Volume 6 Issue 2
September 1999

The Rush Is On
York Adams Council

Narrator: It was 150 years ago, when the first big Gold Rush happened. A man by the name of James Marshall was checking to make sure that some carpentry work he had done had survived weekend storm. What he found at the bottom of the sluice when he found the first gold at Sutter's Mill. That was the start. Now, 150 years later, the Gold Rush continues. But this time, it's the Blue and Gold Rush!

Cub Scouting continues to grow in the United States. And why? For the same reason that the population of San Francisco exploded in 1849—people know a good thing when they see one and they want to get a piece of the action.

And Cub Scouting is just that! It's action! Cub Scouting provides boys the chance to grow in a healthy, fun environment. It offers the opportunity to explore, to discover, and to grow. So join me now as we get this Gold Rush under way. Would the color guard please present the colors? Please join in saluting the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Campfire Lighting/Opening National Capital Area Council
(This can be used at a real campfire or inside with an artificial fire)

1st Cub: (as fire is lighted) The early cavemen used fire to protect themselves from wild beasts and to warm their bodies.

2nd Cub: In ancient times, the Phoenicians used fire on mountain tops or high pillars as beacons for their ships.

3rd Cub: The American Indian used fires to hollow logs for their canoes, to fire pottery and for ceremonies.

4th Cub: The pioneer used fire to forge rims for his wagon wheels. The silhouette of a village smithy against his fire was a common sight in early America.

5th Cub: Prospectors of the old west sat around the campfire with a pot of coffee and beans. They would share their stories and dreams of striking it rich in the hills of California.

6th Cub: Fire today makes the wheels of industry run. You could say fire has put men on the moon.

7th Cub: Fire is the universal symbol of Scout camping. The fellowship around the campfire is one of the most lasting memories in the life of a Scout. In a short time, our Webelos Scouts will have an opportunity to participate in a Scout campfire. All Cub Scouts have this to look forward to. If every Scout troop in the world had a campfire such as this tonight, the glow would light the world with a new hope for mankind.

Witches Brew
Heart of America Council

Personnel: 3 den leaders and Cubmaster

Equipment: Black witches kettle, a long stick for a ladle, witches costumes, sheet, ingredients for witches brew as listed below (may be pictures or colored paper)

Setting: Black kettle in middle of stage with one witch stirring it with the ladle while the other witches add ingredients as the following poem is recited by the witch stirring pot.

Take one dark night, without a star;
Add one thin cat, as black as tar;
Turn on a wind, to shriek and moan;
Stir in a ghost, with wail and moan.
Stuff three pumpkins with witches' bane,
Top with a slice of moon on the wane;
Flavor with bats, and things unseen;
Boil and serve chilled. It's Halloween!
There are queer things you may meet,
On Halloween upon our street,
Witches, goblins, spooks you dread,
Silent ghosts without a head,
Don't be frightened, for you see,
Underneath are friends like me!
(At this time the Cubmaster pulls off the sheet and welcomes the group.)

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