Volume 6 Issue 2
September 1999


Family Entertainment-Big Idea #2
Circle Ten Council

Materials needed:
  • a narrow neck bottle with tight fitting cork stopper
  • baking soda
  • vinegar
  • piece of paper towel
  • Vaseline

1. Pour 1/3 cup vinegar into the bottle.

2. Place 1 teaspoon baking soda on a small square of paper towel.

Roll the edges of the paper around the baking soda to make a package small enough to fit through the opening of the bottle. Twist the bottom end of the paper as shown below.

3. Rub Vaseline on the cork stopper.

4. Drop the baking soda package, twisted end first, into the bottle and quickly place the cork firmly in the bottle.

5. With the cork aimed away from you and other people, shake the bottle until the baking soda is released from the package.


  • Materials needed:
  • lid from a case of copy paper
  • 6 rubber jar rings
  • 9 wooden round-headed clothespins

Cut 9 pairs of slits in a cardboard box cover so a clothespin will stand firmly in each pair of slits. Using a crayon or a felt tip marker, mark the base of each clothespin with a number from 1 to 9. To play the game, establish a line 6’ or more away and try to throw rubber jar rings over the clothespins. Add up the scores to determine the winner.

In addition to Tiger Cub theme crafts and suggestions from the Big Ideas, you can build some of your family entertainment around the month, season, or time of year.


Decorate small pumpkins by drawing, painting, or gluing on facial features. With a variety of scrap materials on hand, the boys can use their imagination to add hair made from Spanish moss or cotton, bend soft wire into eyeglasses, or create hats made of felt.


Make turkeys starting with bodies made of brown lunch bags stuffed with paper for body. Construction paper heads, tail feathers and wings with lots of colored markers make each turkey a treasure.


Go caroling. Make holiday decorations. Attend a community Christmas parade. Visit older citizens with candy canes or homemade cards.


Visit a special indoor event such as a museum, a puppet show or storytelling hour (check with your local library), or a concert.


Make homemade valentines for family members or teachers.


Make kites and then have a family trip to a neighborhood park to fly them. How about a picnic?


Decorate eggs for Easter. To make a confetti egg, first wipe a raw egg with a 1 to 10 mix of chlorine bleach and water and let it dry. Using an awl, poke a small hole in each end of the egg. Hold the egg over a bowl, blow through one hole and the egg should drip out of the other end. If needed, the bottom hole can be enlarged. After all the egg has been removed, carefully rinse the empty shell in the chlorine bleach and water solution. When thoroughly dry, fill the shell with confetti and glue small pieces of white tissue paper over holes. What now? Confetti egg tag!

Planning Checklist
Great Sauk Trail Council

Contact each place, prior to visit, make appointment. Tell them that you want to bring a group of Tiger Scouts and don't forget to tell them their age. Find out what the cost is. Sometimes if you wear a uniform, they let you in at a discount or free. Every Tiger needs an adult partner. Remember health forms on everybody - make copies so there is a set in every car that is traveling in the carpool. Follow good behavior. Remember to say Thank you and write a note. Take your first aid Tiger kit. Have fun!

There are numerous places that your group will want to go throughout the year. Transportation safety is important for the group activities whether near home or far away. BSA has a transportation policy that includes some of the following guidelines. Driver of motor vehicles must be licensed driver 21 years of age. Passengers cars, vans, station wagon may be used. All boys and adults MUST wear a seat belt. Passengers may not ride in the back of a station wagon. Trucks may NOT be used for transporting scouts. Another good idea to follow is to ask the parent that is coordinating the activity to make a dry run before the group attends to make sure that the plans of the group are flexible, accurate and workable.

Nature Hike
Circle 10 Council

A nature hike at a local park or nature center is a wonderful reason to move a meeting out of doors.


Before going on your hike, make up a list of nature items appropriate for the season and give each Tiger Cub team a copy of the list along with a paper sack for collected items. Rules:

Do not take leaves or anything growing on bushes or trees. Look for the items on the ground, pick them up, and put them in your sack. As you find each item, cross it off your list. you find it.
  • oak leaf pine needle
  • acorn pine cone
  • shell rock
  • feather piece of litter

Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that USSSP, Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

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