Volume 6 Issue 1
August 1999


A Den's Leader's Discovery

Trapper Trails Council

I was sure they wouldn't ask me;

I knew I couldn't serve.

I didn't know the books or boys;

I didn't have the nerve.

Then my 9 year old said, "Mama,

Won't you take my den this year?

They can't find anybody else,

Though they've looked far and near"

I took my training and waited

for those unknown Cubs to come.

I shook and worried and fretted:

And hoped to protect my home.

They seemed to delight

In breaking every rule.

Then somehow or another each boy

Made a home within my heart.

The Promise and the Living Circle

Is a memory apart.

I found they weren't small devils

Overflowing in my cup,

It's just that an 8 year old needs horns

To hold his HALO up.

What Is A Boy

Greater St. Louis Area Council

A boy is what he does, he does what he can.

What he is going to be, he is now becoming.

He is going to sit right where you are sitting.

And when you are gone, he will attend to those things you think are important.

You may adopt all the policies you please, but how they are carried out depends on him.

Even if you make treaties and leagues, he will have to manage them.

He is going to sit at your desk in Congress and assume your place on the Supreme Court bench.

He will take over your churches, schools, universities and corporations.

He will assume control of your cities, states and nations.

All your books are going to be judged praised and condemned by him.

All your hopes for him and the faith of the nations and humanities are in his hands.


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