Information for Camp Tomo Chi Chi Knolls (County Park)

Camp address Contact Information
40W095 Freeman Rd.
Gilberts, IL 60136

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  • Kane County Forest Preserve District
  • 1996 South Kirk Road, Suite 320 Geneva, IL 60134
  • (630) 232-5980
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    Comments for Camp Tomo Chi Chi Knolls

    Available for troop camping. Lodge w/kitchen available at extra cost.

    (posted on Oct 27,2000)

    This camp is located in our District, but does not belong to our council. Troop 159 stayed at this camp for our District Camporee Nov 2003 and it was a great camp for the camporee.

    Our Camporee theme was 'Backpacking' - and everyone had to pack everything in from the parking lot. the camp is not large, so no one had to walk more than a mile or so to their campsite - most were considerably less distance. Latrines, water, paths, roads, campsites were all accessable & well maintained.

    the only negative I can say about this camp is that we were close enough to I-90 to hear the truck traffic late at might, but it wasn't noticable enough to keep you awake.

    At our camporee, the lodge was off limits to boys - staffers only, but I did get a peek inside. It consists of a large 'great room' with a HUGE stone fireplace. Bathrooms and facility is very clean and up-to-date - I believe there were even a few single showers in the bathrooms. There was a fairly modern, commercially equipped large kitchen, and separate rooms for adult male/ female sleeping for YP regs.

    The camp also has a Large park type picnic shelter, not far from the lodge and parking lot that has a concrete floor, picnic tables, roof and electricity to run equipment & a permanent outdoor screen for movies, or slide shows.

    This would be a great site for a weekend campout, a winter campout, JLT training weekends or merit badge and advancement workshops. It is also close and convenient enough for a cub or family campout, an outdoor Eagle ceremony, or Court of Honor.

    (posted on Nov 30,2003)

    This property has been sold to the local forest preserve district.

    (posted on Dec 1,2006)

    no need to say "local forest preserve district" - say "Kane County Forest Preserve District" headquarters in Geneva, IL - hopefully they'll keep it as a youth camp - much like DuPage County FPD did with the former DuPage Area Council Camp Thunderbird in Lisle and DeKalb County had done with at least one former Scouut camp

    (posted on Mar 2,2007)

    On June 13, 2006, the Des Plaines Valley Council reached agreement with the Kane County Forest Preserve District for the sale of Camp Tomo Chi Chi Knolls for a little over $8.5 million. We are pleased to report that on August 31, 2006, the sale of Camp Tomo closed and the proceeds have been deposited in the Council’s Trust Fund, where they will earn a substantial interest of almost 5 percent. Former Council President Bob Lannert, a well-regarded expert in financial investment, is working on a proposed portfolio to maximize future earnings. He will present his recommendations for consideration at a future Executive Board Meeting.

    In the near future $2.4 million of these funds will be used to fulfill our pioneering and historic agreement with Three Fires Council to develop a Cub Scout Resident Camp near Rochelle, Illinois, the first such Joint Venture in Scouting. Plans for this new facility are moving ahead with architectural design support from National. Details of these plans will be shared with you in the near future and your comments and feedback will be welcomed.

    As previously reported in the March Camping Opportunities Committee Update, the remaining proceeds from the sale of Camp Tomo will be set aside in the Trust Fund for our Council’s use and will remain available to address other Council needs and priorities, as should be determined by the Board.

    What’s next for Camp Tomo? Our Council’s Units will be able to use Camp Tomo as usual until the end of October. We will begin moving out our Council’s equipment and supplies and expect to complete the move in December. We also expect to be able to use the facility in Rochelle, IL, for many of the training and other activities formerly carried out at Camp Tomo. Additionally, we understand that the Kane County Forest Preserve may make former Camp Tomo available for camping and related activities in the future. We will keep you informed on these developments and any other adjustments required by the sale.

    As part of the Joint Venture Agreement, our Council is also joining Three Fires Council in a fund-raising campaign to support development of the new Cub Scout Resident Camp. While our planning for this campaign is moving forward, Three Fires has already made substantial progress, with commitments for several substantial contributions, including that of $1 million from Tom McCann of the Three Fires Executive Board. This fund-raising campaign will be important to the success of our new venture. Our Council has many challenges that will require the wise and careful use of our assets to meet both new and on-going financial needs, including decisions about the development of our Boy Scout Camping Program and our Wisconsin properties.

    The sale of Camp Tomo marks an important milestone in meeting these challenges and our ability to rise to embrace new opportunities. Our heartfelt thanks and congratulations are due to our Camping Opportunities Committee under the leadership of Ross Johnson, and in particular to Bill Sarther of the Committee, who managed the sale, for taking on the lead for a project of such magnitude and bringing it to such a highly successful closure! We could not have done it without his knowledge, hard work, patience, and sharp negotiating skills. Council President Bill Seith and our professional staff also played key and sometimes vital roles. Thanks are due to all those involved for a job well done in the interests of our Council and our youth

    (posted on Jul 25,2007)

    Our troop was just there - April '13. It is available as a youth camp. The lodge is fantastic - no bunks though. We did some indoor activities there, and was used by the adults. Great kitchen facilities. About 4 miles of hiking trails. Remnants of the former scout camp abound - found the old program bowl (from when I was a scout!), some old overgrown campsites. The existing sites are nice and clean, well maintained, fire rings, tables.

    (posted on Jun 19,2013)

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