Volume 6 Issue 2
September 1999


Den Achievement Ceremony
(Heart of America Council)

This ceremony was written to be used with your den doodle or it can be adapted to use the Den Achievement Wall Chart.

Personnel: Den leader (DL), Assistant den leader (ADL), Den Chief (DC)

Equipment: Den doodle and doodles to be presented, or achievement chart and special marker.

Setting: Set up the den doodle in a convenient place in the meeting place where all can see it. Have boys stand facing the den doodle in a circle around it or in a semi-circle or line facing it. The doodle to be presented could be in the form of an object from the current monthly theme.

DL: We have a boy (or boys) today who is ready to add another achievement doodle to his string on the den doodle. He has been working hard and passed off another achievement in working toward his (Wolf/Bear) badge.

ADL: (Hands it to the boy as he comes forward and faces the other den members.) Congratulations (name), you're doing fine work on your achievements. Keep up the good work.

DL: Okay, fellas, while (name) is adding his doodle to his string on our den doodle, our Den Chief is going to lead us in our Den Achievement Pledge.

DC: (Have the pledge on a poster for the boys to read or teach the pledge ahead of time to be used at other achievement ceremonies.)

Let's all give the Cub Scout sign and repeat with me. We the boys of Den ,
Promise to do our best,
To keep working on our achievements,
And to make our den stand out from all the rest.

DL: Now that (name) has added his new achievement doodle to our den doodle, let's all give him big Hows. (Match the number of Hows to the number of achievement doodles added or number of boys adding doodles.)

This simple ceremony could be changed for variety and sometimes the boys could give their den yell in place of the achievement pledge, or an appropriate song.

Denner Installation
Heart of America Council

Select a denner by drawing straws, alphabetically, or by whatever arrangement is customary in your den. If you have both Wolves and Bears, you may want to let the Bears be first so they can achieve the section on being a leader. Install the denner and his assistant (if any) immediately.

Denner Installation #1
Heart of America Council

Personnel: Den leader (DL), Den Chief (DC)

Equipment: Table, large candle, matches

Setting: The den leader or the Den Chief leads the new Denner to a table with the large candle.

DC: (Name of boy) has been selected Denner of Den (number). It is your job to call roll call, bring refreshments, and help clean up after meetings this month. (Adjust to fit duties and time period in your den.) Will you accept this responsibility?

Denner: I will do my best.

Den Chief: I will light this candle to symbolize the on-going Spirit of Scouting. Cubs, let us join together in saying the Cub Scout Promise to show our support for Cub Scouting and our new Denner.

Denner Installation #2
Heart of America Council

Personnel: Den leader (DL), (DC) Den Chief

Equipment: Table, den diary (if desired), white candle in holder, denner cord

Setting: Den leader or Den Chief can perform installation. Assistant denner could be installed at the same time.

DL: (Name of boy), please step forward. (Lights candle) Before you burn the white candle which represents the Spirit of Cub Scouting. It takes a team to keep the spirit alive and to keep the candle burning. You have just been elected to be a member of that team. As Denner, (list the Denner's responsibilities). During the week, will you set a good example for the other members of our den, by being honest, fair, and showing true Cub Scout Spirit.

Denner: I do.

DC: I'm happy to present you with the denner cord which is to be worn on your left sleeve during your term of office. Wear it proudly and with honor. Congratulations!

The Lost Dutchman Mine Advancement Ceremony
National Capital Area Council

Props: Large appliance box made to look like an entrance to the Lost Dutchman Mine. Paint a sign over the entrance. Inside is the badges, wrapped in gold foil gift wrapped and taped with their names. The Cubmaster wears an old prospector's hat or prospector's costume to add to the atmosphere.

Cubmaster: Since our last pack meeting, several Cub Scouts have been working hard. They have been following the Bobcat Trail. They have hit pay dirt! Will the following Cubs and their parents please come forward?

(name the boys)

You have finally hit pay dirt. Will you go into the Lost Dutchman Mine and bring out your gold nuggets?

(One at a time, the Cubs go into the mine.)

Now, give the nugget to your parents. They will present the badge and pin it on you. Cubmaster: (After pinning is completed) That was real hard work. Now, demonstrate to the Pack that you are worthy of receiving this badge by leading the pack in the Cub Scout Promise.

(They do)

Congratulations, Bobcats!

(Boys and parents return to seats)

Cubmaster: Tonight, we have some members of our Pack who have completed all 12 achievements to earn the Wolf badge. Will the following boys and their parents please come up?

(Name the boys)

You boys have completed the Wolf Badge requirements and are ready to go into the Lost Dutchman Mine to get your pay dirt. Please do so. I am pleased to present this award to your parents because they were always by your side when you got discouraged. Congratulations. (Boys and parents return to seats)

(Use the same procedure for the Bear and Webelos badges)

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