Information for Chief Logan Reservation (Scout-owned)

Camp address Contact Information
3600 Scout Camp Road
Ray, OH 45672

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Simon Kenton Council
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    Comments for Chief Logan Reservation

    Chief Logan Reservation is located on 261 acres 20 miles southeast of Chillicothe, Ohio and is home to one of the two Boy Scout summer resident camps operated by the council. Chief Logan has Sproat Lake for watersports but does not have a pool. Other features of the camp are: ranger's residence, cook's cabin, dining hall, shower house, health lodge, bath house, trading post, nature center, and several storage sheds and shelters. A special feature of Chief Logan is its remote nature and access to an adjacent private forest for program use.

    (posted on Apr 1,2000)

    I have been personally connected with Chief Logan Reservation (CLR) as either an acting SM or on staff since 1995 and our troop had been going there for several years before that. The above comments refer to the physical buildings and setting, but they cannot possibly speak to what the heart and soul of this camp is all about. 1. Above and beyond any other place on earth, this camp is all about friendship. "Friends are Friends Forever" is the theme of CLR and Michael W. Smith's song, "Friends" is sung at each and every Friday night closing campfire and outdoor slide show during the summer camp season leaving no dry eyes in the council ring. 2. CLR is one of the ONLY camps in the USA that has an Open Program. What does that mean? It means that any scout, at any time the area is open, can start or work on a merit badge. They never get "closed out". That means scouts get one-on-one attention and they won't be turned away! This means that these scouts REALLY come to admire these AWESOME staff members. And these staff members will do anything to be on staff year after year! 3. The dining hall program can't be matched....and if all of this isn't enough, the Frontiersman Program for older scouts and adults will stay with you the rest of your life!! Once you bring your troop here, you will never want to go anywhere else! The friends you make here will stay with you for a lifetime....guaranteed!!!! Stay tuned for more testimonials! GGGRRR MMFunk

    (posted on Jan 12,2002)

    I think Chief Logan Reservation is one of the friendliest places on earth. I went there as a scout my last year in scouts, and was on staff or went with the scouts in my troop summers after until I moved away. It's a great camp with an incredible staff. It's open program is one of the greatest things for the scouts.

    (posted on Jan 14,2002)

    I have been going to Chief Logan Reservation for five years now and the friends I made at camp are the best friends I have ever made. The staff at Chief Logan may be the best staff one can find. On Tuesday Night, Troop Night, Program areas are not open and the staff could sit in their quarters the whole night, however the staff walks around camp and visits troop to see how their week has been. The staff ask if there is anything they can do for the troop and generally socialize. Troop Night may also be supplied with fresh pizza made in the Dining Hall for you to pick up. It is a rare occurence that someone could walk past a staff member and not share at least a few words. I believe that the staff at Chief Logan cares about what every Scout and Scoutmaster think, feel, and see. There are times when one staff member could have 15 scouts working on a merit badge, and the staff member will still give every scout individual attention. The experience of Chief Logan is an experience that can not be expressed in words, but has to be seen and felt to understand. The Chief Logan website is "Tool"

    (posted on Jan 14,2002)

    Chief Logan Reservation is among the most unique camps in the United States. Having been involved there for the past nine years, two as High adventure counselor and one as Archery Director in addition to being a camper and CIT before that, some of my most fond scouting memories are instilled in the beautiful Ohio hills at CLR. Admittedly, there aren't air-conditioned cabins or state of the art facilities, but what lacks in technology is made up in the true-camping spirit. The open program allows each Scout to advance at their own pace, not at a pace set by scheduled merit badge/advancement time. Most importantly, however, is the emphasis on friendship. I can honestly say that the people I feel closest to in the world are those I've learned from and worked with at Chief Logan Reservation. This tightly knit family extends itself to each an every Scout that comes down the long dusty road into camp. Upon leaving, each Scout sees a sign that reads "A lifetime's not too long to live as friends." The greatest teachers in life are friends. Chief Logan is a camp where each and every Scout has a friend in every single member of the staff, ensuring the most valuable week a Scout will ever spend at a summer camp. Come experience the magic of Chief Logan Reservation for yourselves!
    Jeremy Hedges
    Staff Alumni, Eagle Scout and Mountainman.

    (posted on Jan 14,2002)

    CLR is a camp that is built on the basis that "friends are friends forever" & every summer brings groups of friends to CLR to make more friends and excel in the scouting program at their own pace. The open program allows more one-on-one staff-camper contact and allows that great over-achiever to go for 13 merit badges & the older &/or more laid back to relax & get some stuff done - either way, it's a great deal of fun. As was mentioned by MMFunk, the Fronteirsmen program allows older scouts, including adult members, to participate in a great program that is about respecting the outdoors, integrity, self-reliance, & have a heck of a lot of fun. Beyond the basic merit badge program, great awards like the "super advanced pyro-maniac 'chit" are offered and some type of festivity or party is held almost everynight, many times a couple a night. Also On top of this, everything that is done at CLR is coated with a very heavy schlackin' of Enthusiasm that infects everyone with that "larger-than-life" feeling. I first attended CLR as a Scout rank Boy Scout in 1996 and have come back every summer since - the last two on Staph. - TR Kevin Lee "SheepDawg" Selzer (visit for more info)

    (posted on Jan 14,2002)

    There's no other camp like Chief Logan eservation. I've been going to Chief Logan for 7 years now, and there's absolutly nothing that can compare. Sometimes it hard to explain the magic of CLR but when you spend a week there, you'll know what we are talking about. As a past staffer, I can say that this camp rocks. Check us out at

    (posted on Jan 14,2002)

    I have been associated with Chief Logan Reservation in some way, shape or form since 1986. I have more or less grown up at the camp and can honestly say that it is the FRIENDLIEST camp in the country. I have served on staff from 1993 through 1995 and have been visiting ever since.
    Lee Channell
    Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor, Staff alumni.

    (posted on Jan 18,2002)

    Chief Logan has been a large part of my life for the past 7 years of my life. Camp is my home away from home. I can remember being a camper and all the staff helping me out and guiding me along my way. i have been on Camp staff for the past 2 years and i am going to be Nature Director this year. With out Chief Logan i would not be an Eagle Scout right now or a Mountain Man. I owe so much to the friends i have made at camp. I urge everyone try to get to camp this summer and give it a try ou will not regret it.
    Eagle scout, and Mountain Man

    (posted on Jan 20,2002)

    Dear Scouters... Chief Logan Reservation... wow, when i think of these three words so much comes to my mind. I first came to CLR in 1991 as an 11 year old first year scout. the staff, the friendship, and the frontiersmen program kept me coming back up through 1997; the following 4 years it was an honor for me to serve on staff from 1998-2001. As a camper, it was the greatest week of my year, every year. i made friends, i continued friendships, staffers remembered me from previous years, and i earned advancements from qualified counselors who knew their stuff and who gave their attention and efforts to help me advance. When i entered the CLR frontiersmen program in 1996 i added a whole new element of scouting to my life. Respect the Out-of-doors, Be self-reliant, Keep your word. The values, friendships, and challenges of the Frontiersmen Program brought so much to my life. I am proud to have served the frontiersmen program as the Brigade Commander(area director) for the past three years. I cannot begin to tell you of the values, knowledge, and skills the program has brought to my everyday life. It was such a priveledge to serve on staff at Chief Logan and serve the scouts and scouters. It may seem impossible, but lives are changed in a week at Chief Logan; life altering decisions are made in positive directions; meaning is brought to lives that may have previously had none; and God works through people at CLR. I have the honor of serving as Chaplain the past two years. Chief Logan is a place where ANYONE can come and feel at home. As a camper and staffer, Friday nights roll around, that slide show resonates and that familiar Michael W. Smith song plays, and NO ONE wants the week to come to an end--and it is immanent by the tears on the faces of staff and scouts. It was the best 4 summers of my life, and an unforgettable and immeasureable experience. And now my life has come to a crossroads. i am 21 years old, graduating from college, and forging on into the "real world". Chief Logan Reservation... wow, when i think of these three words so much comes to my mind. You have to experience it. Just one week, just one. I can't wait to get back. Yours in Scouting, Friendship, and Christ
    MM Josh Radcliffe

    (posted on Jan 20,2002)

    Chief Logan is the best thing since sliced bread...the friends the magic and merit-badges are so incrediblly mixed together that grown scoutmasters have went home crying cause THEY didn't want to leave I hope that I never have to leave this lil'utopia. I definatelly recomend the friendly atmosphere of this wanderful camp to all scouts and scouters.
    Matt Jones,handicraft staff member 01'

    (posted on Jan 20,2002)

    Chief Logan Reservation is the keeper of all my greatest memories. I was a camper for two years, took C.I.T., and came back to work 4 years on staff. Being at Chief Logan all that time has been the highlight of my life, so much in fact that I spend every waking minute of free time in the summer out there when I'm not working. I remember when I was on BrownSea Island staff (Scoutcraft area), I met this kid. He wasn't doing so well with a merit badge or tying his knots. As a staff, this kid became one of our favorite kids to hang out with. He was funny but challenged. We stuck together and have been good friends ever since. I remember seeing a picture of me and him in the closing slide show at the Friday night campfire, and that thought always brings a tear to my eye. He has since gone on to be on camp staff a few years and comes back to volunteer every summer when he gets a chance. It's is so amazing at how Chief Logan Reservation has influenced my life so much. I truely think it has made me a better person and for that I am greatful. Yeah, you can go to a camp that has an airconditioned dinning hall or new showers and a pool, but you can't go anywhere else and experince anything like the Chief Logan Magic.
    Dave McGhee
    Staff Aluni, Eagle Scout, Mountain Man, and Friend of the Chief

    (posted on Jan 20,2002)

    Since 1989 Chief Logan Reservation has been one of the most important things in my life. It has helped me to define who I am and the staff members their have been my role models. For the past 4 years I have had the pleasure and privilage to serve on the CLR staff. 3 years at Handi-craft(2 Years as Director), and the forth as the Trainer for the Counselor in Training program at CLR. As was said before the facilities aren't the best but the friendships you will make compensate without a doubt for the facilities. After God, CLR has been my guiding light through life. At the end of each summer I get pumped and ready for the next one. The staff at CLR is unlike any other staff you will ever meet. They are role models and they truely care for and love the kids that come to CLR. I know I was a camper at CLR long before I was on staff and honestly CLR kept me in scouting because I lived for summer camp from year to year. The Open Program is awesome. The scout's can come and go as they please and there is never any need to sign up for a merit badge "class" and there is no way to ever get blocked out of anything. For this reason alot of advancement is made at CLR. It's not just for younger scouts either, even though our Foothills of the Frontier is an excellent first year camper program we also have the Frontiersman program. The Frontiersman program is based on these three principles, Respect the Out of Doors, be Self-Relient, and Keep Your Word. It teachs skills and morals that one might have used to survive on the Old Frontier and the New Frontier today. Above all Chief Logan Reservation is all about making friends that will last a lifetime and I will be the first to tell you CLR is not just a camp, for me it's a way of life. There's a special place in my heart for Chief Logan Reservation and I work there so that maybe I can try to give back the great gift that has been given to me. Friends are Friends Forever, Russell Penwell Mountain Man and Eagle Scout

    (posted on Jan 20,2002)

    Chief Logan is a great camp. I have personnaly been going there for 6 yrs. and I have been on staff for 2 of those years. The bond the staff has is overwhelming. They're always there to help any time you need someone. I would like to think the staf of Cheif Logan for being there for me.

    (posted on Jan 22,2002)

    Chief Logan is the greatest place on earth. The frontiersman program has changed me in an infinite amount of ways. I have made friends at camp that I will keep for a lifetime and look forward to returning every summer. True, the facilities aren't as comfortable as the local Hilton, but it's camping it isn't supposed to be nice. The staff at Chief Logan is what makes the camp. They make it their job to create a personal relationship with every scout they come into contact with. They uphold the true spirt of scouting. Chief Logan shows people what scouting is really all about.

    Yours in Scouting,
    Joe Massimini
    Chief Logan camper,
    Eagle Scout, and
    Mountain Man canidate

    (posted on Jan 22,2002)

    I think that the camp in great physically, spiritually, and in every other way possible. CLR is the cleanest camp that I've ever been to, I think that the facialities are great! There is a large Trading post, & nice administration office/Health Lodge. But that's not why I go there. I go because CLR is a place where anyone can fit in and feel special. No one "slips through the crack" or is let to feel out of place. My first summer there I didn't want to get involved in anything because I didn't know anyone, but that didn't last past Monday afternoon!!! I love CLR!!!

    (posted on Jan 30,2002)

    Enough cannot be said about Chief Logan Scout Reservation. Scouting enthusiasm and the spirit of friendship are absolutely infectious in that valley in Southeast Ohio. A week with the Scouts, Scouters, and Staff who frequent the camp will serve as evidence for my claim. The open and flexible program allows boys to take initiative in planning their own schedule, maximizing both accomplishment and fun. A great camp spirit program (the Frontiersman program) emphasizes exactly what is important about Scouting (Respect the out of doors, Be self-reliant, and Keep your word). A re-vamped first class emphasis program gives younger guys the structure and motivation that they may need, while still allowing them to earn those cool merit badges that the older guys do and swim, shoot, or play as they want. The Staff is incredible. I was the Program Director last summer, and I was a camper from ages 11 to 16 (from then on I worked on staff). Visit Chief Logan Reservation. Dave Mays, Program Director '01, University of Pittsburgh class of '02, Eagle Scout '95

    (posted on Jan 30,2002)

    I have, in one way or another, been going to Chief Logan since my brothers were in scouts during the late 60's and early 70s. I was renewed in the early 80s as my son began going as a Cub Scout. I have never left, even though I have moved out of state. This camp has added to my family and my memories. I can not come up with a favoriate memory, because this magical place creates a special one each time I am there. If you ever want to get back to what Lord Powell had in mind, not an air conditioned, structured, and text book experience, then you need to spend a week with your yet to be met new best friends at CLR.

    (posted on Feb 1,2002)

    Chief Logan Reservation is the most unique place in Scouting. You will not find a more dedicated and caring staff. They are passionate about befriending every single Scout and Leader. Summer Camp is all about the people and chief Logan certainly has the best people who give everything they got for the Campers and Leaders.

    Their CIT (Counselor In Training) program is one of a kind. If you have a boy wanting to be a staff member at ANY camp, he NEEDS to be a part of this first class program. This is the best training any Scout could recieve

    Brownsea Island is what you would get when you cross a Scoutcraft area with Disneyworld. There are a lot of cool programs to help young boys build their fundimental skills and older boys and adults to sharpen their skills and show off a little.

    The Frontiersman - AAAAARRRGGHH!! is an unreal activity and tradition at CLR for older boys and adults. You get an opportunity to use your Scouting expertise to live like a Pioneer, Trapper, or Mountainman from 200 years ago. It is a brotherhood activity and an unreal experience.

    The overall tone of this camp is one that can not be duplicated anywhere. The Friday night campfire will put chills up your spine and a little tear in your eye. Of all the camps I have visitied and been involved with, Chief Logan is one that holds a place in your heart. Ask anyone who has spent a week there and they will tell you the same.

    Bill Lawrence
    Greenville SC

    WARNING: Once you go there, you will never want to go anywhere else. You would want to see all of the friends you made.

    (posted on Feb 6,2002)

    I wanted to share a couple other things. See, there is this magic and a bond that those from CLR share....and seeing Bill Lawrence post his message on here reminded me of these examples.

    So before camp in '99 Jason Knepp and I take off for National Camp School in Shepherdsville KY. We finally get there and we pull in to the parking lot beside the dining hall where they are holding registration. Jason and I no more get out of the car with our Class A's, our Frontiersmen Claws and our CLR "Friends" Buttons on, and someone shouts out very loudly something like, "HEY!!!!!!!! Those two are from Chief Logan!!!!!!!!" It was Bill Lawrence sharing the spirit that he knew would be well-received! Jason and I had never met Bill before, but because he saw our pins and our claws, he knew we were all from the same awesome place. We became quick friends and had a wonderful week together! As is one of our traditions, I immediately gave him a new "Friends" pin.

    Another awesome tradition we share is taking a bottle of SKI with us to various places. Many of us have traveled out of state or to other countries and taken a bottle of SKI and placed it in great locations. Many of us have documented these trips with photos to share. I took a bottle with me to Germany a couple years ago. I had made arrangements before I left to visit troops and council offices while there and treasure my SKI photos. A few of us have sent SKI to old camp friends, or even better dropped some off at surprise visits to homes, work or dorms. One former CLR camp director winsfirst place however when he traveled to China about a year ago. He set some SKI on the doorstep of an unsuspecting former staff member and simply rang the doorbell. The feeling that former staff member must have felt in that one moment 100% exemplifies what our camp and our friendship is all about. Can you imagine? Thank you Bill for reigniting those memories for me!!!

    Mountainman Funk

    (posted on Feb 8,2002)

    As an adult scouter, I cannot say enough about Chief Logan. True the facilities are not 5 star, but it is the staff members that make it magical place. I have watched staff take scouts under their wings and teach and nurture these boys, it is incredible to watch. I first went in '97 as an asst campmaster for our troop, the following year I volunteered to be the campmaster for summer camp and haven't missed a summer since, that is how infectious it is. I became involved in the Frontiersman program in '98, I have learned so much about myself because of this program, and made friends that I will have a lifetime.
    My son who is a Life Scout spent his first week at Chief Logan in 1997 as an 11 year old scout, this summer he have the honor of being on staff and will part of the magic that is Chief Logan Reservation and I could not be prouder of him.
    If you are looking for a summer camp experience for your troop, that has something for everyone (including the adults) this is definitely the place you need to go.
    Don Salyer
    Asst. Scoutmaster

    (posted on Feb 17,2002)

    When I think of scout camp, Chief Logan immediately comes to mind. This camp embodies many of the best facets of the scouting program. Having taken my son there since 2001 and staying with our troop since 2002, I have observed the excellent response of our scouts to the "open" program offered every summer. This allows each scout to choose his own goals and complete them on an individually motivated basis. There is also an excellent program for younger scouts, providing them direction in completing their basic requirements. (Many of our scouts have actually been able to complete Tenderfoot & 2nd class requirements in camp using this program.) The environment is decidedly rustic, with a beautifully treed camp surrounded by hills. The camp supplied tents are of the classic canvas type and may well be as old as many of the adult leaders. The scouts love them and they've become part of the ritual camp experience. As many of the other comments have noted, the "Friends Forever" theme runs throughout camp, from the initial greetings to sing alongs at each meal, and very well orchestrated campfire programs. The OA and camp closing ceremonies have been particularly outstanding. While there are no doubt more plush camps, I can conceive of none in which the scouts experience more of the pure BSA experience as it was intended. The boys have responded well to this, as illustrated by our many returning scouts year after year. I would wholeheartedly recommend Camp Chief Logan to any troop in search of a friendly, well organized and diversified camping experience.

    Eric Kirschner
    Asst. Scoutmaster
    Troop 299
    Dublin, Ohio

    (posted on Jun 3,2003)

    I love Chief Logan so much. once you experience the magic of one week there, you will never want to go anywhere else. The staff is there because they love what the camp is all about. the friends i have made there are my best friends in the world. GIve it a try, you will never regret it. Friends are Friends Forever...

    (posted on Jul 20,2003)

    Well it's like this,If ya like summer camp,good.If you want to love your summer camp expeirence come to Camp Chief Logan.I remember the first year about 7:00P.M. Sunday night I thought,this is going to be a long week.By Taps that same night my ASM and I were trying to figure out how to get out of work the following week so we could stay for 2 weeks.
    To find out the true meaning of "Friendship" in Scouting and life you must go to Chief logan for summer camp.The staff are all top shelf stuff.They are TRUE Scouters.They love what their doing and who their doing it for.
    If you do end up at Chief Logan and ya see Troop 168's flag stop in and say "HI" we'd love ta have ya.Cub,Josh,Andy,Seth we love you guys!

    Thadd Howell
    Scoutmaster Troop 168 "Dog Soldiers"

    (posted on Apr 5,2004)

    This will be my 5th year of CLR summer camp and I really enjoy it.. I love hanging out with Toast,Robert Orr, and Grant and other's! I mean I got a lot of friends and most of you folks might know me or heard of me, I'm the Ear Boy who warn Hearing aids at camp and I always Squeak them!! i got friends and unknown ppl coming up to me and asking me to do my Ear trick, which my name is Andy but I would be glad to leave my infomation out so if you would to contact me at please feel free to.. if you have Aol or Aim My screenname is Athleticandy88....SUMMER CAMP OF CHIEF LOGAN ROCKS 2000,2001,2002,2003,*2004* & always will..

    (posted on May 22,2004)

    Chief Logan Reservation has started a new season and already the staff is hard at work preparing for the campers of the 2004 season by getting campsites set up, Scoutmaster tents and beds out as well as getting the latrines clean and smelling nice??? They have gone through the first night of training and why you came to Chief Logan Reservation.....of course the number one answer was not the pay, but was the hope to take one Scout and to show them the magic of CLR Friendship. The staff works into the wee hours of the morning to wake up early, put on a smile and head to friendship circle where some of the most hilarious skits,songs,stunts, are preformed!! Most every one who has written about CLR has mentioned its magic. What is the magic of CLR?? Why does the camp staff have this magic?? Want to know the real secret??? Just spend a week at Chief Logan Reservation and you will know what this means and you won't be sorry because it is the most friendliest camp in the country!! You won't want to go elsewhere.

    (posted on Jun 14,2004)

    I would just like to say that as a first year staffer, it is hard to get up and do some of the things we do. but as tired as i am i love walking into the dining hall or friendship circle and seeing campers who were quiet and reserved on sunday night campfire going nuts and belting out an awesome rendition of "cheese" or the bluejay song. i have to say that i love working with the people here and i hope to play a major part in its history for many years!
    Grant Beeman
    Nature staffer

    (posted on Jul 30,2004)

    I sent my 2 sons to Chief Logan from Warner Robins, Ga. My boys usually go to 3 scout camps in the summer, so they have plenty of camps to compare Chief Logan to. They absolutely LOVED Chief Logan. The first day they were calling home complaining big time about not having decks under their tents and I thought oh no I have chosen a bad camp and they are going to be miserable all week. Boy was that further from the truth. They can not stop talking about how much fun they had at this camp. My oldest (13) can not talk about leaving without choking up. They never want to go to a different camp again. I want to thank all of the staff and scouts who befriended my children and I hope they will be able to come back next year. They are trying to talk the scoutmaster into bringing the whole troop next year. If there is any way possible that I could get a copy of the slide show I would love to have it.
    Thanks again!
    Pam Young
    (mother of the cool kids from Georgia- as they were nick named that week

    (posted on Aug 5,2004)

    Hey Pam Young.... The person who posted the message above about her two kids coming to CLR (in Ohio) from Georgia... I volunteered at CLR this summer and can help you with getting a copy of the slide show. My name is Dave and my email address is Most of the slides and pictures for the past 20 years are archived and stored with my friend who is also a CLR staff alumni. Please visit and sign the guestbook and let us know when your sons were at camp this summer and we'll do our best to hook ya up. Thanks for the awesome comment. But in my mind, there are no words to describe the life changing experiences that CLR dishes out every summer. Thanks Ya'll.

    (posted on Sep 20,2004)

    So there are a ton of comments that are right on about the greatness of CLR. But here is a story from last summer. A troop came to CLR for the first time and some of the scoutmasters were not the happiest with the program, but that was due to not understanding the purpose of an open program. The great testimony of CLR is that two of their older scouts returned to finish the summer as dining hall staff. Those boys returned because they wanted to help out CLR. A couple other facts of the two camps in Simon Kenton Council CLR has most of its returning troop base from outside of council and all of our programs encourage the scouts to come and work. So come visit CLR and discover what new experiences exist in Southeast OHIO.

    (posted on May 26,2007)

    CLR was the first council camp our boys have spent a full summer camp. It was a great time and the staff was very helpfull with any problems that have might have came up. The open program is not the standard patrol fashion but it allows the boys to work both on their own and with their Patrol. We as a troop will be returning to summer camp at CLR in 2008

    (posted on Jul 28,2007)

    I went to Camp Hugh Taylor Birch my first summer and then went to Chief Logan. I've never gone back nor have I wanted to. Chief Logans staff are very involved and take time to actually help you learn the skills for merit badges or skill that you just want to learn.

    (posted on Aug 14,2007)

    CLR is building a new dining hall that should be open by summer camp 2008. Although I personnaly like the existing dining hall (old school, lots of character) the new dining hall will be better able to serve the campers. Great staff and great camp.

    (posted on Sep 16,2007)

    As a former staff member, I have to agree with many of the comments above. The magic really is undescribable. There are no friends like your friends from Chief Logan. The staff here is the most dedicated there is and definitely the most caring and friendly. It is the only camp of its type. Nothing can compare.

    (posted on Jul 31,2010)

    as a boy scout i have gone to many camps but this is by far the best one i have ever gone to! and i sugest to go to this camp for the best camping experince!

    (posted on Dec 18,2010)

    I think this will be my son's last year at Chief Logan. While the staffers are very nice, the facilties are very sub-par especially considering the cost of summer camp. I think next year, my son and I will be heading to Broad Creek Reservation or Camp Tuckahoe.

    Mike Wills
    Asst Scoutmaster
    Troop 72

    (posted on Jul 18,2011)

    To address the comment from Mr. Willis. The Facilities at Chief Logan Reservation have steadily improved over the last several years. Starting in 2005, The Chapel was Painted/reroofed and all the benches were replaced.In 2006 A new "Sewer" system was installed, in 2007 The new Dining Hall was started and was completed for the 2008 camping season. The old dining Hall held 225 inside. The new one holds 400+. in 2009/2010 the Waterfront Changehouse was gutted and remodeled. In 2010 The Camp recieved an "iceburg" for the Waterfront area. In 2011, a new Council ring was completed. For 2012, we have a Brand new 42ft Climbing/Repelling Tower with a 400ft Zip line with a monkey bridge. The Waterfront Entrance/Building area has been rebuilt. During this time, the staff has continued to be one of the best staffs around. While we may not have the newest facilities (YET). We are closing the Gap. There has been Huge amounts of money spent thus far to improve the facilities and I'm sure there will be alot more as the years go by. And of course the Best Part of CLR is the outstanding and Dedicated staff. Most of which are the Rank of Eagle. Year in and Year out the Staff always put the Campers first and many continue friendships after camp. Many of the staff Area Directors are recognized for their skills and attitude and are are often asked to serve on National Camp School Staffs. If you would like information on Chief Logan Reservation, please feel free contact myself or the Simon Kenton Council

    Brian "Radar" Dalton
    "Volunteer and CLR Staff Alumni member"

    Simon Kenton Council

    (posted on Jul 2,2012)

    There are no words to describe the magic behind CLR. The facilities may not be the best (though improving), but the camp staff makes up for it 100 times over. A CLR staffer will NEVER turn a scout away, and will ALWAYS keep a positive attitude that will make you want to come back. There is a large staff of around 50-60 at this time, and every single one of them wish to give scouts the best summer of their lives! The camp has multiple open program areas including waterfront, Nature, Handicraft, Brown Sea Island (scout craft), C.O.P.E., Climbing tower, and shooting sports. Each area has dedicated and knowledgeable staffers. I'm not sure what else to say than, Chief Logan Reservation truly is the friendliest camp in the nation!

    (posted on Jun 18,2013)

    Aside from the official council website there is additional information at:

    (posted on Dec 30,2013)

    Chief Logan Reservation is the best camp in Simon Kenton Council. Period. Unlike the lazy scout who posted their comment on August 14 2007 ( what is wrong with you), I think Chief Logan is the best place to go to earn merit badges. They are quick and efficient, but they also make sure you know what you're doing. Not to mention the Frontiersman Program, in which I had one of the best experiences of my life. Everyone is lively, the campsites are clean, and it is, overall, amazing.

    (posted on Feb 11,2020)

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