Information for Camp Pupukea - Island of Oahu (Scout-owned)

Camp address Contact Information
59-780 Pupukea Road
Haleiwa, HI 96712

Forecast for this area (at
Aloha Council
  • Council contact information
  • Website

  • Map using camp address
    (sometimes accurate)
    Map using coordinates:
    (always accurate)
    Mapquest™ Road map
    Suremaps™ Topo map
    No lat/lon coordinates in database...but
    here's how to add them!

    Comments for Camp Pupukea - Island of Oahu

    Visiting Hawaii and attending Boy Scout resident camp can be a momorable adventure for mainland Scouts and leaders. Visiting troops may prefer to take advantage of an extended program plan. Use the camp as a home base and spend the extra days enjoying the beach and touring Oahu. Some troops visit the neighbor islands while enroute to and from the camp.

    (posted on Sep 21,2001)

    get nicer bathrooms cus there are disgusting

    (posted on Jun 14,2004)

    nice place but disgusting bulidings

    (posted on Sep 20,2004)

    Nice camp and summer staff memebers. You'll have fun working on the merit badges with the staff. Fun activites, just the rest-rooms are not the pleasant.

    (posted on Aug 26,2005)

    The Aloha Council is beginning a major capital campaign to upgrade Camp Pupukea. One of the targeted items is a total replacement of the latrines. They do not meet the Federal Clean Water Act. Plans and options under development. Currently, the Council leases Port-A-Potties for the summer camp period.

    (posted on Jul 30,2006)

    (If you have questions about this camp, don't ask them here! Comments simply get added to this page. If you need a human response, use the contact information above to address your question to the appropriate folks).

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    NOTE! The above is not a contact email for information about Camp Pupukea - Island of Oahu. This is the email for the volunteer who runs the camp database.