Information for Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium (Other)

Camp address Contact Information
3701 S 10th Street
Omaha, NE 68107

Forecast for this area (at

  • (402) 738-2092
  • Contact email
  • Website

  • Map using camp address
    (sometimes accurate)
    Map using coordinates:
    (always accurate)
    Mapquest™ Road map
    Suremaps™ Topo map
    No lat/lon coordinates in database...but
    here's how to add them!

    Comments for Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium

    What better way to work toward a badge than to go on an adventure at the Zoo? Join us on a quest to answer questions like: How does the Ocean affect weather and climate? How do animals adapt to habitat loss? And what can we do the help the environment? Scout classes are two hours long and can be booked on Saturday or Sunday at 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. with a minimum of five people. Classes are geared toward meeting badge requirements while engaging students in hands-on learning.

    (posted on Aug 6,2019)

    (If you have questions about this camp, don't ask them here! Comments simply get added to this page. If you need a human response, use the contact information above to address your question to the appropriate folks).

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    If you include your own email address, it will be stored (along with the comment) in a temporary file. Your email address will be deleted after the comment is approved by a site administrator.

    If the administrator has questions about what you wrote, the email address can be used to contact you. We do not keep, sell, or give away your email address to anyone. Once again, we delete your email address at the same time we add the comment.

    If you have questions or comments about this camp database, or wish to submit a correction or request, please email the Camp Database Administrator

    NOTE! The above is not a contact email for information about Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium . This is the email for the volunteer who runs the camp database.