Volume 6 Issue 2
September 1999



Make Crystals You Can Eat
National Capital Area Council

If you've ever eaten rock candy or spooned sugar onto your morning cereal, then you've come face-to-face with crystals. Ice, table salt, glassware and sugar are just a few of the many substances made up of crystals. The best way for Webelos Scouts to learn how crystals are formed in nature is to perform an experiment to make crystals. Pour one cup of water into a small pan. Cover and bring it to a boil. Turn off the heat and add two cups of cane sugar. Stir until dissolved. Let cool. Pour sugar solution into a tall glass. Tie a piece of clean white string to a pencil or stick and place the stick across the glass so that the string hangs down into the liquid. Put the glass in a cool place for a few days. In a short time, small crystals will form along the sides of the glass. Soon they will begin to cling to the string. After several days, large crystals, hard as a rock, will have formed around the string. Lift the string out of the glass and taste some delicious homemade rock candy.

Unlike living things, crystals grow by adding layer upon layer of their own substance to the exterior surface. In growing, tiny atoms in a crystal naturally arrange themselves in planes or flat surfaces.

Air Currents
Heart of America Council

Hang two apples about 1/2 inch apart. Blow between them - as hard as possible - you will discover that the force of breath alone won't blow them apart. Instead, it will cause the apples to bump together.

2. Take a small wad of paper (paper should be a little over 1 inch square), and put it about 1 inch inside the neck of an empty soda bottle: Now lay the soda bottle on its side and blow into the bottle. You would think that the paper would be blown into the bottle, but will come flying out.

3. Get an ordinary kitchen funnel and blow into it while holding a lighted match opposite the center of the funnel. Your breath will blow the flame toward the funnel instead of blowing it out or away from you.

4. Line up three glasses. Hold your mouth about 2 inches in front of the first glass and a lighted match behind the last glass (about 2 inches from it). When you blow you will be able to blow the match out.

Heart of America Council

  • Pop bottle (1 for each player)
  • Balloon (1 for each player)
  • Vinegar
  • Baking Soda

Into each pop bottle put three tablespoons of vinegar, and into each balloon put two tablespoons of baking soda. At the word go, have each boy put his balloon on his pop bottle. When the soda mixes with the vinegar the balloon will expand. Have the boys tie off the balloons to see which is the largest. (Suggestion: Do this outside)

Istrouma Council

  • What you will need
  • A glass jar with a wide mouth
  • (2 1/2 -- 3 inches across)
  • Acrylic paints & brush
  • A 14 inch balloon
  • A piece of string ~ 12 in. long
  • A plastic drinking straw
  • Tape, scissors, and markers
  • An 8 in x 12 in piece of -posterboard

¨ With a brush and paint, decorate your jar with designs. Let it dry.

¨ Cut off the narrow end of the balloon. Stretch the balloon over the mouth of the jar. Pull it tight so that no bumps remain.

¨ Wrap the string around the mouth of the jar, over the balloon, and tie the string to hold the balloon in place.

¨ Cut both ends of the straw at angles. Tape one end of the straw flat against the center of the balloon.

¨ Fold the posterboard in thirds, and tape it into a triangular column. Stand the posterboard column next to, but not touching, the tip of the straw. Make a small mark where the tip is pointing.

¨ After a few hours, check the barometer. If the tip is pointing higher or lower than before, mark the new spot. Check the weather and draw a symbol to indicate it (Small sun, cloud, and raindrops). Continue to check the weather for a few days--or longer, if the weather is the same. If the tip changes position, mark it! Soon you will notice that when the tip is on its way up, a certain type of weather follows. Same for when the tip goes down. Use your barometer to predict the weather.

How A Barometer Works

Air is made up of tiny particles called molecules. There is air inside the jar, held in by the balloon. No air can escape; no air can get in. The molecules of air press against the sides of the jar and the surface of the balloon.

There is also air outside the jar, and these molecules press against the jar and the balloon also. When the pressure outside the jar is more than the pressure inside the jar. The air outside the jar presses hard enough to push in the balloon. This causes the straw to tilt upward.

When the pressure inside the jar is greater than the pressure outside the jar, the balloon bulges out. This causes the straw to tilt down. Watch to see the weather associated with high barometric pressure (straw tilts up) and low barometric pressure (straw tilts down).

Skit Auntie Beans sent this to Scouts-L. Webelos could use these as run-ons or even do a Carnac type scenario.

Useful Metric Conversions

  • 1 million microphones = 1 megaphone
  • 1 million bicycles = 2 megacycles
  • 2000 mockingbirds = two kilomockingbirds
  • 10 cards = 1 decacards
  • 1/2 lavatory = 1 demijohn
  • 1 millionth of a fish = 1 microfiche
  • 453.6 graham crackers = 1 pound cake
  • 10 rations = 1 decoration
  • 10 millipedes = 1 centipede
  • 3 1/3 tridents = 1 decadent
  • 10 monologs = 5 dialogues
  • 2 monograms = 1 diagram
  • 8 nickels = 2 paradigms
  • 2 baby sitters = 1 gramma grampa
  • Submitted by: Whattadeal @ aol.com

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