Volume 5 Issue 10
May 1999


Tiger Cubs
Big Idea #17 Cub Scouting Here We Come

Cub Scout Promise Plaque
North Florida Council

Using craft sticks, tongue depressors, have the boys write the Cub Scout Promise. Allow 10 - 15 sticks per boy as their writing will be large at this stage and may only be able to get on word on each stick. Using a nail or a drill, make small holes through the end of the sticks and connect them in the appropriate order with yarn or twine.

Den Flag
North Florida Council

The boys may want to create a new den flag for their new start in Cubs. They can also make a neckerchief slide for the wolf neckerchief they will need. For the den flag slide, use a small piece of wood, or construction paper. A craft stick can be used as a flagpole. The boys can decorate it with their den number. The slide can be made by a pipe cleaner, tightly looped to the back of the flag.

Cub Scout Neckerchief Slide
North Florida Council

The head is made from a small Styrofoam ball or wood bead. Paint a face on it. A hat can be painted on or made out of construction paper. Insert a pipe cleaner in the head to form the neck. Twist another pipe cleaner around it for arms. The uniform shirt can be made from blue felt. The neckerchief is yellow pipe cleaner or yarn twisted around the neck. Use another pipe cleaner looped tightly for the slide part. This is glued to the head.

Tiger Cub Graduation
Dimming Campfire
North Florida Council

Equipment: Electric campfire with dimmer switch that can be operated unseen by adults. Start the ceremony off with the "Fire" dim.

CM: Tonight we have gathered at the ceremonial campfire to hear an ancient tale. It was once believed that a campfire had magic. Of course it cooks our food, lights our way and wards off animals, but the magic of the Pack campfire is that it can light up our future! But only when we approach it after making a great accomplishment.

Will (read Tiger's names) and their partners please stand by their chairs? See how the fire burns only dimly when there are no advancing Tigers nearby? Now please come forward and join me at the fireside. See how it has begun to grow brighter now!

The fire tells us that you have completed all the requirements for your Tiger rank. You have worked hard to be worthy of this great honor, so the fire has given us a sign that you will continue to find great joy and success in Cub Scouting. You will soon be on your way to earning the next rank in Scouting. The fire tells us so! I present this Tiger Cub patch to your partner to present to you. Congratulations! I now dismiss you to your seat, and watch the fire as you leave its side.

Tiger Cub Graduation
North Florida Council

The Cubmaster calls the Tiger Cubs and their partners to the front.

CM: Tigers please repeat after me you Tiger Cub Promise. "I promise to love God, my family, and my country, and to learn about the world.

Tiger Cubs, we are very happy to welcome you and your parents into our pack. I'm sure that you learned much and had fun. I can promise that you'll have even more fun as Cub Scouts. As your first act as a new Cub Scout, I'm going to ask you to repeat after me the Cub Scout Promise and Law of the Pack.

(Have the boys repeat each line of the Promise and the Law after the Cubmaster)

I am proud to award your Tiger Cub patch for your new Cub Scout uniform. Will you share your den yell with the pack to honor this occasion.

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