Volume 6 Issue 4
November 1999


Collecting Postmarks
Viking Council

This will get the boys started with the Wolf achievement or Bear arrow on collections. Ask each boy to bring a self addressed, stamped Christmas card to the meeting. Put all their cards into a large envelope, write "Postmark Request" in the lower corner.

Mail the envelope to Postmaster, C/O the town listed below. Your letters will then be mailed from that town and the boys will have "Christmas" postmarks for their collection.

  • Bethelem, GA 30620
  • Mistletoe, KY 41351
  • Noel, MO 64854
  • Rudolph, WI 54475
  • Silver Bell, AZ 85270
  • Christmas, FL 32709
  • Nazareth, PA 18064
  • North Pole, AK 99706
  • Santa Claus, IN 47579
  • Wiseman, AR 72587

Shooting Stars Or Hanukkah Star
Circle 10 Council

Draw a 5-point star or a 6-point Star of David (about 3" across) on cardboard for a pattern. Then, draw a slightly smaller star pattern. Using two different colors of bright colored felt, cut a star out of each. Using 2 matching ribbons colors, cut three 8" strands of ribbon from each color. Make sure all ends are even, then staple across the top several times to hold them together. Lay the large star on the table and place the stapled ribbons together in the center of the star. Put glue on the back of the smaller star, turn it over and center it on the larger star. This will secure the ribbon strands. When the glue has dried, carefully poke a small hole in the top of the star and thread a short piece of ribbon through it for a hanging loop. You may add glitter, sequins, beads, or write Shalom or Peace on your star with fabric paints.
Star of David Photo Frame
Simon Kenton Council

Glue 3 Popsicle sticks together to form a triangle. Do the same with 3 additional Popsicle sticks. Glue one triangle upside down over the other to form a Star of David. Cut a photo to fit the center and glue in place.

All About Kwanza
Simon Kenton Council

Tell the boys that Kwanza was started by an African-American man named Dr. Maulona in 1966. He thought it was important for African-American families to think about traditional African values during the holiday season. Explain that Kwanza lasts from December 26 through January 1. Families sometimes give each other gifts each day during Kwanza. These gifts are homemade food or simple thing to make others happy. Families who celebrate Kwanza light candles each night, sing songs, and tell stories. Families think and talk about the seven values during Kwanza. These values are: unity, self-determination, cooperation, sharing, creativity, purpose, and faith. Discuss with the boys what each of these values means. Ask boys to tell why they think these values are important. Green, black, and red are the traditional colors of Kwanza. Display the words where they can be seen ask, boys to draw pictures and write or dictate a few sentences about how they might practice one of these values.

Circle 10 Council

If you are having a Kwanza celebration in your home, make a list of all the people you wish to invite. Look through magazines for examples of African fabric and designs (Corel Gallery Magic clipart has a large selection as well). You can follow these designs for your invitations and other decorations. Look around your home for a special cup that you can use for the Unity Cup. Start gathering dried vegetables and fruits to make up the mazao, which represent the crops of harvest, or the many good things in our lives. Make Kwanzaa decorations; the colors of Kwanzaa are red, black and green. Begin thinking of Kwanzaa gifts you can make. Remember that Kwanzaa gifts are not meant to cost a lot of money. Instead, the gifts are meant to celebrate the spirit of kuumba, or creativity.

Other Kwanzaa Activities Circle 10 Council

  • Take out the old photograph album and tell your children about their ancestors. ¨
  • Show some movies about the country and people of your family's origin. ¨
  • Take the children to the library and have an "Africa" scavenger hunt for information about Africa. ¨
  • Create a family tree.

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