Information for Camp Lazarus (Scout-owned)

Camp address Contact Information
4422 Columbus Pike
Delaware, OH 43015

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Simon Kenton Council
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    Comments for Camp Lazarus

    Camp Lazarus is the home of the council's Cub Scout summer resident and day camp and is located in Delaware County off State Route 23, approximately 9 miles north of Columbus, Ohio. The camp features easy access to Columbus and Delaware, cabins, a large amphitheater and accessibility for the physically challenged. Other features of the camp are a pool, small boating lake and a small fishing pond. Facilities available at Camp Lazarus are: dining hall, training center, ranger residence, maintenance sheds, 6 scoutmaster cabins, shower house, 4 program buildings, director's cabin and 5 program shelters.

    (posted on Apr 1,2000)

    I found the week long web II camp experience bizarre. The scout leaders were exceptionally enthusiastic, to their credit, but I thought the unending shouting and screaming of chants at all meal times was excessive and misguided. One of the songs about a torn up little froggy and blood on the ground was inappropriate (I couldn't possibly make up something this weird). The camp sites were flat, plentiful, easy to pitch a tent. The programs were mostly on time. The food very basic but plentiful. Activities were varied - BB guns, bow-arrow, fishing, boating, crafts. The boating pond is a little puddle but on the upside no one could possibly get in trouble without great effort. Many of the fishing poles did not work properly. You might consider bringing your own if it matters to you.

    (posted on Jul 30,2004)

    Camp Lazarus is starting to look "run down". A little paint, TLC, etc. would go a long way in helping to improve the appearance of the buildings, outhouses, etc. Also, regular mowing of the grass and weeds would help when family camps take place in the Spring. There is a really nice store in the front of the camp where you can purchase scout items. There is also running water and flushing toilets in the camp store too.

    (posted on Nov 10,2008)

    very run down last few day camps and webelos camps i have been to have been planed terribly would not recommend going to day camp and or staff ran events

    (posted on Dec 15,2009)

    (If you have questions about this camp, don't ask them here! Comments simply get added to this page. If you need a human response, use the contact information above to address your question to the appropriate folks).

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