Volume 6 Issue 2
September 1999


Going Down in History
Great Sauk Trail Council

History-"Way back then" (Hold up both index fingers pointing different ways)

Scout-"Be prepared" (Give Scout Sign)

Cub Scout-"Do Your Best" (Give Cub Scout sign)

Hike or Hiking "Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Camp or Camping-"I Think I Hear a Bear!"

This is a story that you won't find in a History book, but it will bring back memories to many of you who have had a similar experience. The story is about a Cub Scout named Johnny, and his first experience with hiking and camping. This is how it all started. It was approaching the birthday of Scouting which is celebrated in February every year, and Johnny's Cub Scout Den Leader had read to the boys a story about the History of Scouting and how it got started.

Johnny could hardly wait until he was old enough to be a Scout, so he asked his mother if he could plan a day of Hiking around the neighborhood and park, and also a night of camping in their backyard with some of his friends. Mom consented, so Johnny Cub Scout called his friends and they planned it for the next weekend. When the day arrived, Johnny was so proud of himself. He thought he would someday be a Scout who would go down in History, because he was so well prepared. At least, he thought he was prepared when the day began. The Cub Scout went out to the tent to get the lunches, when he was shocked to find the paperbags and torn paper scattered all over the back yard. Looking around they yard, Johnny saw his dog, Scampy, munching on the last bit of the sandwiches and looking very contented. "Oh boy," thought Johnny, "I thought I would make a well prepared Scout, but I wasn't prepared for this!"

After new lunches were made, the boys took their hike. It was a great success and Johnny Cub Scout felt sure that history had been made by the record time in which they had accomplished everything that day. But alas! When bedtime arrived, the tent slumped down in a heap because it had not been put up right, and the sleeping bags were muddy from Scampy's dirty feet, and the batteries in the flashlights were dead. Johnny Cub Scout hung his head and said, "Boy, have I got a lot to learn about the Scouts. Gosh, I sure hope today's events aren't recorded in history.

So Johnny learned in one day that he still needed to learn about being a Scout before he could perform in a manner which would make which would make him proud to go down in history. Later his Den Leader told him that this is what Cub Scouting is for, to teach boys to do their best and prepare them to become Scouts.

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