Sculpture Merit Badge Pamphlet Sculpture Merit Badge  


Requirements were REVISED effective January 1, 2008
(New pamphlet issued after release of Boy Scout Requirements 2007)
Scouts may continue to use the PREVIOUS requirements if they start the badge during 2007.

New text is in bold GREEN underlined Serif text like this sentence.
Deleted portions are struck through RED italic text like this sentence.

To see the requirements, without the changes highlighted, Click here.

For the previous requirements, Click here.

  1. Explain to your counselor the precautions that must be followed for the safe use and operation of a sculptor's tools, equipment, and other materials.
  2. Do TWO of the following:
    1. Model in clay a life-sized human head. Then sculpt in modeling clay (such as Plastine or Sculpey) or carve/rasp in wood or soft stone a small-scale model of an animal or person. Explain to your counselor the method and tools you used to sculpt the figure.
    2. Sculpt in modeling clay (such as plasteline or Sculpey) or carve/rasp in wood or soft stone a small scale model of an animal or person.
      Explain to your counselor the method and tools you used to sculpt the figure.
      Make a plaster mold of a fruit or vegetable. In this mold make a copy of the fruit or vegetable. Explain to your counselor the method and tools you used to make the copy.
    3. With your parent's permission and your counselor's approval, visit a museum, art exhibit, art gallery, artists' co-op, or artist's studio. After your visit, share with your counselor what you have learned. Discuss the importance of visual arts and how it strengthens social tolerance and helps stimulate cultural, intellectual, and personal development.
  3. Find out about career opportunities in sculpture. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Discuss this with your counselor, and explain why this profession might interest you.
    Do the following:
    1. Make a plaster mold of a fruit or vegetable.
    2. In this mold make a copy of the fruit or vegetable.
      Explain to your counselor the method and tools you used to sculpt the figure.

BSA Advancement ID#: 101
Requirements last updated in: 2008
Pamphlet Publication Number: 33322B
Pamphlet Revision Date: 2007 

Worksheets for use in working on these requirements: Format
Word Format PDF Format

Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements.

Page updated on: November 18, 2021

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