Volume 6 Issue 4
November 1999


Christmas Treasure Hunt
Great Sauk Trail Council

Each boy is provided with a small red Christmas stocking and is given a list of objects hidden around the room, which he is to find. No boy is allowed to pick up more than one of each of the objects hidden. Give a prize to the one who brings back the largest number of treasures in a set amount of time. Some of the things that may be on the list are unsharpened pencil, eraser, peanuts, lollipops, small toys, peppermint, etc.

What's On The Tree
Great Sauk Trail Council

A small portable Christmas tree should be trimmed ahead of time for this game. It should hold samples of the usual Christmas tree type ornaments (star, tinsel, and glass balls) as well as things one would never expect to see on a Christmas tree (nail, key, cork, etc.)

Players sit in a row or circle, each with paper and pencil. Leader of the game carries tree slowly down the row or around the circle, tells everyone to take a good look, and then goes quickly out with the tree. Boys list as many things as they can remember that they would not usually see on a Christmas tree.

Santa’s Reindeer Game
Circle 10 Council

Boys stand side by side on a line called the "North Pole". Another line at the end of the playing area is designated as "My House". Each boy selects the name of one of the reindeer for himself. One of the boys is selected as Santa Claus and he goes to the middle of the play area facing the reindeer, between the North Pole and My House. Santa calls the name of one of the reindeer, and all the reindeer with that name try to run to the line marked My House before they are tagged by Santa. All those tagged by Santa go to the center and help Santa tag the others. When all the reindeer names have been called, the last reindeer tagged is the new Santa.

Christmas Stocking Relay
Circle 10 Council

One red stocking for each team is hung. Each contestant is provided with a teaspoon and three large cotton balls. These cotton balls must be picked up off the floor with the spoon, carried to the stocking, and dropped into it. This is run as a relay, with each runner putting his cotton balls into his team’s stocking and returning to the next runner. The cotton balls must be put into the stocking without using hands.

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