last July. My boys (and parents) had a wonderful experience at this camp and I believe my Den has a great head start on the way to earning their Webelos badge, Arrow of Light, and hopefully joining Boy Scouts. I registered my guys for activities which I knew were not my specialties (Showman) or I felt were very important. (Readyman & Outdoorsman) They were able to complete their work for several activity badges as well as complete parts of others. Of course, in our free time we got to shoot air rifles, swim, go trail biking, run the obstacle course, and play at "Fort Adventure."

    Most impressive to me was the fact that they all learned how to tie knots! (square, double half hitch, bowline, taut-line hitch, clove hitch, timber hitch) These guys are still 9 years old and they enjoyed learning and have enjoyed impressing other leaders with their knot skills back at home! The Boy Scouts serving as staff members worked great with my younger guys. They also put on a great show at the campfires!

    To top it all off, the food was good! Even the other parents were pleasantly surprised with the chow in that nice air conditioned Dining Hall.

    Thanks to all the leaders and staff who made this such an enjoyable and effective camp for my Webelos.

    Clark Cooper
    Pack 577
    Sweetwater District
    NEGA Council

    PS - And it never rained!

    (posted on Aug 15,2004)

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